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The spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate is here.

<span class="bold">Pillars of Eternity</span>, in which adventure continues beyond The Gate, is available now for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, DRM-free on!

It's you, and your band of companions, against the world. A brand new fantasy world! A realm of long lost treasures and ancient mysteries buried beneath the depths of monster-infested dungeons. <span class="bold">Pillars of Eternity</span> sets out to redefine all that we know about character building, questing, and grinding. The thrill of the uncharted, the wonder of a sprawling, classic RPG epic is finally back!

Pillars of Eternity comes in three editions. The Hero Edition includes the base game, but more loot awaits the collectors out there!
The Champion Edition comes packed with special bonus content, including a full digital soundtrack, a high-res map, a campaign almanac, and more!
Royal Edition packs in even more bonus content. In addition to the Champion Edition goodies, four additional pieces of content exclusive to the Royal Edition can be yours now: a digital novella by Chris Avellone, collector's book PDF, high-resolution concept art, and a digital strategy guide.

If you bought the Hero Edition or Champion Edition, and you like the goodies included in the larger editions, all hope is not lost. We're currently working on making edition upgrades available for Pillars of Eternity . Stay tuned for future updates!

Gather your party and venture forth. <span class="bold">Pillars of Eternity</span> is finally out now, DRM-free on!

Check it out on!
The one and only TotalBiscuit will be taking Pillars of Eternity today, March 26th at 9pm GMT / 5pm EDT / 2pm PDT!
Afterwards, our regular and beloved Outstar will have her turn - come join her at 11pm GMT / 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT.
Game looks great, Pirates just suck. Will be picking this up soon. I'd love to see a mod for true turn-based combat.
Urgh, I'm getting this really annoying glitch where the sound effect of "flipping pages" keeps playing over and over again for no reason.
I played 3 hours so far as a Priest and this game is really good.

So many things can influence a conversation, eg. Your Deity, whether you want to go with you what your deity likes, for example Benevolent, or go against your personality with other options like Passive, Aggressive, Diplomatic, Lie, Honestey etc.

Combat is exactly what you would expect, but it is not DnD based, so that may put some people off, as you cannot just roll and equip a PoEt character In the same way as a DnD character, the stats are totally different and can be a little confusing initially.

Quests are plentiful and well implemented.

GFX are great, but they are not too demanding on your PC.

You also have stuff like a Stronghold, Crafting and you can use your "Watcher" abilities to "mind read" the past of NPC's, which will treat you to a short story, like Lost Odyssey.

While it is nothing like D:OS mechanically or graphically, it is 100% successful in resurrecting a genre and implementing it perfectly.

If you are interested in this kind of game, do buy it, you will not be disappointed.
Backed and redeemed on GOG of course ;)
ShadowWulfe: It does matter when pirating the GOG version before the DRM-ed version amounts to an endorsement of DRM.

That kind of shortsighted behavior enhances Steam/Uplay/Origins' position.
Just a thought - possible its been pirated due to the pricing? it *does* seem kind of high (im a backer). not that thats an excuse to pirate :(
cyboff: hm... complete Royal Edition from GOG is already uploaded on torrents... ;(
That's such bad sport. No one needs to pirate a DRM free game. Can't afford it wait until a special / when there are so many good DRM free games around no reason to pirate. I pirate only to replace DRM copies with something (hacked and untied to a platform) but that is rare these days.
ShadowWulfe: ... That kind of shortsighted behavior enhances Steam/Uplay/Origins' position.
I guess the pirates do not care much about the future of GOG. In a way I can understand that the hackers put the DRM free version on torrent first - it's just less work.

deonast: That's such bad sport. No one needs to pirate a DRM free game. Can't afford it wait until a special / when there are so many good DRM free games around no reason to pirate. I pirate only to replace DRM copies with something (hacked and untied to a platform) but that is rare these days.
Except those that just want to save the money. Also you can be sure it is the original version (kind of).

As long as the DRMed version from others is easily breakable this is not a problem, because you can say that at least it saved the effort to insert useless DRM but if ever DRM becomes kind of effective, the days of DRM free will be counted, I guess.
Post edited March 27, 2015 by Trilarion
I haven't managed to play yet, sadly (though that was probably for the best, I'm not sure I would have managed to get to work today had I been able to start playing). I don't know if it's a general problem, only the Linux version, or just a disagreement between the game and my machine (Arch Linux, Radeon R9 270X, open-source drivers).

The game crashes during character creation. I tried several times and had X completely lock up when trying to pick a culture (specifically when choosing the Ixamitl Plains, I think one or a couple others did the same). I couldn't even switch to a TTY, though an open SSH session still worked fine and Player.log said nothing that seemed to be of value.
ShadowWulfe: It does matter when pirating the GOG version before the DRM-ed version amounts to an endorsement of DRM.

That kind of shortsighted behavior enhances Steam/Uplay/Origins' position.
Niggles: Just a thought - possible its been pirated due to the pricing? it *does* seem kind of high (im a backer). not that thats an excuse to pirate :(
Well, some cheap gog games are also on Pirate sites.
So, it migth be because of price but it migth also not be because of price.
Some poeople will pirate it regardless of price.

