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Experiment and have fun in the ultimate playground as Agent 47 to become the master assassin. HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition is now available on GOG.COM with an astounding 70% discount that will last until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC.

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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
low rated
timppu: So, are you going to do just that? Or is it all talk?
phaolo: Why are you attacking users that criticize this release?
Do you disagree or are you disrupting other people's complaints, despite them sharing your same disappointment?
Are you like playing the devil's advocate or.. the masochist hipster?
I am not attacking users criticizing this release. If there is meaningful single-player content restricted behind always-online requirement, then this game shouldn't be called DRM-free in the store.

I am attacking the idiots who huff and puff and are all talk. The drama queens.

So I ask you again: are you going to do as you suggested "people" should do? Or is it all talk? Why do you hang around in a store you don't like?
Post edited September 22, 2021 by timppu
SmollestLight: Story and bonus missions can be played offline :) For Escalation missions, Elusive Targets or user-created Contracts you will need an online connection.
mqstout: HOW IS THIS NOT DRM!?!?!!??!?! Get this garbage out of here!
agreed too.
HappyPunkPotato: People are even complaining on Reddit about the DRM instead of defending it, things must be bad!
Wow, there's some galaxy-brained takes to be found in that thread...
Does it really have DRM though?

If you install the game on two computers, can you play both at the same time?

If the answer is yes, then you're not dealing with DRM. Your dealing with an internet connection requirement for certain aspects of the game which have nothing to do with digital rights.
Peak leddit! xD
ReynardFox: And buy what? Zoom being DRM free really doesn't mean much when they have absolutely bugger all games to offer.
By the way, if ZP's selection doesn't please you, there are other options to buy from.
mrkgnao: They are probably just waiting to see how many people who promised to leave GOG when they release their first non-DRM-free game will actually leave. My guess is very few, if any.
timppu: Yeah... I wonder who those people were? Apparently at least not you, considering you are still here? So does that mean you are fine with DRM on GOG then?
I haven't bought a single game on GOG since January (see boycott thread:

For a few months I didn't buy anywhere, but then I learned that there are loads of DRM-free/client-free games on steam, and more importantly that you can download them without the steam client, and did my math (which might not be everyone's math):
- Both stores are not fully DRM-free
- Both stores have a sizeable catalogue of DRM-free games, but steam's is larger
- A fair number of GOG's games are outdated vis-a-vis steam (and also vis-a-vis galaxy, which I don't use)
- With bundles, the prices of games on GOG are 5+ times higher than they are on steam
- So I see no real reason to buy on GOG, with their exorbitant pricing and poor maintenance and service, except perhaps where they have a DRM-free up-to-date game that is not the same on steam (haven't really been looking for any such, as I have hundreds of games I want to play on steam first, but I assume they exist)

So, for now, I have effectively moved to steam (without installing their client) and have bought there about 50+ games so far, practically all DRM-free (the ones that weren't I either refunded or irreversibly deleted from my library).

I still use GOG's forum, though, as it is better than steam's.

P.S. As for your comment, I was never among those people who stated they would leave GOG if they introduced DRM-free games. On the contrary, I have no problem with them selling such games, as long as they clearly mark them, which they don't.
Post edited September 22, 2021 by mrkgnao
hey gog i got that title with drm for free on epic, why should one bother to get it here with all the drm and not for free??

seems like gog magagement is doing way to much cocaine lately!
high rated
Alexim: I recommend everyone to have a tour on the official Hitman Discord server and let them know what you think of this release, surely IOI doesn't give a damn about GOG and will never read these complaints, but on their server they'll have to say something about it:
PROTIP for anyone thinking about posting about this on their Discord: Bring up the Might & Magic X debacle. Hammer it into their heads that this is the fate that's in line for this game unless all the online requirement bullshit is removed. Remind them of this again and again and again.
timppu: I think it is much better to boycott the game which has DRM, and keep buying DRM-free games. That shows both to the publishers, and also GOG, which kind of games we want to buy. I vote with my wallet. For instance, I just bought Darksiders Genesis from GOG, instead of Hitman.
tfishell: I actually agree with this to a large degree, while at the same time understanding the boycotters' perspective.
I can also understand if someone wants to boycott a company or a store... but what I don't quite understand is hanging around in a company or store you boycott and don't like.

