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Ion Fury is now available DRM-free.

While Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison earned her codename defusing bombs for the Global Defense Force, when evil transhumanist mastermind Dr. Jadus Heskel unleashes the members of his cybernetic cult onto the streets of Neo DC, she knows it’s time to start causing explosions instead of preventing them.

Her quest to slay Heskel leaves a trail of carnage throughout huge, multi-path levels filled with gigantic explosions, more secret areas than we can count, and inhuman foes behind every corner. There’s no regenerating health here; stop taking cover and start running and gunning.
I presume that all potential censorship will be noted in future patches?
GameRager: Modern FPSs have ammo scarcity? What ones have you played? o.0
No, I meant is that because IM has ammo scarcity you have to play it like a modern shooter, not that modern shooter themselves have ammo scarcity.

As in in most modern shooter you have to play "slowly", enter a room taking enemies one by one, often running from cover to cover while you health regenerate, etc... while with older shooter like doom / DN3D / Blood, etc... it was more run and gun, strafing / jumping like crazy while shooting everything that moved as fast as possible, and unless you were pretty bad, you never really had to worry about ammo for "general purpose" guns, only the stronger ones required (RPG, BFG, etc...) ammo management.

Here in IM you run out of ammo so easily that often you have to resort to the "modern shooter" tactics as in have to do hit and run attack on lone enemies, taking them down one by one using the stick to avoid wasting any ammo and IMHO it hurts the rhythm of the game.

Concerning the censorship, I find it funny, in a sad kind of way, that a game that was supposed to be a callback (some could say spiritual successor) of Duke Nukem 3D a game know, among other things, for it's crude and immature humor, end up being censored because of said crude and immature humor and its developers sent to rehabilitation camps to be "reformed".

It's not really a surprise, it's 2019 after all...
markrichardb: Uggggh, the developer just stated they're going to patch Ion Fury ASAP to 'remove all unacceptable language', whatever that means.
I finished the game yesterday and didn't find anything in it to be controversial, what exactly are they talking about?
GameRager: Some actually LIKE being able to try a game out legally via demos BEFORE make sure it works and is fun/interesting/etc.
And I never said a discouraging word about people like that.

The gripe to have about lack of a demo (the preview campaign was not a demo - especially when initial access to it came only through either buying the game while it was in development/early access or having dropped money on Bombshell and if you did the latter, you didn't get updates to the preview campaign past a certain point) should be falling at Voidpoint and 3D Realms' doorstep.

Maybe at some point they'll put out a throwback to the old shareware releases of the classic FPS titles and the people looking for a hands-on answer as to whether they should put their money toward the game can give it a play to help decide. Time will tell, I suppose.
Post edited August 20, 2019 by TheMonkofDestiny
VBProject: Just read this drivel.
Hahahaha! Quote: "The first concepts of Shelly were drawn in 1997, and had a heavy emphasis on sexualization, which was not uncomon the mid-nineties"

That sounds like a line straight out of Demolition Man!
You get banned from the 3D Realms Discord server for asking questions about the subject.
Publicity Stunt: Drama Edition
Better download and backup the offline installer of v1.0 if this censorship-business is really going to happen.
It's just 90MB anyway.
markrichardb: Uggggh, the developer just stated they're going to patch Ion Fury ASAP to 'remove all unacceptable language', whatever that means.
Crosmando: I finished the game yesterday and didn't find anything in it to be controversial, what exactly are they talking about?
All they'll be changing is this:
- the soap bottles that read "Ogay" (a parody of the real-world soap Olay)
- a secret area with a text that has a variation of the word "faggot" in it.

That's it.
Crosmando: I finished the game yesterday and didn't find anything in it to be controversial, what exactly are they talking about?
Plokite_Wolf: All they'll be changing is this:
- the soap bottles that read "Ogay" (a parody of the real-world soap Olay)
- a secret area with a text that has a variation of the word "faggot" in it.

That's it.
All of which will be changed back via an unofficial fan patch anyway.
Given the modability of the game/engine that's more or less guaranteed.
Post edited August 20, 2019 by Swedrami
Crosmando: I finished the game yesterday and didn't find anything in it to be controversial, what exactly are they talking about?
Plokite_Wolf: All they'll be changing is this:
- the soap bottles that read "Ogay" (a parody of the real-world soap Olay)
- a secret area with a text that has a variation of the word "faggot" in it.

That's it.
How fucking petty can people get, lighten up.
Post edited August 20, 2019 by Crosmando
Crosmando: I finished the game yesterday and didn't find anything in it to be controversial, what exactly are they talking about?
Plokite_Wolf: All they'll be changing is this:
- the soap bottles that read "Ogay" (a parody of the real-world soap Olay)
- a secret area with a text that has a variation of the word "faggot" in it.

That's it.
For now, the issue is that resetEra has more they want the dev to change and if they caved to pressure over this who is to say they won't cave to their other demands - like getting rid of the transhumanist enemies. If I buy the game, it will be when it's on a steep discount when the development cycle is over - if nothing else changes.
Plokite_Wolf: All they'll be changing is this:
- the soap bottles that read "Ogay" (a parody of the real-world soap Olay)
- a secret area with a text that has a variation of the word "faggot" in it.

That's it.
Swedrami: All of which will be changed back via an unofficial fan patch anyway.
Given the modability of the game/engine that's more or less guaranteed.
Sure, but it's the wider implications of this which are concerning. We've basically entered a new era for video games censorship, except that instead of the State doing it, it's politically-minded corporations. I mean we're witnessing something that even the great video game panic of the 90's (Mortal Kombat etc) failed to accomplish. The leftists have realized that the Governments of the West are never going to outright censor or ban games, so the new tactic is to try and shame corporations into doing it.
Post edited August 20, 2019 by Crosmando
Not vidoegames only. All medias are affected. It's the most extremist organizations of some minorities trying to take every inch of terrain they can, whenever they can and with whatever means. They don't know that by doing this not only they are gaining nothing for themselves, but with their constant unreasonable brute-forcing their way through everything they are starting more and more to resemble fascist methodology, actively *encouraging* hate against them rather than the contrary.
So, basically, by acting this way they are doing their "alt-right" demons a big favor. The irony.
I'm getting kinda sick of this one forum full of loonies strongarming devs and publishers into apologies for every little perceived wrongdoing.

"Mandatory sensitivity training." Good lord.