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Theatricality and deception are powerful agents.

<span class="bold">Masquerada: Songs and Shadows</span>, a stylish RPG of artful deception and real-time-with-pause combat, is now available, DRM-free on

Keep the aristocracy elevated far above the underprivileged for long enough and turmoil will certainly ensue. Even in Citte della Ombre, this beautiful Venetian-escue city, where elaborate masks grant magic powers to their owners. Living in exile for past transgressions, you are now summoned back to form an elite task force and investigate the mysterious kidnapping of an upstanding citizen. But can you truly trust those giving the orders or even your own companions?
Whether you enjoy swift, chaotic battles that require sharp reflexes and split-second decisions, or prefer to plan and fine-tune your every move, Masquerada's flexible combat system will feel equally fun and challenging. Especially when accompanied by the dramatic narrative and incredible voice-overs, provided by the likes of Jennifer Hale and Matthew Mercer.

Get entangled in a dramatic tale of dark conspiracy, powerful magic, and intricate lies in <span class="bold">Masquerada: Songs and Shadows</span>, DRM-free on
Post edited September 30, 2016 by maladr0Id
zeogold: What is this, beatnik slang?
skeletonbow: Well... I figure since there's a big 8-bit retro pixel-graphics thing going on these days, why not have 8-bit retro crap audio to go along with it no? I mean high quality voice acting on top of a game with graphics that have corners that poke my eyes out doesn't make sense. Shouldn't the audio also make my ears bleed? :)

I do actually have a SoundBlaster Pro kicking around somewhere also sadly. :)
Groovy. I dig it, man. this working?
PloppyBlop: You may be happy to hear that Masquerada does not have any interactive dialogues, so the question of dialogue options doesn't even arise.
Ah. So the game is really linear then? Well as long as the story and combat are interesting, that still works for me I guess.
zeogold: Groovy. I dig it, man. this working?
It's kicking around in a box in the basement with other ancient ISA cards, AGP video cards, PCI cards etc. I even have a few VLB cards, and of course.. an ET4000 (prize possession!). None of the motherboards I own which could take the ISA cards have been powered on in well over a decade if not 15 years or more though so none of them would actually work without either cracking out a soldering iron and some dicking around, or if I'm lucky, swapping out a CR2032.

One of these days I really need to take a full pass over the basement and figure out what all works, what is broke and do some spring cleaning, as well as try to rebuild some working systems from all the old parts to see what is worthwhile keeping other than for nostalgic historical purposes. ;)

I've got an SB16 and an AWE32 also. :)
skeletonbow: Εα σεα δελενιτι ασεντιορ δεμωσριθυμ, ατ φαβυλας ελειφενδ συμ. Φιμ νο μυνερε μολλις μωδερατιυς, ευμ ιν φιρθυθε δισερετ. Ει ηις σενσεριτ σονσεκυυντυρ. Κυο ει φιδε λωρεμ σανστυς, ορατιο νονυμες νο πρω, σενσεριτ ασεντιορ φυλπυτατε ηις νο. Εως συ δισυντ θιμεαμ φολυπταθυμ. Εξ μελ θαθιων φολυπθατιβυς, κυι ελιτρ νιηιλ αλικυανδο ιδ, μυνδι φευγαιθ εαμ εα. Ιν περτιναξ σωνσθιτυθο φολυπταθυμ μει, ιλλυδ συσιπιθ πλασεραθ συ υσυ. Ει κυωδ φισι δενικυε εσθ, σαπερεθ γυβεργρεν φιξ νε.

One of these days I really need to take a full pass over the basement and figure out what all works, what is broke and do some spring cleaning, as well as try to rebuild some working systems from all the old parts to see what is worthwhile keeping other than for nostalgic historical purposes. ;)

Πρι σορρυμπιθ περτινασια ει, υθ εσθ σαλε αδφερσαριυμ δετερρυισεθ, ευμ εξ ινθερεσετ δισεντιυνθ.
You have utterly, completely lost me.
Post edited October 01, 2016 by zeogold
zeogold: You have utterly, completely lost me.

(Incidentally, I attempted to Google translate your Greek there and it foils any attempts at doing so. :)
skeletonbow: (Incidentally, I attempted to Google translate your Greek there and it foils any attempts at doing so. :)
That's because it's gibberish.
It's the "lorem ipsum" text.
zeogold: That's because it's gibberish.
It's the "lorem ipsum" text.
Ah, it didn't even translate to the English form of that. :)
Breja: my wishlist grows again and again and barely ever shrinks :P
zeogold: Well, we could easily fix that if you'd be a good sport and make it public.
Maybe once I'm well off enough to make some gifts of my own :) Besides it's not just about buying the games, but playing them too. I still have a backlog, and considering it's mostly RPGs and adventure games, there's probably enough game-time in those titles to keep me playing for a year.
I kinda wish everyone would make their wishlists public, just because it is nice to know statistically which games are the most wished for both in the wider public as a whole, as well as within friends or other circles, or just to know what an individual person's taste in games and potential future games is. At the same time I can understand some reasons why people prefer to keep them private too... so people don't see they have that Barbie Puppy Rescue game (or equivalent) on their wishlist and whatnot. LOL
high rated
skeletonbow: I kinda wish everyone would make their wishlists public, just because it is nice to know statistically which games are the most wished for both in the wider public as a whole, as well as within friends or other circles, or just to know what an individual person's taste in games and potential future games is. At the same time I can understand some reasons why people prefer to keep them private too... so people don't see they have that Barbie Puppy Rescue game (or equivalent) on their wishlist and whatnot. LOL
I'll never make my wishlist public. It's not because I'm ashamed of the games that are in it, but because I dislike the idea of people knowing stuff about me that I didn't tell them. I also don't see why anyone would be interested in what my tastes in gaming are, except for potentially giving me stuff (which I don't need, and I'd rather generous people gave games to people who do need it) or for tailoring ads on the Net (which I don't want either). Sorry if that ruins your statistical analysis of what games are popular...

