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A space oddity.

<span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span>, the video-game space simulator, is available now, DRM-free on for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, with a 25% launch discount!

It's here! Since it first showed up on our gamedars, <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span> has managed to go viral a few times over. Today it hits the big 1.0, and we couldn't be more excited to welcome the ultimate and amazing space-program simulator to With a premise as deceptively simple as "build a working starship", <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program's</span> success is in creating the perfect blend of realism, ridiculousness, and learning. Learn from the game, learn from the community, learn from your own dumb mistakes. It's a game in which you win when you lose, and win even more when you finally succeed. With fully-fledged, physics-based space flight, a vast solar system of moons and planets, unbelievable customisability, and nearly limitless mod support, <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span> is the one, unique game that everyone should try at least once.

Once you actually manage to launch your ship into orbit, once you're past your first moon landing, and once you step foot on your first alien planet - check out, where over 500 mods await to turn your game up, or inside out, with more tweaks and additions than you can imagine.

Float in a most peculiar way in <span class="bold">Kerbal Space Program</span>, available now, DRM-free on! The 25% discount will last until Sunday, May 3, at 4:59 PM GMT.
If you want to know the basics of space flight and aerodynamics, Scott Kerman's Imgur Album is a must read
Wintermute: If you want to know the basics of space flight and aerodynamics, Scott Kerman's Imgur Album is a must read

We don't need no stinkin' aerodynamics!

just struts, lots and lots of struts...
Dawnreader: Rrrready for takeoff!
ne_zavarj: How much does it cost in Russia ? Soviet Russia?

Wintermute: If you want to know the basics of space flight and aerodynamics, Scott Kerman's Imgur Album is a must read
evilnancyreagan: Aerodynamics?!

We don't need no stinkin' aerodynamics!

just struts, lots and lots of struts...
Yeah aerodynamics, pfft don't make me laugh.
Aerodynamics is simply based on part numbers and center of gravity in this game; NOT on how the frame functions as a result of air pressure.
Also another failing of the game is this point A to point B joining that doesn't allow you to transfer a 1 unit connection into a 4 unit connection for quad fuel tanks and then simply putting an inverted 4 to 1 unit coupling to feed all that fuel into your single engine.
In fact it becomes even more annoying building rovers; so much so they should of ditched the space plane hangar and just gone with a vehicle assembler (not to mention there's never been a good way to get them into the main airframe [Not that it would matter one it would still count as 40 odd pieces to render Aerodynamics on INSIDE THE SHIP]).

Don't get me wrong the games immense fun, when you get orbital docking down pat in particular it's like a godsend.
It just has some pretty major design flaws that should of been ironed out LONG AGO.
Oh and the standardized fuel use to engines having no appreciable efficiency difference on constrains ingenuity by making it truly pointless to use different combinations (plus ion drives piss their fuel away [IMHO not worth bothering with]).
ne_zavarj: How much does it cost in Russia?
mobutu: USD11.69, USD9 after discount
Amazing - that's more than three times what it costs here in Europe.

Portugal is also a very poor country, and I, for one, don't have 30euros to spend on a game, no matter how good it may be.
In any event, in these hard times there are very few games I can afford right now. I don't begrudge those who can pay the high price - but the regional pricing seems so unfair.
MaceyNeil: Yeah aerodynamics, pfft don't make me laugh.
Aerodynamics is simply based on part numbers and center of gravity in this game; NOT on how the frame functions as a result of air pressure.
Didn't they change the aerodynamics system for 1.0?
I think Scott Manley said something like that ,but I'm not 100% sure (with 2500+ people watching and a really active chat I was a bit busy and maybe I misunderstood). Anyway, the VOD is here if somebody is interested:
Nice release. Wasn't following this game but it seems interesting. On the wishlist it goes till its going to be more affordable.
Until when the discount? I want to try the demo first.
Densetsu: Until when the discount? I want to try the demo first.
Unti May 1.
Densetsu: Until when the discount? I want to try the demo first.
Grargar: Unti May 1.
Thank you very much.
Wintermute: If you want to know the basics of space flight and aerodynamics, Scott Kerman's Imgur Album is a must read
evilnancyreagan: Aerodynamics?!

We don't need no stinkin' aerodynamics!

just struts, lots and lots of struts...
Errr, you might have a nasty surprise in 1.0 and their new athmosphere model, then. I know I did when my latest contraption overheated and burned during a 2100m/s athmospheric reentry.
Well, at least the explosions were pretty, and I have a reason using those drogue chute, fairings, heat shields and electronics bays ;)
Gog you guys rule.

Deus Ex, Hotline Miami, FTL, Startopia, Evil Genius, Psychonauts and now Kerbals. Legendary selection of videogames.
Too expensive atm for me, but wishlisted.
I suppose it's a bit of a no-win situation for the trailer makers, but as I watched that I was really hoping for the sake of good taste that they weren't going to have that rocket exploding after launch. The fact that the explosion reminded me so much of Challenger's made it that much worse when it occurred.

I don't even mind it being in the game (obviously a successful launch is a big part of the game), but I just hated seeing it in the advertising. Still too soon, I guess.
Shadowcat: I don't even mind it being in the game (obviously a successful launch is a big part of the game),
Well, exploding at launch IS a big part of the game. It's a pretty honest trailer, frankly. Happened to me quite often (including the "I pressed spacebar, but the 'chute didn't deploy. What the... Oh shit, I forgot to put one!" part). Difficult to avoid reminding people of that accident.
And most of their other trailers show some kind of horrendous accident (rockets crashing though buildings, astronauts stranded on the moon and waiting for a rescue mission that will never come, catastrophic spacesuit depressurisation...) caused by kerbal stupidity.

But yeah, this trailer felt more realistic than most of the previous ones. I had my own (small, nontraumatic, but still there) Challenger flashback.