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Reclaiming your soul, one fireball at a time.

<span class="bold">Risen 3: Titan Lords</span>, an epic open-world RPG about wresting your soul back from the forces of evil, is available now DRM-free on with a 50% launch discount.

Unchecked by the gods, the Titans were free to ravage the land, leaving humanity broken to lick its wounds, regroup, and launch a desperate attempt at retaliation. You awaken from a sleep of the dead, after a fateful encounter with a Shadow Lord has left your soul trapped in the Underworld. Claiming it back will prove a desperate race against time as the longer it stays separate from your body, the closer you get to becoming an unwitting minion of the Shadows.

Allying yourself with one of the opposing guilds has been a pinnacle of the series and in Risen 3 you must be particularly cautious when choosing sides as everyone has their own secret agenda and ulterior motives. But when politics and shady dealings fail, you can always rely on your glistening weapon or your blistering fireballs to bend the open-world to your will. Devastating magic, intense combat, and open exploration await you in the shadow of the Titan Lords.

Choose your path to greatness and reunite with your soul in <span class="bold">Risen 3: Titan Lords</span>, DRM-free on If you crave the extra adventures found in the game's DLCs, treat yourself to the <span class="bold">Complete Edition</span> now or opt to <span class="bold">upgrade</span> later.
The 50% launch discount will last until the end of our Weekend Promo on February 23, 7:59 AM GMT.
Complete Edition purchased.

Can't wait to play it (someday). Only need to finish Underrail (destined to be a classic IMO), then my interrupted game of Risen 2. Then I wanted to get in a another playthru of Stalker COP (because - want to try a new script; and haven't played it in awhile. Although I've played it probably a dozen times). Then FINALLY, Risen 3. Assuming nothing else jumps in there... :)

The somewhat poor reviews (some of them anyways) don't deter me. I've found that I tend to look for different things in games than some other folk. A good wide-open world with lots to find in the far corners is a big plus to me. Gothic 3, and Risen 1 (and Risen 2 as far as I've played) have had that - and even though in all those I've not been enamored with the combat - I find the open-world'ness and RP-aspects of them to be great enough to overcome that fault.
Niggles: Only one review on GOG ( tend to trust GOGgites a bit more) and original release was lowkey as well?.
The game did seem to get a rather low key release, and from the many video reviews and footage I've now looked at, there might be good reason for that.

I'm getting a general sense of mediocrity about Risen 3. There's an egregious amount of recycled content from Risen 2 to the point that it looks more like a glorified expansion pack than a new game, glitchy animation, unbalanced mechanics and a general refusal to aknowledge or fix gameplay flaws from Risen 2.
Post edited February 21, 2016 by ReynardFox
Martek: I've found that I tend to look for different things in games than some other folk. A good wide-open world with lots to find in the far corners is a big plus to me. Gothic 3, and Risen 1 (and Risen 2 as far as I've played) have had that - and even though in all those I've not been enamored with the combat - I find the open-world'ness and RP-aspects of them to be great enough to overcome that fault.
So much this! As long as it does not degnerate into a grinding collectathon, this exploration aspect of RPGs is one of the things that I love the most about them. Therefore I usually prefer a smaller open world with lovingly designed places to a huge open world that is just big for big’s sake. That’s one of the reasons why I really liked Risen 1 and 2 although they were so different from each other in many other aspects.
Solei: I'm considering buying this, and the only thing that weighs against a purchase is the lack of a Linux variant which is becoming increasingly important to me, as i plan to quit using ms products when the extended support for win7 runs out.
When that is said, more software companies should learn from Deep Silver's stance regarding software piracy (and DRM free), and people should support them some more.
I decided to buy it earlier after considering it over the weekend, so I could see how it runs in Wine (tested using Wine Staging 1.9.3 64bit via PlayOnLinux).

I've only played for a short while so far, but the first impressions are good. Videos do not play (according to the WineHQ AppDB this isn't particularly important & only affects the startup logos, menu background and credits), but the gameplay itself appears to work well & with no obvious issues at least. Framerate seems decent enough, running at 1920x1200 on a GTX 750Ti with most settings maxed out & AA disabled.
I'm having a tough time deciding on this one. Should I get it now to complete my Piranha Bytes & Deep Silver lists? I'm so far behind on my RPGs, my instinct is too hold off for a while and get it on a bigger sale later or to wait until I'm ready to play it.