For instance, I don't really like Apple products much (the M1 laptops are mildly interesting though). Do I hang around in various Apple forums, telling there everyone I "boycott", ie. not-buy, Apple products, and I rather buy e.g. PCs and Android phones?

No, I don't see any reason why I should do that. It serves no purpose.
high rated
SmollestLight: Story and bonus missions can be played offline :) For Escalation missions, Elusive Targets or user-created Contracts you will need an online connection.
What's even the point of GOG anymore? For the longest time this store has been selling games that are inferior to what you'd get on Steam (missing features, updates, DLC, etc.) but the one reason to tolerate it was it was DRM-free. If GOG is more than happy to sell stuff knowing it has DRM now, why bother shopping here? There's no trust, there's no reason to believe that you'll actually get a DRM-free game from GOG if this is the standard that's being set. Anyone willing to tolerate DRM should just use Steam, and those who care about DRM-free stuff are better off just shopping at since from what I've seen they seem to be DRM-free (along with providing Steam keys sometimes) and a lot of games on there show when they were last updated so you don't need a community thread dedicated to tracking whether or not the devs are leaving you behind compared to Steam users.

I used to really love GOG but now this place is just one disappointment after another. It doesn't have to be like this, either, but with a release like this it's clear that nobody in charge actually cares anymore. If nobody cares, there's no hope.
darthspudius: Great game. The online DRM is utter bollocks. If they've sorted that for the idiotic GOG crusade, it's one I agree with. The DRM was a moronic choice from the get go. Though, I don't need another copy so meh.
Steam is drm, why would you complain about drm ;)
low rated
BanditKeith2: Zoom platform has all drm-free games aswell so the boycotters can move to Zoom platform just saying for the drm free games
Yeah that could be one to keep eye on... but their selection of games seems rather restricted as well, at least I didn't see e.g. Tomb Raider GOTY, Sleeping Dogs, Fallout: New Vegas or Darksiders series there, the kind of games I love to buy DRM-free.

Also didn't they have some... unclear releases, ie. games they might not have permission to sell? E.g. Race Driver: GRID?
Post edited September 22, 2021 by timppu
high rated
I'm not sad gog, just disappointed. You can't beat steam at their own game, don't try it.
high rated
tfishell: I actually agree with this to a large degree, while at the same time understanding the boycotters' perspective.
timppu: I can also understand if someone wants to boycott a company or a store... but what I don't quite understand is hanging around in a company or store you boycott and don't like.

For instance, I don't really like Apple products much (the M1 laptops are mildly interesting though). Do I hang around in various Apple forums, telling there everyone I "boycott", ie. not-buy, Apple products, and I rather buy e.g. PCs and Android phones?

No, I don't see any reason why I should do that. It serves no purpose.
We have a different definition of boycott.

For me, a boycott is an attempt to change the practices of a store or company I do want to buy from.
This is different from simply not buying somewhere.

I do not boycott McDonald's. I simply never buy there because they have nothing I want to buy. I also don't hang around McDonald's.

I would like to be able to buy on GOG, but their service has deteriorated so much, that I find it no longer appealing. I could give up on them, but instead by boycotting them, I have a tiny bit of hope that they will improve. This boycott obviously requires me to publicise the fact that I am boycotting in order to draw GOG's attention and have them think whether their future plans should be reconsidered (and perhaps also recruit more people to join the boycott, which this last move from GOG could help).

This is the reason for the existence of the boycott thread, where a group of sincere ex-GOG-clients are hanging while boycotting.
Post edited September 22, 2021 by mrkgnao
high rated
was looking forward to this release. will not buy with online requirements tho.
So is there any difference with the Steam version if you buy it here? According to this post the game doesn't even save your progress on the campaign, if I'm understanding it correctly: