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Experiment and have fun in the ultimate playground as Agent 47 to become the master assassin. HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition is now available on GOG.COM with an astounding 70% discount that will last until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC.

Get ready for even more challenges! All games from the Hitman series available on GOG.COM receive 75% discounts lasting also until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC:

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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
low rated
(Preface: not disputing mod actions, just wondering things and such)

GamezRanker: I don't know, but I do know one thing: GOG staff apparently have enough free time to warn me for "advertising", re: my linking to the Postal 1/2 bundle on ZP in post 1313.
tfishell: FFS
You know what's odd? They left the actual link to/mention of the Zoom-platform Postal 1/2 bundle....they just removed the list of stuff included with it(which btw includes several things GOG's version doesn't have).

If it's advertising, I don't get why they'd leave the rest of that bit there. ;|

MarkoH01: While understandable I wonder if there'a something in the community guidelines against this.
Iitc Link0 once said/inferred that HE was told that he couldn't "advertise" zoom-platform, being an employee of zoom and all, but that "regular GOG users"(i.e. those not working for zoom) could.
Post edited September 27, 2021 by GamezRanker
GamezRanker: If it's advertising, I don't get why they'd leave the rest of that bit there. ;|
Perhaps they need offline connection to access that part.

Abedsbrother: Despite the ruckus, I still plan on buying games from GOG in the future. They're still the best legit source of DRM-free games. Just have to be careful & make sure any game I want to purchase really is DRM-free.
Fair enough. Here is a regularly maintained list to assist you, some of which may or may not be relevant for you:
Post edited September 27, 2021 by mrkgnao
low rated
Chlorus: I'm too lazy to break out the to make it, but imagine this sleeping squidward meme:
Always happy to help a fellow gogger out (check attached image) :)
P.S. You can visit imgflip to find that template and many others.


mrkgnao: Perhaps they need offline connection to access that part.
GOG(maybe): "See, 25% of the comment remains unedited ....thus it's still edit-free"
ohmygog.jpg (56 Kb)
Post edited September 27, 2021 by GamezRanker
high rated
So let me get this straight: After over 1000 angry posts in the release thread, several hundred 1-star reviews and a dozen reporting gaming sites all over the world, GOG enters this week with... nothing?
The game still sits happily on the same front page, as if nothing had happened.
It's still decorated with the same half-true info box, as if nothing had happened.
The only reaction on the part of GOG is still only a small forum post from three days ago, which rather mocks us than takes us seriously.

This is pathetic.
high rated
russellskanne: So let me get this straight: After over 1000 angry posts in the release thread, several hundred 1-star reviews and a dozen reporting gaming sites all over the world, GOG enters this week with... nothing?
The game still sits happily on the same front page, as if nothing had happened.
It's still decorated with the same half-true info box, as if nothing had happened.
The only reaction on the part of GOG is still only a small forum post from three days ago, which rather mocks us than takes us seriously.

This is pathetic.
I think at this point it's pretty clear their chosen course of action is inaction. And there is a certain logic to that. If they do nothing, there's nothing more for any media to cover. This thread will, eventually, die. At the cost of alienating a few more users, everything will proceed according to plan.
high rated
Breja: At the cost of alienating a few more users, everything will proceed according to plan.
I heard it whispered around corners that the Grand GOGBear's plan is to establish a new form of government, indifrocracy, and conquer the world through inaction. Kind of reminds one of the Borg, yet they do not assimilate and seek to better themselves... they just adamantly do nothing :P. They are the GOG. Insistence is futile.
Post edited September 28, 2021 by WinterSnowfall
Breja: At the cost of alienating a few more users, everything will proceed according to plan.
WinterSnowfall: I heard it whispered around corners that the Grand GOGBear's plan is to establish a new form of government, indifrocracy, and conquer the world through inaction. Kind of reminds one of the Borg, yet they do not assimilate and seek to better themselves... they just adamantly do nothing :P. They are the GOG. Insistence is futile.
They are the Grey Lanterns. The Guardians of Not Giving a Crap. (Warning: this joke only works for those familiar with the Green Lantern comics)
Post edited September 28, 2021 by Breja
Breja: At the cost of alienating a few more users, everything will proceed according to plan.
WinterSnowfall: I heard it whispered around corners that the Grand GOGBear's plan is to establish a new form of government, indifrocracy, and conquer the world through inaction. Kind of reminds one of the Borg, yet they do not assimilate and seek to better themselves... they just adamantly do nothing :P. They are the GOG. Insistence is futile.

P.S. actually, +47
I confirm. I don't think gog is going to do anything except ostrich. But in my opinion it is that in the future, given what happened, he will not have hitman 2 and 3 on gog. This game will certainly be the last of ioi on gog.
low rated
Breja: At the cost of alienating a few more users, everything will proceed according to plan.
What will happen, I wonder, when they run low on/out of forum using goggers to alienate and the forum becomes an empty shel....oh wait, now I get it.


