DF1871: Vetry nice, bought.
Hope it comes at least close to the first one.
Actually, i hope not. While the first one had a nice atmosphere and alignment/capital build system, fun mini quests and the tactical combat was ok to very ok (albeit hero abilities very unbalanced, some being awepowerful, others so useless a hero with them might as well be killed off) The optimisation was dreadful.. long loading times, sluggish images...
Mostly: The campaign mechanics absolutely sucked. hidden triggers and unclear story elements that, without any warnings could and would get you to advance far too fast and getting you totally destroyed by overpowered sidhe/crusader units that appeared when scripted to do so, player not even able to find out where he went wrong unless precisely following a guide.
Therefore too linear and too scripted. Couldnt just 'build up' to get stronger economy/army if the coming challenges were too hard. You had to advance before you were ready and then hang on by the skin of teeth.
Once you triggered some points in the main quest.. a timer activated that made sure shit was going down a set amount of time later, and from that moment you were 'in the pipeline'
To increase fun: to be able to build up the power to face these challenges... you had to trigger the timers. The sidhe units and the high tier christian units were the only ones of note, and to get them you had to advance the main quest to the pipeline point. Even if you didnt do that and decided to build your economy.. after a set amount of turns the main quest would advance anyway!
Due to this i never even finished this potentially awesome game. i just hate to follow a tight, unforgiving script that i cant even read. If i need an external guide, alt tabbing in and out all the time to find out what exactly i have to do when to not get totally killed later..being in a race but not knowing when it starts and where i have to be at what time.. its just not fun, nor immersive.. Just as annoying as the nearly mandatory 'builds' in d&d games where anything except a totally level by level pre-planned character will make your character severely gimped. Might as well make the builds preselectable and eliminate manual leveling.
I really wanted to love it, and i started playing it time and again, but as soon as i hit the scripts i lose interest as it is just a race against the timers, lots of loading/saving to get the 'right' results, the right heroes etc.. no benefits to player creativity no variety, fun exploration and build-up ..
Not even a few 'ok' ways to do it, a few 'good' ways and one 'best 'way.. just one way that most of the time will work and maybe another that you may succeed with if you are a gaming god. Even the alignments make little difference, they just determine what ultimate units you get to replace your other fodder and with what you take the mandatory steps though the pipeline.