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FPS Immortals are here.

Quake II: Quad Damage, Quake III: Gold, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny - are available now, DRM-free on You can pick them up at 33% off in two bundles:
<span class="bold">Quake Damage</span> & <span class="bold">Return to Wolfenstein</span>.

Wolfenstein 3D (with Spear of Destiny) is widely considered to be the first true 3D FPS ever. It single handedly kickstarted a generation of id Software greats, and thus influenced just about every FPS we've played ever since. Its mazes, shades of gray, and blue hues are burned into the collective gaming memory - plus you get to kill a mechanized Hitler. Classic.
In the early days of FPS gaming, Quake II: Quad Damage was the milestone. In a spot-on review from 1997, GameSpot calls it "the only first-person shooter to render the original Quake entirely obsolete." It was bigger, better, prettier, and smoother than any clone or predecessor - it also offered one of the most playable, and by far most popular multiplayer experiences of its day.
Quake III: Gold, aka. multiplayer revolution. Despite a controversial removal of the lauded single-player experience the series was known for, Quake III: Arena became a smash-hit and (together with Unreal Tournament) essentially defined arena-style, movement-based competitive gaming for years. The shooter spawned a community that's been living and breathing to this day.
In B.J. Blazkowicz's Return to Castle Wolfenstein, another legend is born. A unique, objective-based multiplayer mode saw immense popularity back in the day - and it was actually pretty okay if you're into that sort of thing. The single-player campaign is a dark, somewhat ridiculous freak show of morbid, scientific fantasy. An ever present sense of dread emanates from the disturbing experiments and cult-like universe, just waiting to be set afire - by you.

As with any Bethesda purchase, you'll also get The Elder Scrolls: Arena & Daggerfall for free!

Prepare to fight in Quake II: Quad Damage, Quake III: Gold, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny - now DRM-free on Return to the FPS immortals at 33% off in two bundles: <span class="bold">Quake Damage</span> & <span class="bold">Return to Wolfenstein</span>. The promo will last for one week, until October 8, 12:59 PM GMT.

The four titles released today are not available for purchase in Germany. These are legal restrictions that are beyond our control, and we're very sorry for the inconvenience.
phaolo: Questions:

- I loved Quake 1, but are the other ones good too?
(which one, also compared to the Unreal games)

- I liked the free Wolfenstein Enemy Territory MP game based on Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Is RtCW worth too however? (for both SP and MP)
Quake 1 truly was a great game. But in the later Quake games, the series took a much different turn. There is no Lovecraftian architecture anymore. The story was changed from interdimensional gates, to fighting an alien war on Stroggos.

Gameplay-wise Quake II is very quick. You get real missions this time, but the player will have to do some backtracking in the levels. In Quake III, it was basically made for multiplayer first, and the “singleplayer” mode is just a bot match.
InfraSuperman: There are single player modes of sorts, but they're essentially just bot-matches. The campaign is a series of those, with increasing difficulty.
Many thanks for clarifying it for me! +1
So it's not my type therefore I wont' buy it :)
Spy_Gentleman: I CAME
Your avatar makes that post even more fitting ;)
mobutu: It's mentioned in the release announcement and in each and every one of bethesda gamecards on gog ...
Already noticed and edit my post about this. You probably missed it in the forum lag.
Its unfortunate that Wolfenstein isn't released in Germany. I would so love to buy it (it would be my first Wolfenstein, too!)

Regardless of how much I want it, I'm living in Germany myself right now but I can understand why it isn't allowed.

Yet regarding the german entertainment industry...It kind of depends on the message (which is also the generel purpose of art, trying to mean something) the artist intends to convey...but I do know that German government has loosened up quite a bit regarding entertainment value with the second World War. Nowadays almost everything regarding the depiction of "the baddies" is allowed here.

In my opinion I do believe that it is unreasonable to forbid a game like Wolfenstein in nowadays German culture, I mean we know about Iron Sky and Inglorious Bastards (We have that german dubbed, even!) but we cannot have a pixelated Hitler in Battle Armor?
XYCat: Quakelive = Quake3 for free
Spy_Gentleman: With very limited options that you have to pay a fee in order to get em.!premium
Yeah but those are pretty much bullshit "clan" options that are unnecessary for anything
Quake1 on GOG have music (based on description), does Q2 have one (can't find one)?
Wow, Wolfenstein 3D and RTCW, two games that put the Good old Games in!

moonshineshadow: Yeah, but they are selling Harvester, Mortal Kombat and tons of other games on that list here. So why not Quake. This just does not make sense.

(and just for the record. I am not angry. I don't even want the games, and even if I wanted I could buy them easily) I just wonder about a situation that has no logic.
I guess it's on a case-by-case basis by publisher's request.
mobutu: I'm pretty sure you can. Heck, you can even stay in your german chair in front of your german PC in your german flat from your german town in your german country ... and just let your IP go "abroad" ;)
Thank you both. I am going abroad in December at the latest, maybe even already this weekend. My backlog is so huge that I don't have to hurry (the first episode is the shareware version, so I could also start with that.)
omega64: It is allowed in film/books though right?
Yes, it is. Depicting those symbols in art or for education purposes is allowed. Games, however, are not considered art by the German law.
Very nice additions, thanks!
InfraSuperman: Well, we do hate Nazis, but they're not really the problem. The issue is that, in video games, the depiction of swastikas and other Nazi symbols, such as the SS rune, is illegal here.
omega64: It is allowed in film/books though right?
Yes, because they are considered art.
Great releases, glad to see them here of course. I would probably wait for both bundles, but I'll probably grab the Wolfensteins if we don't expect the sales to go much below this in the near future.

P.S. Thank god this -stein from my youth is still -stein and not -stain.
At the same time a triumph and a very sad day in the history of GOG. I really hate to see GOG sinking deeper into the bog of region locking, but I'm happy for the rest of the world.
Post edited October 01, 2015 by Leroux