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...but they just can't kill The Beast.

<span class="bold">Homeworld: Emergence</span>, a stand-alone expansion to the beloved RTS, is now available exclusively on with a 10% launch discount.

Previously released under a different name, this campaign is set 15 years after the events of the original Homeworld and chronicles the trials and tribulations of the Kushan as they try to repel an unknown alien threat dubbed the Beast. If you're to neutralize its corruptive influence and save your new home, you must engage in fierce space battles against both the afflicted and the Imperialist Taiidani. Are you ready?

The 10% discount will last until June 29, 4PM UTC.
Don't forget to check out our huge <span class="bold">Homeworld series sale</span> which includes the rest of the saga, going for up to -66% for a full week.

NOTE: Homeworld: Emergence was originally released as "Homeworld: Cataclysm". "Cataclysm" is now a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., and the game has been renamed to avoid confusion. Other than the subtitle change, the game is identical to the game released in 2000.

Watch the game's intro.
Post edited June 22, 2017 by maladr0Id
high rated
HereForTheBeer: "renamed to avoid confusion" hardly seems like a "fuck you, Blizzard" issue.
I believe the 'renamed to avoid confusion' is just a euphemism for 'our lawyers said if we call it Cataclysm, Blizzard will send a horde of their lawyers to descend upon us'. So, I'd still go with the 'fuck you, BLizzard' on that.

Actually, it's probably more a 'fuck our ridiculous copyright, trademark, and intellectual property laws'.
Post edited June 22, 2017 by GR00T
Oh the memories... a must have. I will let it sit on my digital shelf. And I don't even have to dust it!

Gog haven't yet come close to ruining me, but they really ARE trying to this month.
There we go. That's cool.
NOTE: Homeworld: Emergence was originally released as "Homeworld: Cataclysm". "Cataclysm" is now a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., and the game has been renamed to avoid confusion. Other than the subtitle change, the game is identical to the game released in 2000.
I guess no one at GOG has heard about the other space RTS game called Particle Fleet: Emergence?
No GOG connect? :p

NOTE: Homeworld: Emergence was originally released as "Homeworld: Cataclysm". "Cataclysm" is now a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., and the game has been renamed to avoid confusion. Other than the subtitle change, the game is identical to the game released in 2000.
Dreadz: I guess no one at GOG has heard about the other space RTS game called Particle Fleet: Emergence?
They never trademarked it. There is currently no trademark for 'emergence' in software.
Oh yes! Thank you for the great releases, GOG and Gearbox!
This is awesome!

Secondly, What the @%#$ !@#$ing piece of @#$% damn Blizzard !@#$! How can they claim anything over a game that existed when vanilla WOW was barely a gleam in Blizzard's eye!?

I'm filing the game files under the Homeworld: Cataclysm folder anyway, or I'd forget what it is; what the crap.
Post edited June 22, 2017 by kreidos
GR00T: Blizzard will send a horde of their lawyers to descend upon us
Will they be yelling "Lok' tar ogar" as well?
Trademarking a word. A common, f@*king word! Capitalism at its finest here.
I guess in a year or two I will have to say "the front of my head" and "a collection of paper sheets with writings" to avoid being sued for using "face" and "book". You Americans and your business model...
Awesome news! Now if GOG could push for Borderlands and other Gearbox titles. :p
Enebias: Trademarking a word. A common, f@*king word! Capitalism at its finest here.
... yeah, sadly that's possible. You do need a market/product category as well though, in this case gaming. At least you can't have universal trademarks on a word... yet :|.

In other news, I'm always using Linux and Micro&amp;soft on my clothes and I'm a satisfied customer of both!
Post edited June 22, 2017 by WinterSnowfall
Nice to see it here.
Not buying it just yet, but still nice to see it.
Emergence? Is that some fan-made mod with devs approval/support? Why does the cover remind me Cataclysm?
Homeworld: Emergence was originally released as "Homeworld: Cataclysm".

now this is big news
Dreamed about getting Homeworld collections, now it comes true
SpecShadow: Emergence? Is that some fan-made mod with devs approval/support?
It's ironic that the game was renamed to avoid "confusion" (AKA, Blizzard's rabid lawyers) but will end up creating more confusion. I bet there's a lot of people who won't be able to find the game on google because it's now been renamed.