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...but they just can't kill The Beast.

<span class="bold">Homeworld: Emergence</span>, a stand-alone expansion to the beloved RTS, is now available exclusively on with a 10% launch discount.

Previously released under a different name, this campaign is set 15 years after the events of the original Homeworld and chronicles the trials and tribulations of the Kushan as they try to repel an unknown alien threat dubbed the Beast. If you're to neutralize its corruptive influence and save your new home, you must engage in fierce space battles against both the afflicted and the Imperialist Taiidani. Are you ready?

The 10% discount will last until June 29, 4PM UTC.
Don't forget to check out our huge <span class="bold">Homeworld series sale</span> which includes the rest of the saga, going for up to -66% for a full week.

NOTE: Homeworld: Emergence was originally released as "Homeworld: Cataclysm". "Cataclysm" is now a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., and the game has been renamed to avoid confusion. Other than the subtitle change, the game is identical to the game released in 2000.

Watch the game's intro.
Post edited June 22, 2017 by maladr0Id
avatar Emergence[/url], a stand-alone expansion to the beloved RTS
What does "stand-alone expansion" mean exactly?

Do you need the original game to run this or not?
avatar Emergence[/url], a stand-alone expansion to the beloved RTS
JJack: What does "stand-alone expansion" mean exactly?

Do you need the original game to run this or not?
No. It is more a spin-off game than an expansion. The ties to the original are quite loose, and it isn't required to run.
I played this game long ago borrowed from a friend and could never get my hands on my own copy. Thank you GOG for bringing us this old gem.
high rated
GR00T: I believe the 'renamed to avoid confusion' is just a euphemism for 'our lawyers said if we call it Cataclysm, Blizzard will send a horde of their lawyers to descend upon us'. So, I'd still go with the 'fuck you, BLizzard' on that.
LootHunter: What I don't understand is how Blizzard could copyright "Cataclysm" in the first place, since Homeworld: Cataclysm has already been released before WoW?
Trademarks are different from copyrights. Trademarks are used to prevent confusion in the marketplace. Trademarks automatically expire if they are not used or if the owner fails to renew the registration. The original 'Cataclysm' trademark expired on 4/4/2008 because of Section 8 - the owner let it lapse and it was cancelled. Blizzard registered 'Cataclysm' in two separate categories on 6/26/2009.

[EDIT] This only applies to registered trademarks in the US. There is also common law trademark which Homeworld: Cataclysm could still be protected by. It would be a viable defense against Blizzard in a court of law. Unfortunately it would also be a huge headache and is likely much easier just to change the name.
Post edited June 23, 2017 by tremere110
It's easy enough to see the original titlescreen again but I'm not sure if telling how would be allowed here.
high rated
GR00T: I believe the 'renamed to avoid confusion' is just a euphemism for 'our lawyers said if we call it Cataclysm, Blizzard will send a horde of their lawyers to descend upon us'. So, I'd still go with the 'fuck you, BLizzard' on that.
LootHunter: What I don't understand is how Blizzard could copyright "Cataclysm" in the first place, since Homeworld: Cataclysm has already been released before WoW?
As tremere110, touched upon in his post these things are all different things, being IP they have some overall, often superficial, similarities but there are lots of differences between the different categories:

Trademark, which can be registered or unregistered.
Copyrights, which can be registered or unregistered.
Trade secrets.

You (generally at least) can't copyright individual words or phrases. You may be able to get trademark protection for them and if so you would be able to register said trademark. I am not sure about the exact priority rules when it comes to trademarks but in the US when you apply for a federal trademark registration with the USPTO, they do a search for products in your category(trademark is based around categories like for example entertainment, a trademark in one field doesn't automatically apply to other fields).

This search is in their databases, so that if there already is a registered trademark that is the same or "confusingly similar" in your field/category then you won't get to register your mark. I don't know but I think they may also do things like a Google search or something to see if there is already a prior product making use if the mark. After this process there is period where other companies might object to the USPTO granting the trademark if they feel they are the rightful owners of it since they were using it first in that particular category. So in this case, with Blizzard's Cataclysm trademark, Blizzard filed their trademark application on June 26, 2009 and it was published for opposition on September 15, 2009 and was finally registered on April 19, 2011. From what I can tell nobody(THQ included) objected to it. Actually it appears they have three such trademarks(in different categories, entainment, games etc). But the story is pretty much the same with all of them.