WinterSnowfall: I heard it whispered around corners that the Grand GOGBear's plan is to establish a new form of government, indifrocracy, and conquer the world through inaction. Kind of reminds one of the Borg, yet they do not assimilate and seek to better themselves... they just adamantly do nothing :P. They are the GOG. Insistence is futile.
But doing nothing is also doing something. o.0 ;D
Gorg: "logic error logic error!" *BzzZzzt*

Post edited September 28, 2021 by GamezRanker
high rated
MysterD: Yeah, the SSA actually says you're a subscriber and not a game-owner. So, pretty much - Valve's already got the legalese covered, pretty case they don't do so.
Matruchus: I find it funny when people think that Steam is so much different then when it comes to game ownership. All you own on according to their User Agreement is the license to download and use the game. You do not own any game on Its not that much different then Steam Subscriber Agreement but it does give you a drm-free license for the games. The gog User Agreement is also only valid until termination same as the Steam Subscriber agreement just the wording is a bit different.
the big BIG BIG BIG difference here on GoG is, with Galaxy being OPTIONAL and NO DRM
attached to the games, NO ONE can contol what you do with your property once you
bought it here. That is different with DRM and mandatory launchers, at any given time
a publisher could take away your access. (i am sure they will do so soon enough)

That is why this thread and that Hitman always online DRM blew up so much.
YES this time around it IS DRM since fuctions that should work by offline default are
bound to being online. This time it doesn t even matter if you can start Hitman without
Galaxy, since the game forces you onling like a MMO to have ALL the functions.

Ppl are here for the EXACT reason NOT to need a online conncection to play the game,
as well as having the FULL CONTROL over the product they buy.

Hitman GOTY isn t that seeing this happen on GoG, i must wonder what happens in the future.
Since as many said before this is a blatant 180° on the FCK DRM initative.
Post edited September 28, 2021 by GHOSTMD
high rated
Looks like many gamers have spoken again gog!

Sadly we lack Chinese IP's so won't be taken seriously.... Quick someone post on Weibo that there's a China level in hitman where you can dress as Winnie the pooh!

I came here for the old games initially when gog first started. I stuck around for the drm free & even re-purchased many games I own elsewhere for the drm-free aspect.... You lose that and you lose my custom because you no longer offer anything over what steam etc offer & they're far bigger than this site & have superior clients. If you think you can compete you must be utterly delusional, especially with the poorly coded joke of a client you keep trying hard to push.

Gog will never have the growth to meet shareholder demands long term, it was a stupid & selfish move and all you've done is condemn this site to a slow death & destroyed a good idea.

At least abandonware sites will be fill of gog installers when you're gone I guess, that at least is helping preservation (remember that principle gog?)
Post edited September 28, 2021 by serpantino
low rated
GHOSTMD: the big BIG BIG BIG difference here on GoG is, with Galaxy being OPTIONAL and NO DRM
attached to the games, NO ONE can contorl what you do with your property once you
bought it here. That is different with DRM and mandatory launchers, at any given time
a publisher could take away you access. (i am sure they will do so soon enough)
Well in some countries (like mine) one can make a DRM-free backup copy of their legally bought DRM-infested games....the problem, though, is that it's a bit more work.

GHOSTMD: Ppl are here for the EXACT reason NOT to need a online conncection to play the game,
as well as having the FULL CONTROL over the product they buy.
Well said
GHOSTMD: the big BIG BIG BIG difference here on GoG is, with Galaxy being OPTIONAL and NO DRM
attached to the games, NO ONE can contorl what you do with your property once you
bought it here. That is different with DRM and mandatory launchers, at any given time
a publisher could take away you access. (i am sure they will do so soon enough)
GamezRanker: Well in some countries (like mine) one can make a DRM-free backup copy of their legally bought DRM-infested games....the problem, though, is that it's a bit more work.

GHOSTMD: Ppl are here for the EXACT reason NOT to need a online conncection to play the game,
as well as having the FULL CONTROL over the product they buy.
GamezRanker: Well said
In the U.S. you may always make a copy of anything you own and modify freely. And yes, if you have a license agreement, then you own it. A license, a statement of the physical status of the item you have purchased(it exists outside of software, and predates it), is not a lease. And no the steam subscriber agreement cannot intercede on the status of any game you own. If that were true you wouldn't be legally able to sign any other agreements.
low rated
mastyer-kenobi: In the U.S. you may always make a copy of anything you own.....
Which is why I always do so with all my DRM-filled games/movies/etc. It helps preserve my media for long term future use, and also removes annoying things like un-skippable nag screens on movie discs.
Post edited September 28, 2021 by GamezRanker