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kud13: It's a management game where you juggle Nobles, Merchants, Artists, and Worker's sympathies in a maritime city-state that feels very 18-19th century Europe.

I think it's just part of the trend we're seeing where a lot of game devs are turning to the French Revolution/Early Industrial era for setting inspirations.

I tried the Steam demo, but didn't get very far. (...)
Overall, it's an interesting idea, but pretty clunky, imho. I'll check out the full version later down the line.
Thank you for mentioning the demo! I guess it was too much of a hassle to upload it on GOG XD Same as for Batbarian, why make a demo but not let customers of a store know it exists I wonder. What are in your opinion other games that are using this setting recently? I'm thinking of Ticket to Ride but that's originally a tabletop game. I can also think of 80 Days and Tooth and Tail.
Does it work on Windows 7?
IronArcturus: Does it work on Windows 7?
I would try that Steam demo on your pc at this point.
RedRagan: I wonder, is this game got released pretty close to American presidential election just to ride the current political euphoria?
BitMaster_1980: Considering the setting, if riding anything it appears to be riding the current situation in Thailand. And that is such a stretch it's not really worth talking about.

It's a thing everywhere, anymore, really, not just america, but let's be honest, we largely do things based on what's going on in america, anymore. I'm american and even I'm not amused by the constant centrism of politics. As i was saying to my girlfriend last night when she lost her shit 'cause someone at her job tested positive from COVID "everything's always somewhere else until it's here, then it's serious business all the sudden, just like how stabbings didn't matter until your cowoker got murdered." America's always being judged morally, and when it's somwhere else it just sort of happens, no one knows why nor does anyone care, so everyone gets apathetic about the genocide that's occuring everywhere, but a handful of cops "murder someone" (turns out they didn't if you watch the bodycam footage, as always) and the country's on fire again.

Suddenly your king hates you and labels you a threat of the state? While this has actually happeened in the UK over the past few years (UK is labeling people terrorists for their opinions, not actions) with some of the recent releases on gog as well as some of the wild opinions of the left, I can't help but assume that i'm supposed to see the king as Donald Trump (5 years ago such thoughts wouldn't've crossed my mind, but here we are).

It's not a bad look at totalitarianism, on the face of it. This clearly does parallel the mentality of the utopianists activists: that there is somehow going to be a way for the ends to justify the means, and i'm sure the king has his excuse for all this. The real question is, what's the penalty for riots, if any? History shows that actual peaceful protests, especially those peaceful despite violently being acted upon, actually work when your goals are reasonable (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's, Mahatma Ghandi's, the early christians [Justin Martyr], etc).
French Revolution Simulator.
Ganni1987: A game brought to you by.....the Developers who left the Linux version of their previous title A World to the West in an inferior outdated state compared to Win/Mac and it's been like this for over a year.

So while the price of this new title is very appealing, thanks but no thanks. I don't want to be left with another outdated game. For what its' worth, the devs have already been informed of this about 2 weeks ago over discord, nothing has been done.

If they don't care, neither will I.
Hello Ganni1987,
I'm really sorry about this. Because of the state of linux gaming and the Unity editor, we've been forced to use Windows for so many years. I'm a bit ashamed that it's come so far that this is how you feel about our company.

It's going to take some time still, but I will see what I can do about the situation. We do have a linux machine at the office after all.
low rated
Ganni1987: A game brought to you by.....the Developers who left the Linux version of their previous title A World to the West in an inferior outdated state compared to Win/Mac and it's been like this for over a year.

So while the price of this new title is very appealing, thanks but no thanks. I don't want to be left with another outdated game. For what its' worth, the devs have already been informed of this about 2 weeks ago over discord, nothing has been done.

If they don't care, neither will I.
steinbitglis: Hello Ganni1987,
I'm really sorry about this. Because of the state of linux gaming and the Unity editor, we've been forced to use Windows for so many years. I'm a bit ashamed that it's come so far that this is how you feel about our company.

It's going to take some time still, but I will see what I can do about the situation. We do have a linux machine at the office after all.
Eh just ignore that guy. Linux users tend to be a bunch of whiny annoying complainers. I even found some reviews that pretty much just saying that it doesn't work in their Linux system and that's it. They want a fully customized OS but act surprised when a game can't run in their OS?
high rated
RedRagan: Eh just ignore that guy. Linux users tend to be a bunch of whiny annoying complainers.
I'm a Linux user.
Are you calling me a whiny annoying complainer?