I'm still hoping some games on my instabuy list will show up here soon.
I seriously had no clue this game was ever made or released.
Can anyone with motion sickness comment on this game, or anybody who owns it confirm whether there are options to disable view bob/camera shake and adjust the FOV, things like that?
Great, now please release the Tunguska Files series
Yes, I have voted for them.
Post edited February 26, 2016 by jorlin
arrjayjee: Can anyone with motion sickness comment on this game, or anybody who owns it confirm whether there are options to disable view bob/camera shake and adjust the FOV, things like that?
Yes, you can adjust some things in the configdefault file. Changing Keep1stPerson="false" to "true" will help a lot.
paladin181: Or making sure that they've made most of their money before releasing it as "Piracy fodder" that being DRM-free automatically makes it.
I think it's pretty well known by now both to game publishers, devs, distributors that publishing DRM-free on GOG does not increase piracy of their games. On occasion I search on torrent sites just to see what comes up and what I find amazing is that there are lots of games that get released here on GOG that do not appear to ever show up on torrent sites, but the Steam versions are plastered all over the place even though they do usually contain DRM. CD Projekt RED stated this phenomenon in an interview they gave about why they were making The Witcher 3 DRM-free everywhere from the start.

It may vary from game to game perhaps naturally but I think that there is enough evidence out there to show that if game companies make their games DRM-free and treat their customers with respect and dignity that people are more than willing to pay for good games and the conveniences that come with buying and owning using digital distribution services like GOG.

Sure, there will always be pirates out there, but for whatever reasons they favour cracking DRM-enabled Steam/Uplay/Origin games and putting that out there for hacker scene credo. They don't get any credo for just buying a game here on GOG and uploading it. Not that there aren't people that do, but there are different motivations between the two.

So I totally don't buy the angle that game companies lose more money if they release DRM-free on day 1.

Also, generally speaking pirated games are quite often not the most recent version and there isn't a way to update them to the latest version (as far as I know anyway, but then I don't really know for sure), no way to ensure they get any or all bonus materials for a given game, gotta rely on untrustworthy shady cracks and keygens loaded with malware that tell you you need to disable your antivirus to prevent false positives when the real reason is that they're _loaded_ with malware, etc. All that and the person ends up with a single-player only game generally with no multiplayer, and in some cases the game wont work as some games have hidden code in them to detect piracy and do strange things to mess with the pirate, like one of the GTA games has an enemy that apparently hunts people down and kills them which itself can't be killed (saw a youtube video before, pretty funny).

What a hassle fest all that crap is! Risk infecting your PC and having cryptoransomware encrypting your important files, videos etc. or deleting them or keylogging your bank account credentials etc. for a buggy single-player game that is 3 releases behind current? Sure, some people go for that, but there are so many great priced games out there nowadays that IMHO the pirated versions of games end up costing people more than just buying them in terms of the man hours spent solving problems. Factor in how much one's time is worth per hour and some pirated games people get for "free" cost them tens if not hundreds of dollars in waste of time hassles.

Sell DRM free, buy DRM free, game hassle free, win. :) Moral and ethical issues don't even come into it... it's just pure convenience.
jorlin: Great, now please release the Tunguska Files series
Yes, I have voted for them.
so did i the minute i signed up here in 2014, i managed to get the 1st drm free on gamersgate, the rest is steam with steam needed, one game will install nasty tages....

so today i googled for playable demos, i found 2 demos :
sf3 was 849 mb exe file (demo)
and Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis Demo also pretty large demo file

since i cant play these games i bought because i wont install nasty tages and i dont use steam on my good old win7 (only on my old XP) i gonna try to play the game using the demo mainfiles.
Why is there a price difference between the complete editions here and on Steam? It's 26.89€ here and 19,99€ on Steam (for me).
And now because of the euro fluctuations the price is 27.89€ vs 19,99€ on Steam. The questions still stands. I would very much like an official answer. Is it a bug or the publisher's decision?