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...but they just can't kill The Beast.

<span class="bold">Homeworld: Emergence</span>, a stand-alone expansion to the beloved RTS, is now available exclusively on with a 10% launch discount.

Previously released under a different name, this campaign is set 15 years after the events of the original Homeworld and chronicles the trials and tribulations of the Kushan as they try to repel an unknown alien threat dubbed the Beast. If you're to neutralize its corruptive influence and save your new home, you must engage in fierce space battles against both the afflicted and the Imperialist Taiidani. Are you ready?

The 10% discount will last until June 29, 4PM UTC.
Don't forget to check out our huge <span class="bold">Homeworld series sale</span> which includes the rest of the saga, going for up to -66% for a full week.

NOTE: Homeworld: Emergence was originally released as "Homeworld: Cataclysm". "Cataclysm" is now a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., and the game has been renamed to avoid confusion. Other than the subtitle change, the game is identical to the game released in 2000.

Watch the game's intro.
Post edited June 22, 2017 by maladr0Id
Honest, noob, question:

What's the point in running the game through 3dfx instead of OpenGL, Software or D3D? Is it because I should be able to play at higher resolutions using 3dfx?

The game was crashing whenever I tried to run it using 3dfx, even with Resolution set to "by app" on nGlide settings. Launching it as administrator worked, but only with the low resolutions set in game. If I set a higher resolution on nGlide settings the game sits on a black screen after the 3dfx logo.

Though, running the game on Default OpenGL, I can set any resolution editing the registry keys, like the old HW1 and Cataclysm.
Oh, it's Cataclysm. Nice release! :) Screw all this trademark crap!

Although I hate it when studios are stupid enough to lose the source code of their games in this case it luckily prevents the game from being shadowed by a remastered version priced 5 times as high.
I just switched to usung dgVoodoo2 and I was able to run OpenGL at 1280x1024x32 with no problems
tarasis: Excellent that this is here, from the looks of it it is the original release with offending name removed rather than a remastered version.
Offending name? If there's anything offending than that you can register a trademark name for a game when another games already is using that name for years.

GR00T: Actually, it's probably more a 'fuck our ridiculous copyright, trademark, and intellectual property laws'.
Post edited June 23, 2017 by eiii
Here's a dirty hack to fix resolution issues at startup.
This is a windows registry edit, if you have no idea what you're doing then don't try this at home.

This is the automated version:
Download the linked reg file and run it. You can edit it with any text editor if you want to see what's in it before you add it to your registry. It is setup with a default 1280x1024 res that any monitor should be able to run.

This is the manual version:
Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sierra On-Line\Cataclysm
If you don't have the folder, make it.
You need to add 4 dword keys here:
name deviceIndex
value 1 (hexadecimal) 0 is for software rendering; 1 is opengl; 2 is for 3dfx; 3 is for direct3d;

name screenDepth
value 20 (hexadecimal) or 32 in decimal. this is for 32bit. be careful here, if you set 2 (3dfx option) above it only has 16 bit selections.

name screenHeight
value (your desired resolution height) switch to DECIMAL and just put in the number. ex: 1080

name screenWidth
value (your desired resolution width) switch to DECIMAL and just put in the number. ex: 1920

That's it. You can now start the game and it will pick up your chosen resolution and depth.
MirkotheGamer184: Im happy they found the source code of the game in the end and that it isnt lost .I hope they make a remaster of it.
The source code is still lost;this is NOT a Enhcanced game, but the original,tweaked a little to run on a modern computer.
WinterSnowfall: The source code is gone, but nobody ever said the binaries were (and I'm sure there are plenty of old retail versions around anyway). The title change was probably done through asset editing and/or a bit of reverse engineering.

What they can't do without the source code however is a remaster, so this is all that we're ever going to get. No complains here though.
tremere110: A remaster can still be done. They have the assets and an engine for those assets. All they need to do is recreate the campaign in the new engine and tweak some things. It will take time and won't be easy - but not insurmountable. Gearbox has suggested they might do that in the past. Will they do that now that GoG got the original working on modern systems? Maybe not - but there's a possibility.
It all depends on whether a remaster of the Game would bring in enough money to justify the expense. No doubt they could probably do it, but would it be a good business decision.
Post edited June 23, 2017 by dudalb
Welcome to korporate Amerika, comrade.
ShadowWulfe: Welcome to korporate Amerika, comrade.
More like Socialist Amerika.

This is the best surprise I've had in a LOOOOOOONG time!!!!! :D :D :D :D

This is hands-down the best game (gameplay-wise) in the series. (Also, not gonna lie, I'm glad Gearbox didn't screw it up like they did the HW1 remaster...that was SUCH a disappointment! :/ )
HereForTheBeer: "renamed to avoid confusion" hardly seems like a "fuck you, Blizzard" issue.
GR00T: I believe the 'renamed to avoid confusion' is just a euphemism for 'our lawyers said if we call it Cataclysm, Blizzard will send a horde of their lawyers to descend upon us'. So, I'd still go with the 'fuck you, BLizzard' on that.

Actually, it's probably more a 'fuck our ridiculous copyright, trademark, and intellectual property laws'.
I'ma wait for actual facts before sharpening my pitchfork and oiling my torches.
WOO! Another game brought back from the void. GG GOG team!
tburger: It does. Out of the box on OpenGL, Software and D3D. It doesn't work on 3dfx

EDIT: It works in 3dfx as well.
Thiev: if you have problem with 3dfx on start, try switching nGlide options to 'resolution by app'
How does one do this? Sorry, this is my first gog game and I am disappointed it won't even boot past the 3dfx screen.
HereForTheBeer: "renamed to avoid confusion" hardly seems like a "fuck you, Blizzard" issue.
GR00T: I believe the 'renamed to avoid confusion' is just a euphemism for 'our lawyers said if we call it Cataclysm, Blizzard will send a horde of their lawyers to descend upon us'. So, I'd still go with the 'fuck you, BLizzard' on that.
What I don't understand is how Blizzard could copyright "Cataclysm" in the first place, since Homeworld: Cataclysm has already been released before WoW?
GR00T: I believe the 'renamed to avoid confusion' is just a euphemism for 'our lawyers said if we call it Cataclysm, Blizzard will send a horde of their lawyers to descend upon us'. So, I'd still go with the 'fuck you, BLizzard' on that.
LootHunter: What I don't understand is how Blizzard could copyright "Cataclysm" in the first place, since Homeworld: Cataclysm has already been released before WoW?
Anyone can copyright anything, it's a matter of enforcement. And Blizzard has lots of lawyers...let's not forget who it was that set the case precedent for the DMCA itself. Not as many as Monster Cable, though. That company is legendary for suing anyone who uses the word 'monster' regardless of the industry...they even tried to sue Disney claiming that the movie Monsters Inc. was trademark infringement on their home A/V products. Why? Because they can!

Litigation is a bit like warfare: moral or factual correctness is not nearly as important as the ability to win.
If a bluetext sees this, I believe you can complete these wishes: , , , ,