I don't dispute that some Linux users sometimes complain in a whiny and annoying manner, same as some Windows users and some Mac users. People have good days and bad days, and take positive and negative actions. But the premise that Linux users have something in common which means that they not just complain, but have this so ingrained that they "tend to be complainers", is something I have not observed. On the contrary, I see more instances of Linux users respecting hard work from others, making do with what's there, or taking action themselves to solve things, than I would expect for any average group of people.

I believe your comment was made unthinkingly, with you unintentionally falling prey to easy "us vs them" thinking, and I hope you'll consider retracting your statement.
high rated
RedRagan: Eh just ignore that guy. Linux users tend to be a bunch of whiny annoying complainers. I even found some reviews that pretty much just saying that it doesn't work in their Linux system and that's it. They want a fully customized OS but act surprised when a game can't run in their OS?
Just adding to what Gogtrial said above, this description doesn't really match what I've seen in Ganni1987's posts across the years. I think his stance is reasonable enough and if I was in his place I'd probably be afraid of getting a new game from a dev even if I liked their work too.

BTW, say what you will but the Linux users by themselves can't solve the situation of a game being outdated. That's up to the devs alone, unfortunately.
low rated
RedRagan: Eh just ignore that guy. Linux users tend to be a bunch of whiny annoying complainers.
gogtrial34987: I'm a Linux user.
Are you calling me a whiny annoying complainer?

I don't dispute that some Linux users sometimes complain in a whiny and annoying manner, same as some Windows users and some Mac users. People have good days and bad days, and take positive and negative actions. But the premise that Linux users have something in common which means that they not just complain, but have this so ingrained that they "tend to be complainers", is something I have not observed. On the contrary, I see more instances of Linux users respecting hard work from others, making do with what's there, or taking action themselves to solve things, than I would expect for any average group of people.

I believe your comment was made unthinkingly, with you unintentionally falling prey to easy "us vs them" thinking, and I hope you'll consider retracting your statement.
Y'know what, maybe you're right about it's us vs them. My experience with Linux users are never pleasant. 3 years ago I was thinking about learning Linux but no one want to help me even when I asked politely in message board and IRL. Then years of my activity on GOG message board Linux users always posting about certain game doesn't run on their Linux OS and complaining about it or complaining that a certain game doesn't have a Linux version. Also I found a lot of reviews that simply giving a game one star because it doesn't run in their Linux system.

Appeasing Linux users in GOG is like feeding wild gators. Either they eat your chicken offering or bite your hand. There's no in between. For a community who keep preaching for people to use Linux the gatekeeping is real. Also watching Linux users keep arguing with each other about their preferred Linux Distros in Linus Torvald's youtube videos shows how fragmented Linux users are.

Try comparing that to Android custom OS community. I easily jumped from basic Android OS to CyanogenMOD to LineageOS without dealing with jerks, the community is actually pretty nice and they helped me with many things. Hell, Linux phone community is much more nicer than Linux PC community.
This looks pretty interesting. Never heard of the game before but it looks cute and also very relevant to our times. Wishlisted it!
high rated
RedRagan: Appeasing Linux users in GOG is like feeding wild gators. Either they eat your chicken offering or bite your hand. There's no in between.
Have you ever asked or tried to find out why? Let's look at the facts:

Galaxy is not available for Linux, and quite a few devs have omitted releasing that version of their game here cause of it, which frustrated a few people.
Many games which are released cross platform on Steam are released without their Linux version here, including recent titles such as Desperados 3 and Blasphemous.

You can't truly expect that nobody will stay put and not talk about this stuff. When that happens it doesn't mean "they're being whiny and complaining". They just want to throw money to the devs and play the game too.

Now for the devs who release their games on Linux:

They start really good, great support and all, then down the road the Linux support is left behind. This is not the case with all games mind you but A World to the West is one such example. As for this dev in particular, I've played through Teslagrad twice which left a good impression and I didn't hesitate to buy their next game. My disappointment wasn't without reason.

