Pyromancer138: Despite what you think,achievements are very important.
There are customers who will not buy the game here if it has not them. And that is a legitimate complaint.
To be honest, I do not like to pay the same as in other stores for less features simply because it does not have DRM, that's not an excuse.
As far as I'm concerned, I prefer to buy games in stores where developers do not treat us like second-class trash.
And now is when, narrow-minded people will come to downvote my publication instead of trying to understand that this is a problem for many users.
Hurray for tolerance.
I admit that I've not looked into how achievements are implemented on GOG so I acknowledge that I'm speaking from ignorance here.
But the main reason that I don't want achievements in my GOG games is because any external feature that potentially ties a game to a client or service, no matter if that tie is optional or dynamically / late bound, is a potential threat to its continued functioning. I want my games to work for as long as possible, regardless of whether a store's client application is still working and its online servers are still up.
I realise that Galaxy is optional and I'm sure the integration of achievements is as "light touch" as possible but regardless, it's still one more bit of code to fail, one more potential tie to a client DLL and its supporting online infrastructure and therefore one more threat to the game being truly DRM free. And DRM free is the only reason I shop here, otherwise I may as well just buy games on Steam.
So, when you speak of tolerance, it's worth remembering that it goes both ways and for many of us being DRM free is infinitely more important than achievements.