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Reliving humanity's greatest conflict.

<span class="bold">Medal of Honor&trade;: Pacific Assault</span> the historically-inspired FPS of WWII heroics, is available now, DRM-free on with a 60% launch discount.

World War II was kind to no soul - humankind lost something that we're still trying to retrieve. Private Thomas Conlin was first touched by the war when he arrived at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. From that point onwards, he will be deployed to several key places across the Pacific theatre of WWII, participating in the Makin Island raid, becoming an impromptu pilot at Guadalcanal, and even getting assigned as squad leader in the Battle of Tarawa.
Giving orders to your mates and calling a medic for health recovery are among the innovative features that give Pacific Assault that all-important coat of realism which perfectly compliments its accurate depiction of some less known WWII battles. And it proves that as much as war changes every man, so can one man's heroics change the war, either in big ways or small.

Join <span class="bold">Medal of Honor&trade;: Pacific Assault</span> and experience the war that changed the course of history, DRM-free on
The 60% discount will last until November 3, 12:59 PM UTC.
DampSquib: Yeah it says complete...but you get nothing....meh.
tinyE: That happened with another release a few months ago and they eventually fixed it. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Ah ok, well at least it's not the iraq phone lines to blame :P
Crysis is fine, so not effected by it.....yay for me :D
Warhead is good as well..woot.
Post edited October 27, 2016 by DampSquib
tinyE: Anyone having trouble downloading this using the GOG Downloader?

Someone else mentioned it in the community thread. It goes green immediately without actually downloading anything.
Completed rightaway, no download. Haven't downloaded the extras yet, but they queue normally.
Nice, only remains now MOH: Airborne from the classical Medal series
tinyE: You folks getting any downloader complains over at the office?

I only ask because I want to know if I should bother waiting for a fix and if not, can I get a refund because I can't download it without the downloader.
No one in the office at this hour - but I'll check what's wrong.
tinyE: You folks getting any downloader complains over at the office?

I only ask because I want to know if I should bother waiting for a fix and if not, can I get a refund because I can't download it without the downloader.
Thiev: No one in the office at this hour - but I'll check what's wrong.
I got it downloaded with the browser somehow, though it took several reboots.

Either way I'm sure the rest of us would like to knows about a fix when it happens so thank you. :D
tinyE: I got it downloaded with the browser somehow, though it took several reboots.
You should really start to use DownThemAll. It has all the functionalities of the downloader (and even more) and is easy to use. Should be perfect for your situation.
tinyE: I got it downloaded with the browser somehow, though it took several reboots.
PaterAlf: You should really start to use DownThemAll. It has all the functionalities of the downloader (and even more) and is easy to use. Should be perfect for your situation.
I'm getting it now and

Oh good. Ten different links for it. :P This is going to be a headache. XD
Wait no, that was simple.
Post edited October 28, 2016 by tinyE
I will recognize engine by Monolith everywhere (Lithtech Jupiter, the same as from NOLF2), it looks good even today. ;p
I have the retail version...

I will buy the DRMFREE version NOW...

For some reason my brain acts funny whenever I encounter the fact that this game it's trying to deny it. xD
tinyE: I got it downloaded with the browser somehow, though it took several reboots.

Either way I'm sure the rest of us would like to knows about a fix when it happens so thank you. :D
That would be nice. Downloaded them with Galaxy as it was the only working option. Galaxy gave the installer files a weird name:
Integrity check during installing doesn't start.
tinyE: I got it downloaded with the browser somehow, though it took several reboots.

Either way I'm sure the rest of us would like to knows about a fix when it happens so thank you. :D
HertogJan: That would be nice. Downloaded them with Galaxy as it was the only working option. Galaxy gave the installer files a weird name:
Integrity check during installing doesn't start.
DownLoadThemAll works.

Still, GOG needs to do something and FAST!

Of course it's the weekend so FAST is out.
Post edited October 29, 2016 by tinyE
fortune_p_dawg: i remember when this came out. it always looked like the shinier underdog to the more widely praised allied assault. which one does everyone think is the superior medal of honor game?
Personally I think MoHAA is the better game, inspired by Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers and on Alistair McLean novels for the later part, while MoHPA seems to be inspired by Pearl Harbor, The Pacific and a touch of FMJ. The worst thing I didn't like however was how slow it plays. I recommend you see Gggmanlives review about it, recommended by MaxFulvus, as I agree pretty much with everything about it.
tinyE: DownLoadThemAll works.

Still, GOG needs to do something and FAST!

Of course it's the weekend so FAST is out.
It may work for you, it doesn't for me. Not 1 single file here on GOG. Might be doing something wrong, but not clear what.
Weekend is over, no fix though.