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A space oddity.

<span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span>, the video-game space simulator, is available now, DRM-free on for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, with a 25% launch discount!

It's here! Since it first showed up on our gamedars, <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span> has managed to go viral a few times over. Today it hits the big 1.0, and we couldn't be more excited to welcome the ultimate and amazing space-program simulator to With a premise as deceptively simple as "build a working starship", <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program's</span> success is in creating the perfect blend of realism, ridiculousness, and learning. Learn from the game, learn from the community, learn from your own dumb mistakes. It's a game in which you win when you lose, and win even more when you finally succeed. With fully-fledged, physics-based space flight, a vast solar system of moons and planets, unbelievable customisability, and nearly limitless mod support, <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span> is the one, unique game that everyone should try at least once.

Once you actually manage to launch your ship into orbit, once you're past your first moon landing, and once you step foot on your first alien planet - check out, where over 500 mods await to turn your game up, or inside out, with more tweaks and additions than you can imagine.

Float in a most peculiar way in <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span>, available now, DRM-free on! The 25% discount will last until Sunday, May 3, at 4:59 PM GMT.
This is a great game, but I'm not spending 40AUD (that's with the launch discount) just to have a DRM-free copy of a game I have through Steam already.
blotunga: Too expensive atm for me, but wishlisted.
It's worth every cent. ;)
Silverhawk170485: It's worth every cent. ;)
So is most of my backlog... But still I'll wait for a higher discount... Summer sale?
Not a single new Star Wars game? :(
Highly recommend this game guys, true sandbox, tons of hours of fun. And you'll also learn some stuff which is awesome on it's own.
IAmSinistar: The price and system reqs unfortunately make this one to hold off on. Also, would like to see some reviews first. I'm rather leery of gamer hype.
Lots seem to like it for some reason (anyone want to try and sell this game to the non believers like me? ). And yes requirements seem a tad high...
Silverhawk170485: It's worth every cent. ;)
blotunga: So is most of my backlog... But still I'll wait for a higher discount... Summer sale?
it is indeed quit expensive, 40 euros (list price) for 1 game? even 30 euros is a bit high....

regarding the specs, they seem high so i used cyri online it claims my old setup can run the rec. specs
ofcourse it shows half a red circle but every single part is okay:
so the specs arent that high...

my gpu GTS 250 1 GB vram claims to be from 2009 or so when i google on it so its not that new
quad core at 2,67 8 gb ram win7 latest service packs also nothing big...
ofcourse i cant test it to see how well it will perform cause its 3d game, thats not my cup of tea,
Post edited April 28, 2015 by gamesfreak64
Niggles: And yes requirements seem a tad high...
Aerodynamics, physics, ships built from hundred of separate parts (that can each have a different behaviour)... The game is calculation heavy. You can fly a small ship with an older laptop, but once the parts counts goes up (and trust me, it WILL. Very quickly), it will look like a powerpoint presentation, or freeze completely.
With a decent desktop or a recent laptop, it runs fine, though.
avatar The 25% discount will last for four days, until Saturday, April 2, at 4:59 PM GMT.
Last time I checked, the next April 2 is in a bit more than four days from now. :D
It's currently the top-selling game, not bad at all. I wasn't sure it was gonna dethrone Witcher 3, Geralt is usually firmly rooted at the top of the list.

avatar The 25% discount will last for four days, until Saturday, April 2, at 4:59 PM GMT.
xiongmao: Last time I checked, the next April 2 is in a bit more than four days from now. :D
I think I re-read through your post 3 times before I caught their mistake. :D
Post edited April 29, 2015 by SCPM
Ksp is awesome,Really hard and my laptop can't handle big ships but it's still awesome.
$30 is more than i'm going to pay here since i already own it on steam though,i'll probably get it when it hits %60 or %75 off though.
Tried the demo for a few hours.
Skipping the tutorial was a really bad idea, and even after i followed it, my early ships builds were a mess and only when i was about to end my session did i find out how to properly build symetrical parts.
Latest launch made orbit, but eva didnt turn out too well for the astronaut :) . After a rewind, the reentry was a failure, not sure if because of overheating, or opening the parachut too early. Really interesting game from the bits i saw. Now to consider the pricetag.
darkangelz: only when i was about to end my session did i find out how to properly build symetrical parts.
Speaking of which, i have a question.

Once you've added symetrical attachments to your central piece, how can you perfectly align the symetrical parts that you wish to add on them ?

I mean, is there a way to ensure that the center of your added piece will align with the center of the central piece and the attachment ? I often end up accidentally attaching the new pieces a bit to the side of the attachment, with the whole making, say, a bit of a spiral instead of a straight cross.

Does that make sense ?
darkangelz: only when i was about to end my session did i find out how to properly build symetrical parts.
Telika: Speaking of which, i have a question.

Once you've added symetrical attachments to your central piece, how can you perfectly align the symetrical parts that you wish to add on them ?

I mean, is there a way to ensure that the center of your added piece will align with the center of the central piece and the attachment ? I often end up accidentally attaching the new pieces a bit to the side of the attachment, with the whole making, say, a bit of a spiral instead of a straight cross.

Does that make sense ?
I´m not sure if thats what you mean by it, but by symetrical parts i meant the icon that lets you add parts aligned 2, 3, 4 + at a time ( one of the bottom left icons), and i only used it so far for the engines: i wanted to add 4 engines to the rocket, i cliked the lateral detatch charge from the left menu, clikced the icon untill it cicled to a cross shaped, pointed at the position of the rocket i wanted them to be, and it would add 4 perfectly aligned charges, and then to the same for the engines themselves. that way the engines are all at the same elevation position compared to one another. Before i found this, a was trying to add the engines one at a time, and i couldnt easily get them to be at the same height.