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Become an Artificial Intelligence guiding a stranded xenobiologist through a beautiful and mysterious alien ocean. In Other Waters is now available DRM-free on GOG.COM with a 10% discount lasting until 10th April, 3 PM UTC. Take part in a non-violent sci-fi story. Enter a world of wonder, fear, and vulnerability, unraveling the history and ecology of an impossible planet.
This one's been on my radar for a while. Here's a review from PC Gamer:

Sounds like a unique game to evoke the imagination!
Game page doesn't work right now.
Map interface, they didn't add to Subnautica, broke free and became the independent game.
Sounds interesting.
In other words
In Other Waters
seems unique
sort|uniq -c
Looks interesting! Is there any randomization?
cameran: This one's been on my radar for a while. Here's a review from PC Gamer:

Sounds like a unique game to evoke the imagination!
The review makes it sound a bit like Waking Mars (a nice game generally except for the sezure-inducing but otherwise pointless minigames and the overly stuck up narrator; still one of my favorites). However, playing as an AI doesn't really appeal to me even though the ecology part does.
I backed this on Kickstarter. Saw the GOG release and immediately bought it.

The developer, Gareth, was nice enough to offer to look into swapping keys but I wanted to give his game more of a launch boost and support a 100 percent DRM free release.

I got access to the epilogue book and OST via itch and bandcamp and am looking forward to the physical book. This is wonderful game and one of the smoothest run kickstarters I have seen.
falloutttt: wunderbar!
Hello again Fallout.

Didn't we have an interesting conversation about Beautiful Desolation and Soviet literature such as Road Side Picnic and the film Tarkovsky's Stalker a while back?

I just recently grabbed a game called 35mm by a Russian developer called Носков Сергей. It is self published. It is a bit of a budget game but it really feels like what the film Stalker would be if it were a game (despite having a very different story) , even more so than the STALKER game that was released. 35 mm is filled with a lot of introspective moments just like the film.

I recall you saying that Soviet literature and film had changed a lot. You might be interested in this game. I feel that It captures the philosophical feel of the film.

It is on a good sale right now as is his other game the 7th sector.

This is definitely one game I would like to see here.
Post edited April 05, 2020 by greyhat
greyhat: I backed this on Kickstarter. Saw the GOG release and immediately bought it.

The developer, Gareth, was nice enough to offer to look into swapping keys but I wanted to give his game more of a launch boost and support a 100 percent DRM free release.

I got access to the epilogue book and OST via itch and bandcamp and am looking forward to the physical book. This is wonderful game and one of the smoothest run kickstarters I have seen.
falloutttt: wunderbar!
greyhat: Hello again Fallout.

Didn't we have an interesting conversation about Beautiful Desolation and Soviet literature such as Road Side Picnic and the film Tarkovsky's Stalker a while back?

I just recently grabbed a game called 35mm by a Russian developer called Носков Сергей. It is self published. It is a bit of a budget game but it really feels like what the film Stalker would be if it were a game (despite having a very different story) , even more so than the STALKER game that was released. 35 mm is filled with a lot of introspective moments just like the film.

I recall you saying that Soviet literature and film had changed a lot. You might be interested in this game. I feel that It captures the philosophical feel of the film.

It is on a good sale right now as is his other game the 7th sector.

This is definitely one game I would like to see here.
Yes, indeed we have. Hope all is well with you, friend.

Never heard about this game. Sounds interesting tho, will check it out.

Thank you very much, friend!