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Reclaiming your soul, one fireball at a time.

<span class="bold">Risen 3: Titan Lords</span>, an epic open-world RPG about wresting your soul back from the forces of evil, is available now DRM-free on with a 50% launch discount.

Unchecked by the gods, the Titans were free to ravage the land, leaving humanity broken to lick its wounds, regroup, and launch a desperate attempt at retaliation. You awaken from a sleep of the dead, after a fateful encounter with a Shadow Lord has left your soul trapped in the Underworld. Claiming it back will prove a desperate race against time as the longer it stays separate from your body, the closer you get to becoming an unwitting minion of the Shadows.

Allying yourself with one of the opposing guilds has been a pinnacle of the series and in Risen 3 you must be particularly cautious when choosing sides as everyone has their own secret agenda and ulterior motives. But when politics and shady dealings fail, you can always rely on your glistening weapon or your blistering fireballs to bend the open-world to your will. Devastating magic, intense combat, and open exploration await you in the shadow of the Titan Lords.

Choose your path to greatness and reunite with your soul in <span class="bold">Risen 3: Titan Lords</span>, DRM-free on If you crave the extra adventures found in the game's DLCs, treat yourself to the <span class="bold">Complete Edition</span> now or opt to <span class="bold">upgrade</span> later.
The 50% launch discount will last until the end of our Weekend Promo on February 23, 7:59 AM GMT.
IAmSinistar: Cool, thanks! That would have been my guess, though I hope it's a bit more fluid to control than Gothic 1. :)
It's somewhat easier than Gothic. I really liked Risen, however I haven't yet had time to play 2 and 3.
It looks great (graphics remind me of Witcher 2, at least from what I can make out from a 4" screen) but from a little search i've just done, there are plenty of reviews that are addressing many of it's problems. I'll check them in detail later. Whatever the verdict will be, it's good to have another Deep Silver release here.
The only review on the game card bashes the game pretty hard, but I think I'll buy it anyway, if only to complete my GOG Risen collection. Even if I won't like it, I am sure I have bought even worse games before!
When this was first released, I decided to wait for this to appear here or resign myself to never playing. Awesome to see this on the front page when I checked today. Instabuy. Thanks GOG!
Awesome! Now I just need a new pc to run this :)
Is it moddable and if so how much?
Good to see the latest of the series show up. I'm sure I'll buy it at some point, but I still have the first two sitting untouched in my backlog.

I really need to get into one of those NASA trials where you get paid to lay in bed for three months, I might be able to halve my backlog that way.
Relevant video concerning Risen 3:
Thanks Deep Silver for releasing another game here, even if it wasn't well-received. Fingers-crossed we'll get more Saints Row like Grargar mentioned, and Dead Island series and Paraworld if possible. The original versions of Metro series would be appreciated too. In general, good stuff from this list:
I think it's safe to say that this has been GOG's best week in 2016, release-wise. And a good weekend promo on top of it. Way to go, guys!
I've gotten to a point now that I will wait for a game to show up on GOG before buying it. It's a rare game that gets purchased at that other store. The earlier a developer/publisher release here, the sooner they will get my money.

I think my top three wish list items are Saints Row IV, Saints Row Gat Out of Hell, and Overlord 2.
tfishell: Thanks Deep Silver for releasing another game here, even if it wasn't well-received. Fingers-crossed we'll get more Saints Row like Grargar mentioned, and Dead Island series and Paraworld if possible. The original versions of Metro series would be appreciated too. In general, good stuff from this list:
I hope we will see Secret Files Tunguska and Lost Horizon series someday here on GOG.
It's one of this games that I promised myself to buy someday (lovew both Rien so far, yea 2nd too :P), good to know that it's now on gog.
omega64: Relevant video concerning Risen 3:
Hmmm, only just watched the first 1m16s - but it looks like they're bashing the tutorial (almost from the moment it starts). If that turns out to be the case then it's a rather weak to bash (the apparently uninterruptable pause+prompt on what to press. Now maybe those prompts always show up throughout the whole game. Don't know.. and I don't speak their language and the subtitles don't seem to indicate..

Well, let's watch some more if the 10 min vid.. see how relevant it really is..


Soo.. I've only played Gothic 3 and Risen 1 to completion (G3 twice); and Risen 2 some ways in but then got distracted by Underrail (which I'm still playing) but will eventually get back to.. I really like all three of those titles, although I also really dislike the combat - but I like the "RPG'ness" of them; as well as other things (such as the interesting 'open world' each has; and the ability to 'complete' quests before you ever get them (and still get appropriate quest dialog from the relevant NPC's).

I've started Gothic 1, but the clunkiness of the controls (it's an old game) turned me to G3. I'll eventually play it (and then G2).

Now I've watched that 10 min video. Relevant isn't the word I'd choose - that's for sure.

If they're just 'having fun', then fine - but if they're 'bashing' the game it's a rather stupid 'bash'.

They make fun of unskippable tutorial pauses. Yawn.

They make fun of how you can 'game the terrain' to try to get places you're not supposed t go. Yawn. You could do the same in G3 and R1 & R2 - so what? So because it doesn't lock you in tight as far as where you can 'make it to' that's a bad thing? Simply don't that if you consider it an issue. No one 'makes you' need to 'game the terrain'. There's many 'classic' games where you can do the same thing (such as Thief 1 & 2, and it's considered a fun thing to try if you want; but not a 'bash' because you can.

They make fun the cutscenes - such as how 'going off-path into the brook' triggers one that would trigger had you stayed on the path. Yawn.

Now maybe it's a legit gripe how some of the cutscenes they show are 'poorly set up'. But based on the rest of the vid for all I know they 'gamed' them - so I take that one with a big caution.

As I said above (before this edit); if they're 'just having fun' with the game engine - fine and cool. That's how it looks - based on it looks like they do a "We broke this game" series. Just a fun thing.

But if you meant this vid is supposed to be 'relevant' in terms of telling us what to expect from the game - it's not even close to being useful for that.

Just my take..
Post edited February 19, 2016 by Martek
timppu: The only review on the game card bashes the game pretty hard, but I think I'll buy it anyway, if only to complete my GOG Risen collection. Even if I won't like it, I am sure I have bought even worse games before!
A main point of criticism Risen 2 got was that it was very different from Risen 1, and this criticism seemed to have carried over to Risen 3 which was more Risen 2 than 1. I, for my part, really enjoyed Risen 2, but I also went into the game with the knowledge that it was different from the first one. If you aware of that and approach Risen 2 with an open mind, you might enjoy it. And now I’m looking forward to playing the third game as well. There cannot be enough singleplayer RPGs in the world.