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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
high rated
timppu: I, on the other hand, keep buying only the DRM-free games and refuse to buy that one DRM-game, demonstrating that way to them that they can't sell such games to me (because I wouldn't buy such games from other stores either, most likely).
While I understand those whom GOG has managed to piss off completely and are boycotting all their purchases here (and I do sympathize), I also believe voting with your wallet and only buying truly DRM-free games here is probably the best message one can send to GOG. Because you do get glimpses of the old GOG at times, as was the case with the recent classic Star Trek games drop and those are worth supporting.

Despite their apparent incompetence at times (at least to the outside observer), I know for sure the GOGbears are keeping an eye on sales analytics, so if nobody buys problematic games, like this... ehm... "wonderful release", they will notice and might do something about it. Or they may not. But then again releasing games which don't sell is hardly a workable business model. Boycott anything that violates the DRM-free principle and warn people as best you can to stay away.

Point being, using just the carrot or just the stick is not as effective as using the carrot and the stick at the same time. I understand a lot of people are emotionally involved in what GOG is doing (I'm also one of the early people who came here because of nostalgia, and I remember the early days fondly), but it's really a storefront like any other these days. A detached response of being a responsible consumer is the only effective way to approach this IMHO.

timppu: At least by buying shares you are buying actual clout to company's business decisions, and most importantly: you are putting your money where your mouth is. Then it is also your money at stake when you tell GOG how they should be running their business.
Expecting the average store customer to buy shares is far fetched, no offense... but you can influence things as a consumer, since it is in their interest to get you to spend more money here, therefore they have to cater for your needs in the end or risk going out of business.
Post edited September 23, 2021 by WinterSnowfall
timppu: Yes it is much cheaper to complain and not buy games, but its effectiveness may easily be zero, depending if anyone who has any control on GOG's business is even reading the complaints, or cares about them enough. And as said, a story-wide boycott, including the DRM-free games, may even send the opposite message of what was intended (DRM-free games don't sell = ok then, not releasing any more DRM-free games as they don't even sell).

At least by buying shares you are buying actual clout to company's business decisions, and most importantly: you are putting your money where your mouth is. Then it is also your money at stake when you tell GOG how they should be running their business.
Man, you really *are* going for the gold medal in mental gymnastics, aren't you?
high rated
timppu: At least by buying shares you are buying actual clout to company's business decisions, and most importantly: you are putting your money where your mouth is. Then it is also your money at stake when you tell GOG how they should be running their business.
You cannot have any actual personal experience, the cold reality of buying shares isn't what you seem to think it is. The investment required to have any actual, affecting input in a business of this scale is far beyond what the average gamer could even hope to afford.

Buying a couple of shares in a huge company will get you nowhere, and do you really, honestly think a company as blinkered and off course as GOG would even give the slightest fuck what some peon with a couple of cheap shares has to say?
low rated
Post edited September 23, 2021 by GamezRanker
timppu: Oh forgot: as I said in some other messages, by stopping buying any DRM-free games from GOG may send the opposite signal than what your intention may have been. It may be understood as the signal that DRM-free games don't sell well...
You can buy DRM free games on Steam too. They wont tell you which games are DRM free of course. But then neither do Gog.
HappyPunkPotato: People are even complaining on Reddit about the DRM instead of defending it, things must be bad!
fronzelneekburm: Wow, there's some galaxy-brained takes to be found in that thread...

Does it really have DRM though?

If you install the game on two computers, can you play both at the same time?

If the answer is yes, then you're not dealing with DRM. Your dealing with an internet connection requirement for certain aspects of the game which have nothing to do with digital rights.
fronzelneekburm: Peak leddit! xD
It's Reddit. It's full of idiots. Always has been.
TZODnmr2k5: you might not be hosting denuvo-infected titles
EnforcerSunWoo: What about the chip on your shoulder that allows you to endlessly berate another user because their values do not add up to yours? It seems to me that you just want to continue to harass users without any after thought. Please refrain from this disgusting behavior, it just makes you look petty.
timppu: The whole "boycotting GOG in 2021" thread is kinda silly. It is not even clear why different people are participating in it, all one can make out of that confusing thread with all the "GOG is not making profit, LOL! Soon it will fold!"-talk that all the participants have some chip on their shoulder with GOG, and are wishing GOG to fail as soon as possible.

Maybe for some participants it is GOG's decision not to release one Taiwanese game, for others it is for GOG to release Absolver and Hitman, for some some GOG games missing achievements, etc.

I keep voting with my wallet.
I get what you're saying. By all means, keep voting with your wallet. Other folks deal with things differently, and that's fine too. I haven't seen the boycott thread. But at this point I'm not ready to boycott GOG any more than I'm ready to boycott IOI.

However, I can certainly understand why people are livid right now, and I can't blame them for wanting to send a powerful message to GOG. Whether they actually go through with a boycott is kind of beside the point. Whether it's the right thing to do is not for me to say. That's up to each individual and their own reasoning. This game just appeared today, and people are rightfully pissed.

I think that it's a bit early to expect their anger to subside. Everyone will work out what they need to do on their own terms and in good time. Right now, they are trying to send a message, which is something I support and expect at this point, and there are limited ways to effectively send that message with any impact. People are dealing with this as best they can.

And you can bet that someone at GOG is reading this thread and they know how pissed off people are. The ball is in GOG's and IOI's court now. Let's see how they respond.
high rated
I´m waiting for the "moderators" to come and defend this, claiming that this is what they and Gog like. Or something along those lines.
low rated
arrua: I´m waiting for the "moderators" to come and defend this, claiming that this is what they and Gog like. Or something along those lines.
I'm waiting for someone to mention that we should try galaxy and the newsletter ;)
arrua: I´m waiting for the "moderators" to come and defend this, claiming that this is what they and Gog like. Or something along those lines.
GamezRanker: I'm waiting for someone to mention that we should try galaxy and the newsletter ;)
OK, that's funny. :)
low rated
trusteft: OK, that's funny. :)
Newsletter exclusive: "all who have opted into our emails or use galaxy will get all Hitman GOTY content without the need for an online connection. If one has both they get a cookie as well"
(note: cookie may need online activation to consume)
Post edited September 23, 2021 by GamezRanker
GamezRanker: Just wanted to say this sh*te stinks to no end.....very disappointed in GOG atm.
Did you seriously just put "sh*te" and "atm" in the same sentence and expect people to read it as "at the moment"?

Sorry, but someone had to insert a little levity into this overly-tense thread.
cmclout: Sorry, but someone had to insert a little levity into this overly-tense thread.
low rated
cmclout: Did you seriously just put "sh*te" and "atm" in the same sentence and expect people to read it as "at the moment"?
Yeah, I did....given that I did include a starry doo(asterisk) in one and not the other. :)

cmclout: Sorry, but someone had to insert a little levity into this overly-tense thread.
I already did exactly that a short while back in post 248(I even made two nice collectible memes for the occasion), but with all the posts I can see why you might've missed it
Post edited September 23, 2021 by GamezRanker