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Take part in a futuristic rogue-lite FPS with randomly generated levels, items, and swarms of machine enemies. PositronX is now available DRM-free on GOG.COM with a 10% discount lasting until 5th November 2020, 2 PM UTC. Thanks to the fast-paced combat, creative movement, time control mechanics, and breathtaking visuals, each playthrough will give you a unique experience.

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high rated
This looks and describes like the kind of game if it had level design and a plot/campaign. "roguelite" just makes me not even wishlist.
high rated
"rogue-lite FPS with randomly generated levels"

Learn to design a goddamn level, lazy shmucks.
high rated
That art direction looks quite lovely... Too bad it's more of the same trite rogue lite, randomly generated laziness.

Remember when FPS with carefully crafted levels and actual progression was the norm? Can we get back to that please?
ReynardFox: Remember when FPS with carefully crafted levels and actual progression was the norm? Can we get back to that please?
Yeah, at least some devs are trying... look at these comming Apogee, 3DRealms and other FPS games.
I'm figuring that one of the developers is colorblind because that is a lot of contrasting colors.
Darvond: I'm figuring that one of the developers is colorblind because that is a lot of contrasting colors.
That's in the "pro" column.
high rated
I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't keen on randomly-generated levels.
If I understand correctly, we are far from being in front of a Quake Cyberpunk 2020?
it’s too bad :(
It would have me more !

Yes, it is more pleasant to know that we can replay a card that we liked.
Post edited November 03, 2020 by LinuxFire
high rated
Same as the others here I was also first intrigued. "Oh, looks nice." ... Until I saw the rogue-lite and random level generation. "Pass!" is my automatic reaction to cheap, random game-'design' like that.

I would wonder when devs/publishers will learn that 'Roguelike' isn't the marketing-buzzword it was a few years ago anymore. But then again there will always be devs/publishers who prefer to save costs by automated level design instead of paying someone to do actual game design. After all, quick cash grabs will never die out.
high rated
mqstout: This looks and describes like the kind of game if it had level design and a plot/campaign. "roguelite" just makes me not even wishlist.
Yeah, same, the first clue was the sub title:Play, die, repeat... boring repetition and wasted effort gameplay, too bad as it looks great!
Some of you might be interested in Cathedral 3-D, a FPS arena inspired to Devil Daggers, and with an interesting mechanic. You must protect a chest containing your heart, and while carrying it you can't shoot. I don't think that the Cathedral is randomly generated, but I asked the devs.

By the way, both randomly generated and pre-designed can be done well or badly.
Post edited October 29, 2020 by Dogmaus
Looks nice, but I would rather play any of the Unreal Tournament games.
While I like fast-paced fps games, I'm not so keen on random-generation, mismatch between the game style and the music style, and a very contrasted gamingworld (could be fun to try with ReShade... for about 20 minutes).

Yeah, this game came (too little and) too late...
Post edited October 29, 2020 by sanscript
high rated
Dogmaus: By the way, both randomly generated and pre-designed can be done well or badly.
Very true. It's what you make out of it that counts.

What bugs me more is the inflationary use of the term Rogue. These days the definition seems to have been reduced to "contains a call to `rand()` somewhere in its code". Some of these developers/marketers should play a bit of Rogue and tell me how exactly those games can be considered a"like".