Gersen: No, I meant is that because IM has ammo scarcity you have to play it like a modern shooter, not that modern shooter themselves have ammo scarcity.
As in in most modern shooter you have to play "slowly", enter a room taking enemies one by one, often running from cover to cover while you health regenerate, etc... while with older shooter like doom / DN3D / Blood, etc... it was more run and gun, strafing / jumping like crazy while shooting everything that moved as fast as possible, and unless you were pretty bad, you never really had to worry about ammo for "general purpose" guns, only the stronger ones required (RPG, BFG, etc...) ammo management.
Here in IM you run out of ammo so easily that often you have to resort to the "modern shooter" tactics as in have to do hit and run attack on lone enemies, taking them down one by one using the stick to avoid wasting any ammo and IMHO it hurts the rhythm of the game.
The thing is, I used to do some of those things on harder classic games like Blood and the like(go through slowly and pick off enemies that were tough and conserve ammo) me that's not a modern shooter thing but more a game full of bullet sponges and not enough ammo placement.
TheMonkofDestiny: And I never said a discouraging word about people like that.
Maybe at some point they'll put out a throwback to the old shareware releases of the classic FPS titles and the people looking for a hands-on answer as to whether they should put their money toward the game can give it a play to help decide. Time will tell, I suppose.
I never meant to infer that was to you...I was talking more about demos in general/etc.
As for shareware coming back...not likely(imo), but it would be nice.
Yeshu: You get banned from the 3D Realms Discord server for asking questions about the subject.
If so then that's odd given the statement that the censoring was said to be a false claim. Why are they not letting people ask about it a bit here and there, I wonder? :\
Crosmando: I finished the game yesterday and didn't find anything in it to be controversial, what exactly are they talking about?
Plokite_Wolf: All they'll be changing is this:
- the soap bottles that read "Ogay" (a parody of the real-world soap Olay)
- a secret area with a text that has a variation of the word "faggot" in it.
That's it.
Is that what has some people's proverbial panties in a wad(as Duke said in one game sort of)? I guess in current year they have to be nice to the LGBT people or they'll sue them for saying mean words, while it's totally fine to say whatever about "insert majority group it's okay to insult here". :\