fortune_p_dawg: i agree about this being the definitive version, minus the FVMs of-course, which i highly prefer.
i really like how they made stoneship a sun & wind blasted cluster of rock akin to the original; the realmyst games bungled this with the perpetual storms and nighttime. totally ruined the vibe imo.
Darvond: How do you feel about the lack of a Day/Knight? Personally, I see arguments for both, but I also like to keep in mind that Ages are
weird demi-mystical places that often do not obey the known laws of physics. they day/night cycle itself never really bothered me. i definitely prefer a lengthier day/night cycle to one that comes full circle in 10 minutes.
also, a small change that i don't care for is what they did with the rose/skull hologram in achenar's room in stoneship.
it's way way cartoonier and does this little dance thing when you click the slider -- pretty much ruins any sense of menace. also, if you're playing with a mouse and keyboard you can't incrementally change it like you used to be able to in the original. it's either full rose or full skull and it happens fast. when i was a kid i used to like to do it super slow and watch the rose slowly morph into a skull.
so basically those are my only nitpicks thus far. the cg character models and the rose/skull toy. i guess the fmv nature of both of those things would look flat in vr mode. but lets be real, the majority of people who are going to be playing this on their pc are going to be playing it with keyboard and mouse. wouldve been nice have the option to switch between the new models or ai upscaled fmv.
still, even with those quirks i'd say this is still the definitive version. this is the only newer version with what feels like a sense of place. the realmyst versions felt like i was exploring a toy model of myst. this one feels like the original but new.