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Stretch your legs, clean your whiskers, and dive into a comedy-noir adventure, full of humor, crazy characters, and intriguing locations.
Genre: Adventure
Letting the cat out of the bag....
high rated
I stumbled into what I would consider a dive bar of a forum. Lacking in creature comforts and generally smelling of urban pomposity, this wasn't exactly a hip place to be.

Video Games are a lot like cars, in that the conversation is often driven by boorish oafs obsessed with looks, speed, and power, who'll sneer at and ridicule anything they consider beneath them. Especially if those things are popular with girls.

This forum was such a place. I shot a dirty glare to the barkeep, or at least the kiosk which replaced the barkeep. Yelling at vending machines wasn't as cathartic as slamming someone's face into the barmat.

Taking a seat, I flipped open a lighter, pretending to light a non-existent stogie, taking a glance at the leaflet for the new item laying on the table, just having tossed aside a shrouded card advertising some drek about being a gatekeeper.

After failing to load a few times, I smack the device on the bar and finally it flickered to life. Always a good sign when the art for the background is literally better looking than the game.

Perusing though the description, I couldn't help but sigh internally. The designers, whoever they were had committed the sin of committing to a bit. Cat puns. They'd been run stale somewhere in the 1980s. Not even good ones. But you gotta look a census and wonder, "Who would name their city Meow Meow Furrington?"; unless they wanted to collect an insurance check when the town was abandoned.

Bah. I was just being snarky for the atmosphere of it. The game was harmless. I took a long drag of nothing, and took a handful of stale peanuts, before reaching for The Far Side instead. This was going to be a long day...
Post edited September 07, 2022 by Darvond
Darvond: and took a handful of stale peanuts
Why not have a little fun flicking some of those inedible peanuts at any mirrors in said bar ?. While not making the day any shorter, I'm sure it will make it a little more pleasant...
Trooper1270: Why not have a little fun flicking some of those inedible peanuts at any mirrors in said bar ?. While not making the day any shorter, I'm sure it will make it a little more pleasant...
Because they're the ones where Snoopy is writing philosophy.
This game looks really pawesome! I definitely plan to get this, but it's wishlisted for now.
I don't like the mixed messaging by GOG of how this game has no Achievements listed as a feature on the GOG store page, yet in contrast to that, it also has "Popular Achievements" listed on that same store page.

So does this game have Galaxy Achievements, or does it not? (and this same mixed messaging is also present with many other GOG releases too).
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I don't like the mixed messaging by GOG of how this game has no Achievements listed as a feature on the GOG store page, yet in contrast to that, it also has "Popular Achievements" listed on that same store page.
Man, you really love your achievements, don't you?
Has the thought ever crossed your mind, that maybe - just maybe - the devs don't view the achievements as a "feature", that's especially worth mentioning?
Ancient-Red-Dragon: So does this game have Galaxy Achievements, or does it not?
Well, let's read the second half of your first sentence again:
Ancient-Red-Dragon: also has "Popular Achievements" listed on that same store page.
Now, what would you say, does that indicate to?
Having no achievements? Or having achievements?