A small list of the games in the same situation:

Hand of Fate 2
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
Hyper Light Drifter
Sunless Skies
Deep Sky Derelicts
Victor Vran

I'm not a wild gator, but a GOG customer (and human being), who only wants to have equal support for his games just as others.

I understand shit happens, which is why sometimes I email devs to notify them the game is out of date for a specific OS.
Post edited October 17, 2020 by Ganni1987
high rated
RedRagan: Y'know what, maybe you're right about it's us vs them. My experience with Linux users are never pleasant. 3 years ago I was thinking about learning Linux but no one want to help me even when I asked politely in message board and IRL.
I'm sorry to hear that.
FWIW, when I started with Linux, back when, I just downloaded a semi-random distro, installed it, and anytime I encountered any problem, I'd find a solution with a few short online searches. After a year or two, I could determine for myself what I cared about in a Linux distribution based on personal experience, did research based on that, and have never looked back.
I wouldn't know how to get started in any other way, but people here on the forum seem positive about the work adamhm has put into his beginner's guide for Linux Mint (that's for Mint 19, not certain if he's done one for Mint 20 yet), so people willing to provide helpful advice certainly do exist.

RedRagan: Then years of my activity on GOG message board Linux users always posting about certain game doesn't run on their Linux OS and complaining about it or complaining that a certain game doesn't have a Linux version.
I semi-regularly post on new release threads for games without a Linux version which look interesting, to ask if a Linux version is possible. I try to always do so friendly and respectfully, mostly with the goal of letting developers know that there's interest, since for developers who're on the fence about it, this can make the difference between putting in the time, or not. And if they say it's not in the cards, then I wish them luck with their game, and happily return to the abundance of other games that do just work on Linux.
Since I do this, I also pay attention to other similar posts by Linux users. I've seen posts I'd classify as "complaining" (mostly due to understandable frustration when a Linux version is available at Steam, but not DRM-free on gog) - but I'd describe the vast majority of such posts as friendly and respectful, same as what I'm striving for.
I wonder how much of your characterization is colored by your earlier bad experiences, and how much of it is perception due to "tone" coming over badly in text.

RedRagan: For a community who keep preaching for people to use Linux the gatekeeping is real. Also watching Linux users keep arguing with each other about their preferred Linux Distros in Linus Torvald's youtube videos shows how fragmented Linux users are.
I think there's very few Linux users who consider themselves to be part of a Linux "community". Linux is just an OS. My interest align slightly with those of other Linux users in that we all benefit from even more games being available, but that's about it. (Philosophically I of course align strongly with some underlying Linux and open source principles, but these in themselves aren't exactly things I've ever seen much online community around either.)

Yes, there are fanboys using Linux, same as there are for any other OS, and yes, these fanboys consider it important which distro is most popular, but eh, what can you do about it? The "fragmentation" between distributions is something I consider a strength - there's near infinite choice. If you're willing to put in the time, there's a perfect distro for everything you care about - and if you aren't, then you can pick one of the mainstream ones which comes closest, and tinker with the things that don't quite match your personal vision of how things should be.

As for the arguments happening in the comments on youtube videos: You're talking about comments on youtube videos! The subject of the videos is entirely orthogonal to that. (relevant xkcd) ;P

Anyway, with apologies to the developer of this lovely looking game, I think that's quite enough derailing of this thread from me. :)
gogtrial34987: As for the arguments happening in the comments on youtube videos: You're talking about comments on youtube videos! The subject of the videos is entirely orthogonal to that. (relevant xkcd) ;P
Is xkcd linking to Black Lives Matter unironically?
RedRagan: Y'know what, maybe you're right about it's us vs them.
If you’ve had a bad experience, I’m sorry....
The community Linux is made up of 100% former users Windows.
Composed of very diverse human beings.
Of all countries and of all religions and of different opinion selfish and generous.

As we are from the same community, that of gamers without DRM.
We can hope together that more nice people will arrive on Linux.
If it matters to you ;)

( ps; I am ok to help you if you needed it, and if I’m capable of it.)
( ps; I give a single star, to games that have no chance of working, to bring help to the new ones on Linux! )
Post edited October 17, 2020 by LinuxFire