Orkhepaj: true , not even game
dtgreene: From the screenshots, I see:
* Spiritual E. represented as both a meter and a figure; seems 100 is the maximum.
* Action points, on a screen where you can select a location to visit. (This is also one of the screenshot with Spiritual E..)
Those seem at least a little game-like to me.
Gersen: How do you define an "adventure" game then ? It tells nothing about the gameplay. Saying it's "adventure" is like saying it is "murder mystery", "romance" or even "horror", it can be used for a game, book, and movie, why not for a VN ?
dtgreene: (...)
(Note that most "action adventure" games aren't really adventure games by this definition, or only have light adventure game elements; La-Mulana is an exception, as its adventure game elements are prominent and hardcore.)
Action adventure is not an adventure game in fact, it's an action adventure ;) For me that's games like the Castlevania and Legacy of Kain, Oddworld series. Tons of traditionally console stuff, while adventure games were something you wanted a pc for.
Dogmaus: A vn is not an adventure game
Gersen: How do you define an "adventure" game then ? It tells nothing about the gameplay. Saying it's "adventure" is like saying it is "murder mystery", "romance" or even "horror", it can be used for a game, book, and movie, why not for a VN ?
you are mistaking settings/themes with game mechanics. You can make a horror rpg, FPS, adventure game, visual novel.
A urban fantasy rpg, FPS, adventure game, visual novel. Horror is not a kind of videogame like "match-3" but a setting/theme/esthetic, like sci-fi. In fact, you could take the same game, let's say a RTS and re-skin it as fantasy, sci-fi, modern setting.
If I make a tetris-like game and give it an Indiana Jones theme/skin, that doesn't make it an adventure game. It's an Indiana Jones tetris clone. A Monkey Island flipper (pinball machine for some here) would not be an "adventure game flipper", but a MI themed flipper.