IMO trademarks are actually one of the least objectionable forms of IP. Accused of violating a trademark? Worst case scenario(usually at least) you change the name of your product, change your marketing slogan, change your logo or the like. Accused of violating a patent? Worst case scenario you go bankrupt. Accused of violating a copyright? Hypothetically you might even go to jail.

A case like this might be a reason to argue for reform to trademark law and/or to lobby Blizzard to change its practices, but is it a basis for arguing for abolishing trademarks? That is very doubtful.
JJack: What does "stand-alone expansion" mean exactly?

Do you need the original game to run this or not?
You don't need the original, hence "stand-alone".

The way I see the term, it means a game which probably uses the same engine as the "main game", has similar gameplay idea, and is smaller in size. And like in this case, it probably started as an expansion (which would need the main game), but at some point they decided maybe it should be a separate game altogether.

So basically, usually more of the same, and don't expect a new game engine or be as big the game as the previous one. In a way though, it is a meaningless term. (Then again people do say that Cataclysm/Emergence gameplay differs from the first Homeworld, so...).
Seems a little slow/choppy. Maybe it's because I haven't played it in a while.

Also, does Blizzard know they only changed the name on the box? :P The program still runs as cataclysm.exe
Post edited June 23, 2017 by tinyE
tinyE: Seems a little slow/choppy. Maybe it's because I haven't played it in a while.

Also, does Blizzard know they only changed the name on the box? :P The program still runs as cataclysm.exe
So it's all the same except for the GOG release? Title screen, manual, it's all cataclismic-ish!? :P
tinyE: Seems a little slow/choppy. Maybe it's because I haven't played it in a while.

Also, does Blizzard know they only changed the name on the box? :P The program still runs as cataclysm.exe
vicklemos: So it's all the same except for the GOG release? Title screen, manual, it's all cataclismic-ish!? :P
The Tools folder allows to change to higher resolution. That's nice.
Thiev: Not a remaster guys, just a classic release.
Not trying to be a pain but is it the most expensive classic release to date? ;)
mischief_: Here's a dirty hack to fix resolution issues at startup.
This is a windows registry edit, if you have no idea what you're doing then don't try this at home.

This is the automated version:
Download the linked reg file and run it. You can edit it with any text editor if you want to see what's in it before you add it to your registry. It is setup with a default 1280x1024 res that any monitor should be able to run.

This is the manual version:
Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sierra On-Line\Cataclysm
If you don't have the folder, make it.
You need to add 4 dword keys here:
name deviceIndex
value 1 (hexadecimal) 0 is for software rendering; 1 is opengl; 2 is for 3dfx; 3 is for direct3d;

name screenDepth
value 20 (hexadecimal) or 32 in decimal. this is for 32bit. be careful here, if you set 2 (3dfx option) above it only has 16 bit selections.

name screenHeight
value (your desired resolution height) switch to DECIMAL and just put in the number. ex: 1080

name screenWidth
value (your desired resolution width) switch to DECIMAL and just put in the number. ex: 1920

That's it. You can now start the game and it will pick up your chosen resolution and depth.
Try as a might I can not get this to work on my rig. I did the reg hack and tried all combos. The best I can get is 640 x 480. Its confusing as do you use the glide config and the hack together? Too many possible combo's!
Btw GOG, on the game description page you use the word "Hilgaran" should be "Hiigaran" with two i's, not an i and an L :)
Ultra54: Try as a might I can not get this to work on my rig. I did the reg hack and tried all combos. The best I can get is 640 x 480. Its confusing as do you use the glide config and the hack together? Too many possible combo's!
Make sure to run the game as administrator.
Enebias: Trademarking a word. A common, f@*king word! Capitalism at its finest here.
I guess in a year or two I will have to say "the front of my head" and "a collection of paper sheets with writings" to avoid being sued for using "face" and "book". You Americans and your business model...
huan: Sorry to burst your bubble, but trademark has nothing to do with capitalism. It's state enforced monopoly on behalf of certain company. Because "common good" or something like that.
Uh-uh. If you say so with that apparent need of sounding a likable person, then it must be true. *POP*
Something tells me though that an enforced monopoly on behalf of a certain company is still capitalism. Because, you know... states are capitalists, too. It's not like the two things are somehow magically divided: once you choose an economic model (as a sovereign state) you partake in that economic model.