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Experiment and have fun in the ultimate playground as Agent 47 to become the master assassin. HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition is now available on GOG.COM with an astounding 70% discount that will last until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC.

Get ready for even more challenges! All games from the Hitman series available on GOG.COM receive 75% discounts lasting also until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC:

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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
high rated
Was going to buy it, Not as it is. Until GOG actually makes it DRM-free, what is the point?

It is GOG's job to convince me that they are the best place to spend my money, and this ain't convincing.
high rated
Even a voracious game collector like me will not complete the franchise by having this in my collection... this is the reason why I never bought Absolver here, and why I won't touch this game with a ten-foot cat!

It's too bad that this game even came here in this state, I sincerely hope you can turn this around!
Post edited September 22, 2021 by TZODnmr2k5
thefallenalchemist: A lot of places are having issues with DRM-Free games now. I have a feeling that's because these companies are really trying to push streaming games instead of buying them. This might be the end of buying a game as we know it, as soon as they can make it like Disney+ or HBO Max for gaming, they will. You're gonna rent games forever, pretty much.
Magnitus: I don't think they'll do it right away. I think it will be the final gameplan, once people are properly disillusioned.

I mean, for content creators, Netflix essentially pays for pennies on the dollar. I'd pay at least a good 10$ for a movie when I bought it. I'm sure that when I watch it on Netflix, they are not earning anywhere near that for the movie that I watch.

In that sense, Netflix is fair (its not ownership, but it is fair).

But what they got right now when selling drmed games is a gold mine. They are raking in money, like if they were selling ownership, but they are not commiting to anything tangible in return. When some of those big stores take their servers offline, you better believe a lot of those people will be paying for those games again, probably rental-style at that point (trust in the fake "ownership" model will have eroded by then, justifiably so).

mrkgnao: But I don't think they are shooting themselves in the foot. Some will buy this game despite the DRM, some will not because of the DRM, but I believe the net profit will be positive for GOG. Nothing lost.
Magnitus: Not saying I'll stick around forever is a significant portion of their games become DRMed.

I'm not gonna buy my games from 10 different places and If I trust somebody else more and they are providing the goods, well...

And no, I'm not going with Steam, no matter what you say. At least, GOG (and some other stores I believe) states officially that their games are drm-free.

Steam does not even pretends this is the case. Whatever games are drm-free on Steam, its an unsupported quirk. If they remove it tomorrow, you have no right to complain. They never claimed it in the first place.
You know what's really gonna suck? When they add microtransactions in with those rental games. You rent the game, but have the option to buy extras for it - and people will, because I know how dumb people can be.
2021 GOG boycott thread for anyone that wants to join and protest against this latest violation of GOG's DRM-free principles.

Is anyone still not convinced that GOG's long-term plan is to water down/ditch DRM-free? If so, perhaps it's time to open your eyes?
high rated
Bah, seems to be getting worse on this store. Every release is more and more locked down, call it drm or online gating. With the pushing of galaxy, this site is worse than steam now.
I'll wishlist for now and follow. Would have bought if it didn't need an online connection. I have that through steam already.

Yes, some of it is DRM-Free. I would require .... ALL.

Who knows, maybe the powers that be will reverse this online connection decision at a latter date.
fronzelneekburm: Oh well, at least pressing F5 to see how long it will take for the user score to plummet below 2.0 kept me busy (and moderately entertained) for the afternoon, so thanks for that!
I find it more interesting to watch the rating from verified owners slowly going up. I'm pretty sure that's what GOG is more interested in too.

They know that the same people who are now downrating this game without buying it will rush to buy and upvote tomorrow's DRM-free release, so I don't think they're too worried.
high rated
Time4Tea: 2021 GOG boycott thread for anyone that wants to join and protest against this latest violation of GOG's DRM-free principles.

Is anyone still not convinced that GOG's long-term plan is to water down/ditch DRM-free? If so, perhaps it's time to open your eyes?
if they don't correct this in a few days I'll join.
firstpastthepost: It’s tempting, but it’s also a tad unfair for it to be listed at that price when it’s been on sale multiple times for less than half that price elsewhere. I’m happy that the game was released here, but I’m not happy about the price gouging. For that reason it’ll be a pass until the price is more in line with every other store that sales this game.
The most infuriating part is that if we want to play the game on a slightly different platform (GOG vs Steam), we're forced to pay again for something we already own -- a license to play the game. It's not like we're talking about complete reprogramming here (such as PC vs console), so there's no reason to price gouge like this. I can accept a small fee for the relatively minimal cost of porting to another platform's SDK (for achievements, overlay, etc) and to cover the storefront's cost (server usage, file storage, etc), but full price is out of the question and even a 70% sale, in which it still costs $18, is asking far too much of people who already own the game on Steam.

The sad thing is that several years ago, some developers would occasionally use GOG Connect to allow GOG users to add to their GOG library some games they already owned on Steam. I haven't seen anything use GOG Connect in a long time.

I often wonder how much money these development studios (and/or their publishers) are making from repeat sales. I know I've had to spend several hundred dollars (collectively) buying games a second time because they were stuck on Steam for the longest time and I wanted a DRM copy when they finally came to GOG (specifically for when the Steam client stops supporting my computer). I guess this is the biggest reason/push for the services that allow you to buy a game and run it on a hosted server so you can play it on any device, but that method introduces a whole separate set of issues.
high rated
I'm also passing on this due to the online requirements. I guess I'll be sticking with the non-goty free copy I got from Epic. A free rental is better than half a paid-for product.
Post edited September 22, 2021 by Mr.Mumbles
high rated
I’m incredibly disappointed by this. I’ll buy this as soon as the drm is removed. I can’t believe that I have to say this on this site.
high rated
Hey GOG as you defiantly listen to "many gamers", either fix this piece of shit version or remove it from your "DRM free" store.
low rated
Time4Tea: 2021 GOG boycott thread for anyone that wants to join and protest against this latest violation of GOG's DRM-free principles.

Is anyone still not convinced that GOG's long-term plan is to water down/ditch DRM-free? If so, perhaps it's time to open your eyes?
LiefLayer: if they don't correct this in a few days I'll join.
Be careful, I was showing support a while back in that thread and then got accused of wanting DRM for no reason and then attacked.
high rated
From the store page:
"The HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition includes:
All missions & locations from the award-winning first season of HITMAN
"Patient Zero" Bonus campaign
3 new Themed Escalation Contracts
3 new Outfits
3 new Weapons"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't a huge part of the game the escalation contracts and elusive targets? Also, "all missions & locations" make it sound like some large amount. Weren't there only six missions?

Also, just like on Steam, this is a time bomb with forced obsolescence because there WILL come a day when IOI decides to shut down the servers. While you might technically be buying a license to play the game, what you're really doing is renting the game. That was bad enough on Steam where you know games are DRM-protected, but it is completely inexcusable on GOG.
low rated
thraxman: Hey GOG as you defiantly listen to "many gamers", either fix this piece of shit version or remove it from your "DRM free" store.
GOG's reply: And what if we don't?