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Experiment and have fun in the ultimate playground as Agent 47 to become the master assassin. HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition is now available on GOG.COM with an astounding 70% discount that will last until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC.

Get ready for even more challenges! All games from the Hitman series available on GOG.COM receive 75% discounts lasting also until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC:

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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
low rated
phaolo: Guys, if we can't trust Gog anymore about new games being fully DRM-free and playable offline for single-player.. there's no point buying here.
We could all just move to Epic or Steam and check forums for info about DRM. And getting better deals and features, meanwhile..
So, are you going to do just that? Or is it all talk?
mrkgnao: But if people don't buy this game, yet continue to buy other games on GOG, then GOG lost nothing by adding this game to their catalogue. Even if a small percentage of people do buy the game, it was worth it.
timppu: So does that mean you are not buying any games anywhere, anymore?

I basically buy games only from GOG, and DRM-free. So if I started boycotting all GOG games, even the DRM-free ones, due to this, then it would mean I would stop buying any games.

Nah, I don't think your suggestion makes any sense. If people stopped buying DRM-free games due to this, all it would "prove" both to the game publishers and GOG is that DRM-free games don't sell because apparently no one is buying them.

Nah, I think it is much better to boycott the game which has DRM, and keep buying DRM-free games. That shows both to the publishers, and also GOG, which kind of games we want to buy. I vote with my wallet. For instance, I just bought Darksiders Genesis from GOG, instead of Hitman.
Zoom platform has all drm-free games aswell so the boycotters can move to Zoom platform just saying for the drm free games
This debacle is the natural progression of most GOG customers being indifferent to the DRM-creep as seen in releases like Cyberpunk 2077.

GOG's excuse then was, according to them: it's not DRM because it doesn't affect the player experience.

Once GOG customers have learned to accept any excuse of DRM somehow not being DRM, then that opens the floodgates in GOG for all future forms of DRM-creep likewise to infest GOG games, since now all future DRM'ed released can also be successfully spin-doctored as being "not DRM" too, just like Cyberpunk's DRM was...

...of which this Hitman release is a perfect example of exactly that (although maybe the spin-doctoring won't work this time, like it did with Cyberpunk 2077)?
Post edited September 22, 2021 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
BanditKeith2: Zoom platform has all drm-free games aswell so the boycotters can move to Zoom platform just saying for the drm free games
And buy what? Zoom being DRM free really doesn't mean much when they have absolutely bugger all games to offer.
high rated
timppu: I think it is much better to boycott the game which has DRM, and keep buying DRM-free games. That shows both to the publishers, and also GOG, which kind of games we want to buy. I vote with my wallet. For instance, I just bought Darksiders Genesis from GOG, instead of Hitman.
I actually agree with this to a large degree, while at the same time understanding the boycotters' perspective.
phaolo: Guys, if we can't trust Gog anymore about new games being fully DRM-free and playable offline for single-player.. there's no point buying here.
We could all just move to Epic or Steam and check forums for info about DRM. And getting better deals and features, meanwhile..
timppu: So, are you going to do just that? Or is it all talk?
Why are you attacking users that criticize this release?
Do you disagree or are you disrupting other people's complaints, despite them sharing your same disappointment?
Are you like playing the devil's advocate or.. the masochist hipster?
Post edited September 22, 2021 by phaolo
high rated
I already own 2 DRM'd versions of this game.

Literally the only reason I have to buy it here is the removal of the DRM.
Why would I want another identical copy of the Steam version I already have?
BanditKeith2: Zoom platform has all drm-free games aswell so the boycotters can move to Zoom platform just saying for the drm free games
ReynardFox: And buy what? Zoom being DRM free really doesn't mean much when they have absolutely bugger all games to offer.
Its your taste really as they do have plenty of good games even ones unable to be found elsewhere its only got a lack of games if you aren't for older games honestly
Not my kind of game, but if it were, i could live with online connection for mods instalation that didnt block offline play, wich user contracts seem to be, achievements, cosmetics or multiplayer, altough external free acess to mods is prefered from moddb, nexusmods, etc..
But requring online acess for single player content, and from the comments, a big chunk of content, is a big no-no gog.
thraxman: Hey GOG as you defiantly listen to "many gamers", either fix this piece of shit version or remove it from your "DRM free" store.
mrkgnao: GOG's reply: And what if we don't?
In fantasy - then your share holders are gonna get it!

In reality - I'll just keep playing my Hitman 2 complete on Steam which includes all of Hitman GOTY content with the Hitman 2 stuff in as well. Given how this version looks its still the better option.
SmollestLight: Story and bonus missions can be played offline :) For Escalation missions, Elusive Targets or user-created Contracts you will need an online connection.
Lifthrasil: Please answer to this question: are you aware, that this is a single-player game and that therefore the Escalation and Elusive Target missions affected by the always online DRM are, in fact, hours of single-player content?
I don't really give a shit about those as those aren't the core gameplay and I disagreed with the concept of Elusive Targets being one time gameplay things anyways.

The progression still being tied to online is what gets me. Unlocking shit to get more outfits, guns, gear, etc. is a core part of Hitman, and that always being tied to online was a major problem with the other versions of these games and why I still much prefer playing Blood Money.

I was hoping this would be removed for the GOG version, or at least modified. Let the core game missions and content all be fully playable offline with no DRM.
high rated
This release is bad and you should feel bad.
Lifthrasil: And yes, I think it makes sense to boycott GOG. If enough people were to start acting like that instead of throwing money at companies they complain about, it would create pressure to change things. Companies (GOG included) don't care about your complaints in forums. They care about the revenue they get. If that drops, they will react and try to rectify things to appease their customers.
I am not here for the company, I am here for the games. DRM-free games.

The best way for me to pressure GOG to keep releasing DRM-free games is to buy (only) DRM-free games from them. If I stop buying also the DRM-free games, all it proves to the publishers and GOG is that DRM-free games don't sell.

I am not aware of other stores with as extensive and good selection of DRM-free games as GOG. No thanks, I don't see e.g. Tomb Raider GOTY or Sleeping Dogs DRM-free there, it is full of crap I don't even know what it is (searching for "tomb raider" in gives some humorous search results, I mean, are those actual games?).

Buying DRM-free games from Steam or Epic doesn't seem like a good alternative either. At least on GOG I can be relatively sure that DRM is not added afterwards to my earlier purchased game. It just seems I need to be increasingly cautious with certain games on the store, and it does seem it is much easier to find the DRM-status out here, considering this thread.

But to each his own of course, anyone is free to vote or not vote with their wallet the way they want. It certainly will be interesting to see how many boycotters still hang around in GOG, year after year, proclaiming they are not buying anything here. I guess that can be one hobby as well, it is a bit like those retards walking in a circle in front of some store they don't like with signs, demonstrating for weeks. It may be a cultural thing, I have better things to do with my life than hang around in some store, telling everyone repeatedly that I am boycotting them. I don't hang around e.g. in Steam forums telling everyone I am not buying anything from Steam.
high rated
SmollestLight: Story and bonus missions can be played offline :) For Escalation missions, Elusive Targets or user-created Contracts you will need an online connection.
HOW IS THIS NOT DRM!?!?!!??!?! Get this garbage out of here!
high rated
SmollestLight: Story and bonus missions can be played offline :) For Escalation missions, Elusive Targets or user-created Contracts you will need an online connection.
mqstout: HOW IS THIS NOT DRM!?!?!!??!?! Get this garbage out of here!