That being said, we're getting off-topic. If anyone's been playing this game, is it any good? It looks more linear than I usually like, but if the story's good enough I'll buy it anyway.
mystral: I'll never make my wishlist public. It's not because I'm ashamed of the games that are in it, but because I dislike the idea of people knowing stuff about me that I didn't tell them. I also don't see why anyone would be interested in what my tastes in gaming are, except for potentially giving me stuff (which I don't need, and I'd rather generous people gave games to people who do need it) or for tailoring ads on the Net (which I don't want either). Sorry if that ruins your statistical analysis of what games are popular...

That being said, we're getting off-topic. If anyone's been playing this game, is it any good? It looks more linear than I usually like, but if the story's good enough I'll buy it anyway.
Yeah, your concerns are all very reasonable IMHO, I can definitely respect that. Sometimes I'll be chatting with someone about games and they might be someone I have known or seen around for a while or someone knew, but out of the conversation I'm curious what kind of games they may like, such as out of common interest from the conversation or whatnot. If they have a public game profile I may have a look at it to see what they like playing and possibly converse with them about it. As an example, a day or so ago I did this and saw someone who owned all of the Black Mirror games and some other games that I also own and have an interest in. I asked them their thoughts about it both for conversation and to gauge how soon I might consider playing those games myself as it's nice to talk first hand with someone about a game than just generic reviews on a platform for example.

Normally I keep my online profiles for things quite private, but in the gaming world of things I've kind of went the other way and made my gaming profiles more public. There were some consequences to this on Steam for quite some time as you would get inundated with bogus scammer asshole friend requests for quite some time but eventually Steam seems to have magically resolved that issue completely and I never see any problematic issues on there anymore having a public profile. Still it's an individual thing as to weighing the pros and cons of such.

On the other side of things, I've had people here on GOG and elsewhere look through my gaming profile on Steam or on the gogwiki or public gog wishlist and have some interesting conversations about games of common interest, recommendations etc. initiated from the other person too. Haven't had any particularly bad experiences to date other than the aforementioned Steam scammer problems that are a thing of the past (and I never once actually got scammed, I just always reported them and blocked them when they were a problem).

Some folks prefer to keep a lower profile online with their gaming too though and that's cool too. I have some friend that are like that as well, and I used to even do the same thing myself originally so I understand the reasons well enough. :)
I have to wonder - is it wise to release a game like this (not very cheap and no discount) during a sale? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm very happy it's here, like I already said, but even if I was to spend that amount of money on games right now, I could get like three other games from my wishlist for it.
Breja: I have to wonder - is it wise to release a game like this (not very cheap and no discount) during a sale? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm very happy it's here, like I already said, but even if I was to spend that amount of money on games right now, I could get like three other games from my wishlist for it.
Well it's a simultaneous release with Steam for once. I guess they might have delayed the game if there had been a sale on Steam, but I don't think GOG typically represents a big enough percentage of sales to delay release because it has a sale going. Assuming the devs even knew about the sale in the first place.
Breja: I have to wonder - is it wise to release a game like this (not very cheap and no discount) during a sale? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm very happy it's here, like I already said, but even if I was to spend that amount of money on games right now, I could get like three other games from my wishlist for it.
mystral: Well it's a simultaneous release with Steam for once. I guess they might have delayed the game if there had been a sale on Steam, but I don't think GOG typically represents a big enough percentage of sales to delay release because it has a sale going. Assuming the devs even knew about the sale in the first place.
Maybe they could have the sale start and end two days eariler. But really, I'm just pondering, I'm not saying GOG did anything wrong here, it's just a question that occured to me. Maybe it won't impact how the game sells, and maybe it's just poor timing that GOG could in no way avoid.
low rated
I played the game for a few hours and i really hated it.Thank god that i pirated and didn't buy it(I do pirate first and if i like it i buy it and i have no intention playing that game anymore).The game is all about social justice and it commits the greatest sin of RPG,there is no fucking Roll Playing.... at all.I was stuck for hours to play a guy that i despise more than a serial killer rapist.The game is entirely linear and all the interaction are ether you go and push "E" on colored circle or you fight.The fighting system is not bad but the targeting abilities are very un-responding.The writing is good but it is very forced if you don't like that kind of story.There is literally forced story about a gay guy(I didn't finished,i just deleted the game).