Its a shame especially since this game is community funded/funded by gamers.
I dont agree with the price myself but i woudnt use that as an excuse to pirate this game.

One of the cons with pirated stuff though that torrents migth contain nasty viruses, trojans etc
so hopefully that will lead somone that pirated the game to be more fair in the future.
Getting a broken HDD due to pirated stuff isnt really funny.
Post edited March 27, 2015 by Lodium
cyboff: hm... complete Royal Edition from GOG is already uploaded on torrents... ;(
deonast: That's such bad sport. No one needs to pirate a DRM free game. Can't afford it wait until a special / when there are so many good DRM free games around no reason to pirate. I pirate only to replace DRM copies with something (hacked and untied to a platform) but that is rare these days.
This +1. Also.. lets blame the sad sacks who obviously buys the original from here.. then does the dirty....
Started as a Wizard, looks nice for now. BTW, why can i buy the game again if I already own it? Seems like a bug in the page. I have the Hero Edition and yet I can buy it again for my account...
gamesfreak64: same here, 25 euros is the max i can afford and are prepared to pay for 1 game, at almost 42 euros its way too high
i did buy xulima deluxe, first when it came out on steam cause i was curious and wanted to play it asap, and later on I got it at GOG aswell.

Normally i buy games at average price of max 7 euros for one single game.
But the euro is so low, i hope that if the euro ever recovers the prices will lower again, some are gone up by 1 or 2 euros , and thats too much for me.
So i will wait a few months, and hope for a better sale.

at 54 and 83 euros i can buy 20 good games on sales so i just cant get myself to pay soo much hard cash, not in these hard times .
misz_b: Well It was $25... On Kickstarter. So it was cheap ;p And You have almost 50% off on launch ;)
i know , but i use prepaid, and that is not common on all sites, so i buy at sites that do have a prepaid option like paysafe for example.

blotunga: Started as a Wizard, looks nice for now. BTW, why can i buy the game again if I already own it? Seems like a bug in the page. I have the Hero Edition and yet I can buy it again for my account...
that is only good i guess? why should one not be able to buy x amount of the same game?
just add a nr behind the name of a game:

pillars eternity: (9copies) would show you have 9 copies of it

Ofcourse it is illogical to have more then one copy of a game, but if needed it should be possible.
Post edited March 27, 2015 by gamesfreak64
ShadowWulfe: They're probably on this thread, and in hindsight realized what a boneheaded move putting a major release up on Torrent before (presumably before?) the DRM-ed versions is.

DRM-free is easier for customers, certainly, however, if a publisher/shareholder can squeeze the same amount of cash from the customer with the added belief (false or not) that the product is "safe", they will.

I'm just ranting though, hot air won't make that much of a difference.

I still have yet to download PoE, I'm assuming that download speeds are stunted?
tfishell: Seems that way given that the GOG versions were specifically mentioned as being so on the site I looked at. The de-Steam-ed version was probably there but I think the difference between the seeds was close to a thousand. (The top two or three were GOG's.)

That's the way it is with Steam - the product being "safe", at least arguably easier to keep safe for the first few hours of sales - but people put up with it b/c of the convenience, achievements, and stuff like that. That "extra" seems to be a draw for many people.

I've heard the download speeds were fluctuating upon initial release, dunno what they're like now.
about pirating: i read several replies in this topic about it and if a person wants anything can be cracked any protection, its like doors and locks on a door, if you keep banging a lock with a (sledge)hammer long enough it will eventually break.
So drm is basically a waste of time and money, and like the previous replies said: there will always be people who will never buy a game not even at 50 cents.

So developers cant blame piracy for 'loosing' income but they can try to keep their existing customers happy.
I have lots of games, i organised all my retail cd games yesterday, seems i have exactly 200 casual cds( retail)
thats 200 games .

I have 10 retail dvd with each 8 games on it (bestoff/collecters games) so thats 280 games
Plus 40 old games i still have ( win95/98 and xp retail games)
Plus 293 games on gog and some on GG.

Besides that i like to watch a movie now and then, since i dont visit the movies, i buy the dvd thats 223 dvds i collected over the past 10 years, so i have contributed well to the entertainment.
If i had more cash it would be doubled :D

So using piracy as a missed source of income is bull, these pirates would never ever buy a thing, so its up to the entertainment industry to treat their customers well.

If a game is to expensive for me i will wait till i can afford it, that is: till its on a sale
Post edited March 27, 2015 by gamesfreak64
gamesfreak64: So using piracy as a missed source of income is bull, these pirates would never ever buy a thing, so its up to the entertainment industry to treat their customers well.

If a game is to expensive for me i will wait till i can afford it, that is: till its on a sale
You make some fair points.
Though sometimes, not often pirates will buy stuff at a later date.
Heard from countless of people that they pirated games when they were a students but later bougth games when they had a better income.
blotunga: Started as a Wizard, looks nice for now. BTW, why can i buy the game again if I already own it? Seems like a bug in the page. I have the Hero Edition and yet I can buy it again for my account...
I have the same issue. I guess you backed the game on Kickstarter, just as I did, and maybe the Kickstarter copies of the keys do this. I bet if you would buy game directly here, it would be properly greyed out.
Post edited March 27, 2015 by Tarhiel