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Reliving humanity's greatest conflict.

<span class="bold">Medal of Honor&trade;: Pacific Assault</span> the historically-inspired FPS of WWII heroics, is available now, DRM-free on with a 60% launch discount.

World War II was kind to no soul - humankind lost something that we're still trying to retrieve. Private Thomas Conlin was first touched by the war when he arrived at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. From that point onwards, he will be deployed to several key places across the Pacific theatre of WWII, participating in the Makin Island raid, becoming an impromptu pilot at Guadalcanal, and even getting assigned as squad leader in the Battle of Tarawa.
Giving orders to your mates and calling a medic for health recovery are among the innovative features that give Pacific Assault that all-important coat of realism which perfectly compliments its accurate depiction of some less known WWII battles. And it proves that as much as war changes every man, so can one man's heroics change the war, either in big ways or small.

Join <span class="bold">Medal of Honor&trade;: Pacific Assault</span> and experience the war that changed the course of history, DRM-free on
The 60% discount will last until November 3, 12:59 PM UTC.
damien: too bad it is not the director's edition
Is this confirmed?

Thats too bad, i loved the soundtrack and maps it had.
A very nice drm-free release ! Too bad it's when I'm broke.
I remember the bad critics in 2004 because of its bugs and the release of Call of Duty and Battlefield 1942.
high rated
damien: too bad it is not the director's edition
Unfortunately we didn't receive an approval for Director's Cut version.
MaxFulvus: A very nice drm-free release ! Too bad it's when I'm broke.
I remember the bad critics in 2004 because of its bugs and the release of Call of Duty and Battlefield 1942.
There was even a sequel planned, but canned due to bad reviews/sales.
damien: too bad it is not the director's edition
Thiev: Unfortunately we didn't receive an approval for Director's Cut version.
I'm not losing hope for the future :)
I'd be careful about buying this game.

I got this game on release and it was buggy as hell. Sometimes the enemies were bullet sponges. I forget how many times I empied en entire slip into an enemy only to get bayonetted. The aimbot AI was absolutely infuriating in the jungle areas. Sometimes the enemies are hiding up in the trees and it was nigh impossible to spot them. I never finished the jungle areas and it was just a slog.

I'm not sure how much patching this game got but even if the bugs are fixed, it still wasn't a good game. The level design resembled laboratory test tubes stuck together. Narrow area, then it was open up, once the area was cleared you could save (you have limited saves in this game), rinse and repeat.

At this price, buyer beware
I already on this game on DVD from the 10th anniversary collection, but I plan on getting this some day. This place is getting to be really good for FPS games.
How does this game compare to Allied Assault?
IronArcturus: How does this game compare to Allied Assault?
Well...... Allied Assault is by far the best Medal of Honor game on PC(my biased opinion :D),but Pacific Assault is also one hell of a game.Kinda wish the online component didn't get shutdown,without any alternative.The story line is ver self-explanatory.Really gripping and fun,followed by some impressive music score(again,not as good or nostalgic as Allied Assault).I would definitely advise you to buy it,or at least put it on your wishlist.Cheers
IronArcturus: How does this game compare to Allied Assault?
deja65: Well...... Allied Assault is by far the best Medal of Honor game on PC(my biased opinion :D),but Pacific Assault is also one hell of a game.Kinda wish the online component didn't get shutdown,without any alternative.The story line is ver self-explanatory.Really gripping and fun,followed by some impressive music score(again,not as good or nostalgic as Allied Assault).I would definitely advise you to buy it,or at least put it on your wishlist.Cheers
Thanks for the info!
Whoa, that price. We paid $24.99 for it in 2004, twelve years later it should not sell for the same price undiscounted. It's not even the director's cut or upgraded graphics like Myst or Grim Fandango. Sorry as much as I like to support GOG, I'll wait till this gets a 90% discount. I really wouldn't pay more than $2 for a game that EA offered for free not too long ago.
Post edited October 27, 2016 by Sophia
Sophia: Whoa, that price. We paid $24.99 for it in 2004, twelve years later it should not sell for the same price undiscounted. It's not even the director's cut or upgraded graphics like Myst or Grim Fandango. Sorry as much as I like to support GOG, I'll wait till this gets a 90% discount. I really wouldn't pay more than $2 for a game that EA offered for free not too long ago.
With games age should not dictate price.
Sophia: Whoa, that price. We paid $24.99 for it in 2004, twelve years later it should not sell for the same price undiscounted. It's not even the director's cut or upgraded graphics like Myst or Grim Fandango. Sorry as much as I like to support GOG, I'll wait till this gets a 90% discount. I really wouldn't pay more than $2 for a game that EA offered for free not too long ago.
Look at the base prices. It's 20 on GOG but only 10 on Origin. Does drm free cause a tax or something? It shouldn't. Also your right about it only being a core game. Allied assault on GOG goes for 10 and they throw in addons. I think EA is behind this pricing setup on GOG.
Hahaha as much as I disagree with you - I definitely think old games should not have new prices - my husband agrees with you guys and wanted me to buy the game after all :D So scratch all what I said before, it's now on our game shelf :P

Edit, oops missed your post, silent49. I actually checked EA but here in Canada, both prices are the same ($9.99 CAN) so naturally, GOG won.

I'm still appalled at the price though but I know it'll give hubby hours of revived fun, so I guess that'll make it worth it.
Post edited October 27, 2016 by Sophia
Origin offered this on the house earlier this year and I've played it. The only MoH I played so far and I really enjoyed it. Sure, it is not flawless and has it's share of propaganda, which was to be expected and was something I took lightly/didn't care, but it is a really good fps that captures the war feeling precisely. I would wait for a bigger discount but that's just me, I always wait for big discounts :P. Anyone who thinks about it, I'd say it's worth it.

By the way, I didn't encounter any bugs during my playthrough. Just sayin', I don't doubt people who say that they had problems.