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Become a true ninja - silent, agile, and clever to outwit your opponents in a world of beautiful scenery and flowing animation. Mark of the Ninja: Remastered is now available on GOG.COM with a 60% discount lasting until 1st December 2020, 2 PM UTC. Marked with cursed tattoos giving you heightened senses, every situation presents you with options - to become an invisible ghost or a brutal assassin.

If you own the original Mark of the Ninja game the discount for the game will rise to 75%, also until 1st December 2020, 2 PM UTC. If you bought Mark of the Ninja Special Edition or Special Edition Upgrade on GOM.COM in the past - you will receive the Remastered version of the game for free.

Share our love for games? Subscribe to our newsletter for news, releases, and exclusive discounts. Visit the “Privacy & settings” section of your GOG.COM account to join now!
about damn time. glad it's finally here though.
high rated
Mark of the Ninja: Remastered exclusive No Linux Edition
bluethief: I own the original on Steam and got the Remaster for free because I also had the DLC.
That's what might be happening here?

If you only own the base game, then you only get 75% discount.
That is correct.
Antis Tardis Duke Nukem.

Thanks for the free update, folks. :)
Post edited November 24, 2020 by M3troid
high rated
Odd that the original version got a Linux release here but the remaster does not.
Please release Griftlands and Oxygen Not Included on GOG.
At long fucking last... :P

Thanks for the free upgrade! Much appreciated!
high rated
Will Klei be nice to GOG again, as in the old times?
GOG, where you game catalog increases as days go by, no purchase required. First the re-vamped (pun intended) Blood Rayne games, now Mark of the Ninja: Remastered. Hats off to the GOGBears and to the game developers/publishers.
Thanks Klei / GOG for update the game!
wolfsite: Odd that the original version got a Linux release here but the remaster does not.
Also happened with Observer, unfortunately...
avatar Become a true ninja - silent, agile, and clever to outwit your opponents in a world of beautiful scenery and flowing animation. Mark of the Ninja: Remastered is now available on GOG.COM with a 60% discount lasting until 1st December 2020, 2 PM UTC. Marked with cursed tattoos giving you heightened senses, every situation presents you with options - to become an invisible ghost or a brutal assassin.

If you own the original Mark of the Ninja game the discount for the game will rise to 75%, also until 1st December 2020, 2 PM UTC. If you bought Mark of the Ninja Special Edition or Special Edition Upgrade on GOM.COM in the past - you will receive the Remastered version of the game for free.

Share our love for games? Subscribe to our newsletter for news, releases, and exclusive discounts. Visit the “Privacy & settings” section of your GOG.COM account to join now!
And who buys the game now, gets the old version too?
I own the original in Steam, it is worth to upgrade to ramaster or it's only slight improved resolution textures (wich I dont care)?
Oh, cool. Thanks!
Does this mean more love from Klei to Gog? (cough.. "Don't Starve" updates\DLCs )