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What will you do with a drunken whaler early in the morning?

Nantucket is now available, DRM-free on and it's 10% off until January 25, 5PM UTC.
Whales are majestic beasts. Damn-near mythical, by some accounts. But Moby Dick - well, he's another story entirely. As you assume the role of a daring whaler, customizing your crew, charting a course, and trying to score big against the forces of nature or the hazards of seafaring, the pale demon will be waiting for you. Will you conquer the curse that consumed Cpt. Ahab? Or will you drown in it?
What I want to know is if the game is any good or not?
low rated
amok: edit - and context is important. this game is set about 100 years ago when whaling was legal, not today. it is historically accurate in those terms.
kdgog: Whaling still goes on, and is still legal in some countries. It's a current issue. The campaign against it will only succeed by preventing normalisation of the practice, same way as any other bad practice from the past was eventually overthrown.

amok: edit 2 - from the steam faq:
"A game about whaling, really?
Nantucket is a work of fiction that portrays the Golden Age of American Whaling and its protagonists. It is a project born of our passion for history and great literature, such as Herman Melville’s Moby Dick.
kdgog: "the Golden Age of American Whaling"

Imagine a game about making a living from slavery, which was defended by the devs as being about "the Golden Age of American slavery". That isn't neutral language there. "Golden age" is casting something in a positive light, not a neutral one. As an ongoing practice, it is highly relevant when something is created that recasts the abhorrent practice as something positive.
Oh boy, here it is. The radical SJW here to reprimand us and morally school us. Please, shut us up and teach us the ways of the "greats" like Karl Marx and Hugo Chavez. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll clone J. Stalin for you one day.
Gylfe: Oh boy, here it is. The radical SJW here to reprimand us and morally school us. Please, shut us up and teach us the ways of the "greats" like Karl Marx and Hugo Chavez. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll clone J. Stalin for you one day.
and there we had the first SJW. Congratulations on stripping yourself of all credibility and giving me a clear indication on who to ignore in the future.
kdgog: But we all know that it's about values too, and those can be very real.
And this, here, is precisely where the problem lies. As already (painfully) proven in this very thread, not everyone understands values and the weight they carry.

Some people lack the intelligence to even realize that, others choose to live in denial while at the same time actively trying to mud and/or drag you down to their level. Collectively they are the 'it's just a game' crowd and represent the majority in any given circumstance. Since your words can, realistically, only reach the undecided / uninformed, my suggestion (as one who understands you perfectly) is to say your piece as concise and as clear as possible, move on, and don't engage the trolls that will inevitably turn up along the way.
What's an SJW?
musteriuz: What's an SJW?
A now meaningless term used to incite flame wars and make stupid people sound smart and give the impression that they actually have a clue what they are talking about. It's used for the spark seeing and hearing it provides, the actual meaning, if any, is moot.

It's like when a skinhead yells "Zionist!" He neither knows nor cares what is actually means, but it makes him sound educated/informed, so he uses it.
Post edited January 19, 2018 by tinyE
musteriuz: What's an SJW?
a made up term used to create polarization and ridicule people you don't like. the term has no meaning, and you can therefore use it on anyone and anything who do not instantly agree with you or you do not like for whatever reason.

basically, using the term is a shortcut to show your own ignorance and indicate that you are a person there is absolutely no point engaging with, as whatever you say will just be meat with "You SJW!!!!!"
Okay, so amok phrased it better, but cut me some slack, I'm an old man. :P

Today I turned Jackie Robinson, Ronnie Lott, and Mariano Rivera!
Post edited January 19, 2018 by tinyE
Well, thanks for informing me - now I know.
tinyE: Okay, so amok phrased it better, but cut me some slack, I'm an old man. :P

Today I turned Jackie Robinson, Ronnie Lott, and Mariano Rivera!
i thought yours are better then mine.... but then again, you are a SJW! so who cares.
tinyE: Okay, so amok phrased it better, but cut me some slack, I'm an old man. :P

Today I turned Jackie Robinson, Ronnie Lott, and Mariano Rivera!
amok: i thought yours are better then mine.... but then again, you are a SJW! so who cares.
You're a snowflake!
amok: i thought yours are better then mine.... but then again, you are a SJW! so who cares.
tinyE: You're a snowflake!
What! But I'm for the abolition of slavery!

(wheeeeee - and that was today's slang from 18th century).
Well that settles it. I want the game now just to tick off kdgog.
musteriuz: What's an SJW?
It's basically the nazi idea of the "Untermensch" – a fictional enemy concept that mashes up secret communist conspiracies, degenerate art, dishonesty, lack of intelligence, hysteria over nothing, arbitrary censorship, etc. all into one giant dehumanizing ball of nazi yarn.

So what if kdgog is concerned?

Take a cookie y'all, and a warm glass of milk, sit down at the fireplace and chill. Best whale hunting game is Black Flag anyway.
Post edited January 19, 2018 by Vainamoinen
Well to be fair, Black Flag is the best anything that has nothing to do with assassination.