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FPS Immortals are here.

Quake II: Quad Damage, Quake III: Gold, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny - are available now, DRM-free on You can pick them up at 33% off in two bundles:
<span class="bold">Quake Damage</span> & <span class="bold">Return to Wolfenstein</span>.

Wolfenstein 3D (with Spear of Destiny) is widely considered to be the first true 3D FPS ever. It single handedly kickstarted a generation of id Software greats, and thus influenced just about every FPS we've played ever since. Its mazes, shades of gray, and blue hues are burned into the collective gaming memory - plus you get to kill a mechanized Hitler. Classic.
In the early days of FPS gaming, Quake II: Quad Damage was the milestone. In a spot-on review from 1997, GameSpot calls it "the only first-person shooter to render the original Quake entirely obsolete." It was bigger, better, prettier, and smoother than any clone or predecessor - it also offered one of the most playable, and by far most popular multiplayer experiences of its day.
Quake III: Gold, aka. multiplayer revolution. Despite a controversial removal of the lauded single-player experience the series was known for, Quake III: Arena became a smash-hit and (together with Unreal Tournament) essentially defined arena-style, movement-based competitive gaming for years. The shooter spawned a community that's been living and breathing to this day.
In B.J. Blazkowicz's Return to Castle Wolfenstein, another legend is born. A unique, objective-based multiplayer mode saw immense popularity back in the day - and it was actually pretty okay if you're into that sort of thing. The single-player campaign is a dark, somewhat ridiculous freak show of morbid, scientific fantasy. An ever present sense of dread emanates from the disturbing experiments and cult-like universe, just waiting to be set afire - by you.

As with any Bethesda purchase, you'll also get The Elder Scrolls: Arena & Daggerfall for free!

Prepare to fight in Quake II: Quad Damage, Quake III: Gold, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny - now DRM-free on Return to the FPS immortals at 33% off in two bundles: <span class="bold">Quake Damage</span> & <span class="bold">Return to Wolfenstein</span>. The promo will last for one week, until October 8, 12:59 PM GMT.

The four titles released today are not available for purchase in Germany. These are legal restrictions that are beyond our control, and we're very sorry for the inconvenience.
E_A: No. According to §24 Abs. I Nr. 1 b) JMStV and § 86a StGB Swastikas are practically always a no-go regardless of USK shenanigans. While a court may find that it's a legitimate use the risk is just not worth it.
There have been examples and they ended with a fine because of the games being antifascistic:

"Auch wegen der Vorgängerspiele hatte es bereits Strafverfahren wegen der Verwendung von NS-Kennzeichen gegeben. Diese endeten teilweise mit einer Einstellung gegen Zahlung einer Geldauflage gemäß § 153a StPO, teilweise mit einem Freispruch, da es ein „antifaschistisches Computerspiel“ sei."
Post edited October 04, 2015 by MarkoH01
It basically never is legal. The only question is whether there is actually someone interested in advancing a persecution. For most old and "abandonware" games there isn't anymore.
MarkoH01: There have been examples and they ended with a fine becaus the games being antifascistic:

"Auch wegen der Vorgängerspiele hatte es bereits Strafverfahren wegen der Verwendung von NS-Kennzeichen gegeben. Diese endeten teilweise mit einer Einstellung gegen Zahlung einer Geldauflage gemäß § 153a StPO, teilweise mit einem Freispruch, da es ein „antifaschistisches Computerspiel“ sei."
I'm sure a professional company is just thrilled to leave it to the opinion of a random local judge if they broke the law :P. You are free to do whatever you think privately. Professionals have to be a bit more circumspect.
Post edited October 04, 2015 by E_A
Well, it takes about 10 minutes of google searchiong to get several Wolfenstein + SoD games so this is more a principle thing. If I wanted the games I would just get the,. And since Bethesda/GOG does not want my money (or decided that it's not worth the risc for that matter) there would be no loss for them if I wouldn't pay anything, would it?
Post edited October 04, 2015 by MarkoH01
so does a use of a proxy work and is it legal?
Yes to both Caine123. Only the distributor is at (theoretical) risk.
avatar FPS Immortals are here.
No, they are not.
avatar The four titles released today are not available for purchase in Germany. These are legal restrictions that are beyond our control, and we're very sorry for the inconvenience.
That is what we get for having a "German GOG". You could have seen that coming, maybe you even did.

Of course, in the end this is because of our government - but it is sad anyway.
mobutu: Nice releases, thanks
I'm really sorry for the folks in Germany, they should really overthrow the part of their government that is responsible with this nonsense.
So maybe the AMericans should overthrow the people who are responsible for banning bare breasts from computer games. Same nonsense

Just my two cent
Maxvorstadt: I still don`t get it why a Polish company is bound to dumb German laws!
They are, if they want to sell their games in Germany
Post edited October 04, 2015 by MadMarty71
Is there any chance to see DOOM 3, Quake 4 and Wolfenstein (2009) on GOG? Will GOG release them too?
leute, um weiteres gezanke zu vermeiden:

hier gibt nun gog zu, dass dieser "region-lock" auf wunsch des publishers geschehen ist

gründe für bethesda sowas zu machen, wurden hier schon erwähnt. also die spiele ließen sich anbieten ohne wenn und aber!
Post edited October 04, 2015 by apehater
Post edited October 04, 2015 by E_A
JKHSawyer: All German users bothered by this should really e-mail GOG AND Bethesda.
And, I have to add, their politicians.

MarkoH01: we are world champion
I'm sorry, but what do you mean?
Wenn man genau liest, steht dort aber, dass es dem Publisher verboten wäre, die Spiele in Deutschland zu verkaufen. Verantwortung wird also vollständig auf die deutschen Gesetze geschoben (was ja zumindest im Falle der Wolfenstein-Games auch so ist).
mobutu: we are world champion

I'm sorry, but what do you mean?
Germany won the 2014 World Cup :)
mobutu: we are world champion

I'm sorry, but what do you mean?
JudasIscariot: Germany won the 2014 World Cup :)
Please don't remind me of this....
People made noise for weeks and my sleep was severely disturbed.
For some reason, the local police doesn't care for noise in the sleeping hours when some soccer event is happening but try making fireworks and driving around honking at night when the next chess world cup is happening!
Post edited October 05, 2015 by Klumpen0815
MadMarty71: So maybe the AMericans should overthrow the people who are responsible for banning bare breasts from computer games. Same nonsense
Ofcourse they should!

JudasIscariot: Germany won the 2014 World Cup :)
I already assumed they won a "world cup" but at what discipline?