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A space oddity.

<span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span>, the video-game space simulator, is available now, DRM-free on for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, with a 25% launch discount!

It's here! Since it first showed up on our gamedars, <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span> has managed to go viral a few times over. Today it hits the big 1.0, and we couldn't be more excited to welcome the ultimate and amazing space-program simulator to With a premise as deceptively simple as "build a working starship", <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program's</span> success is in creating the perfect blend of realism, ridiculousness, and learning. Learn from the game, learn from the community, learn from your own dumb mistakes. It's a game in which you win when you lose, and win even more when you finally succeed. With fully-fledged, physics-based space flight, a vast solar system of moons and planets, unbelievable customisability, and nearly limitless mod support, <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span> is the one, unique game that everyone should try at least once.

Once you actually manage to launch your ship into orbit, once you're past your first moon landing, and once you step foot on your first alien planet - check out, where over 500 mods await to turn your game up, or inside out, with more tweaks and additions than you can imagine.

Float in a most peculiar way in <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span>, available now, DRM-free on! The 25% discount will last until Sunday, May 3, at 4:59 PM GMT.
No goodies? GOG = goodies!
How about a couple of avatars with the little guys' faces? :P
ne_zavarj: How much does it cost in Russia?
USD11.69, USD9 after discount
Post edited April 27, 2015 by mobutu
Can't wait to get it.
mobutu: USD11.69, USD9 after discount
Thanks .

The game is currently on the 12th place of the " popular " list .
I've no money to buy this yet :(

So, I hope it stays on GOG for a while.
skeecher: I hope it stays on GOG for a while.
Where would it go? :)
And yet another regionally priced game. Meh.
Sorry, but i won't buy it, it's a matter of priciple.
Tallima: ... to get to the Mun and back just once.
Have you managed to get to the Mun and back? I have a hard time with the "back" part.

I've shot several Kerbals past the Mun, and the poor bugger's are still going. I've created several Kerbal Craters on the Mun, and I've got one poor Kerbal destined to spend the rest of his life, however short, orbiting the Mun.
Tallima: ... to get to the Mun and back just once.
hummer010: Have you managed to get to the Mun and back? I have a hard time with the "back" part.

I've shot several Kerbals past the Mun, and the poor bugger's are still going. I've created several Kerbal Craters on the Mun, and I've got one poor Kerbal destined to spend the rest of his life, however short, orbiting the Mun.
I see you're keeping your Kerbal Safire in full employ.
Tallima: ... to get to the Mun and back just once.
hummer010: Have you managed to get to the Mun and back? I have a hard time with the "back" part.

I've shot several Kerbals past the Mun, and the poor bugger's are still going. I've created several Kerbal Craters on the Mun, and I've got one poor Kerbal destined to spend the rest of his life, however short, orbiting the Mun.
Here are my recommendations (this is from memory -- it should do you, though):

NOTE: If you want to figure this out on your own, then these are SPOILERS!

You'll want many stages. 4 or 5.
Keep your stabilizer wheel thing off the lander. It's a lot of weight.
Launch straight up. At about 10,000 feet, tilt 45 degrees east. Keep an eye on your trajectory. As soon as your projected apex hits 80-100km, turn the engines off. Then, as you near the apex (maybe a minute from it), turn them on full blast in the direction of your movement. Try to achieve orbit at 80-100km before your start descending.

Now that you're in orbit, turn on your map. Set the Mun as your Target. Click on your orbit and select the increase forward velocity icon and drag it until your orbit barely touches the Mun's orbit.

Now rotate your forward velocity mark point around your orbit until your projected orbit makes contact with the Mun.

Once you get to your forward velocity mark point, execute the burn. Give it as much thrust as you want at first, but get it low toward the end of your burn so you can be very precise in your aim.

Now speed up time a bit.

As you get close to the Mun, use your map to again plan your orbit around the moon. You'll need to reverse thrust quite a bit to lower your velocity. Once you get into a lunar orbit, shrink it down so you're flying over the Mun. Don't hit any mountains. :)

Using your map again, pick where to drop your velocity again so that you land well within a sun-lit spot on the Mun. You want the sunlight so you have a shadow. Your shadow will help you not crash.

If possible, at this point, have 2 stages left. Or just make sure you have plenty of fuel. It takes a lot of fuel for all of the maneuvering down the moon. A smooth landing can use a lot, lot, lot less fuel. So you may want to hit F5 to save and F9 to reload in case things go sour.

So now you just drop your velocity and plummet toward the moon. As you get closer to the moon's surface, give yourself some thrust to slow yourself down. Try to put some thrust in the direction you are heading. That will slow your descent while simultaneously slowing your speed relative to the surface of the planet.

Keep popping out bursts of thrust until you land it.

I recommend building the lander with a wide lower section. I use the metal beams to make it wider. And then I put the telescopic landing legs on those beams. I've also landed with beams on the nose so that if I tip over, it'll keep me pointed mostly skyward. :)

Once you land, take some measurements, soil samples and fly around and have fun. You're on the Mun!

And then get back into your space craft and launch it straight up. Full thrust.

Once you get a few thousand meters up, give it 90 degree thrust on the horizon. That will get your orbit lined up with Kerbin.

Then, once you're in lunar orbit, use your map to figure out an exit strategy that takes you toward Kerbin.

Once you get out of the Mun's orbit, adjust your orbit (remember, any changes of velocity affect the opposite side of your orbit) so that you hit Kerbin's atmosphere.

With some luck and really good rocket-driving, you'll make it.

Don't forget to load and save using F5 (save) and F9 (load) to perfect your launches and landings.

Bonus points for landing at the launch pad. :) (I've gotten close, but no cigar yet :D)
Post edited April 27, 2015 by Tallima
DRM-Free and regionally priced.
Very nice release, thanks!
Awesome release. I've been playing this on Steam for over a year and loving it.

I would re-buy it on GOG, as I usually do when a game I like leaves Steam, but the price is a barrier. I'll keep an eye out for a good sale, though.
Post edited April 27, 2015 by Invader115
Yeah.. that's a bit more than I'm willing to spend at this particular time.
I tried it a long time ago and it was kind of fun, so I'll keep my eye on this one.