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Experiment and have fun in the ultimate playground as Agent 47 to become the master assassin. HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition is now available on GOG.COM with an astounding 70% discount that will last until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC.

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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
dick1982: my review got removed for sure. and this time i wasn't even calling for RIOTS at night!!!
Funny... now all negative reviews are back on game site!
high rated
dick1982: MOST STEAM USERS ASSUMED that Valve would make all their games DRM free if they ever closed down...
lmao, I still find people on reddit repeating that bs, I keep repeating the same reply that its physically and legally impossible and that there's nothing on the eula that would force them to do it and people keeps downvoting me.

It's silly people take for granted everything.
Snowslinger: And GOG is releasing new games, business as usual. Not like the place is on fire... its fine.
Since when gog did care about what any of us think? This is again one of those times when they throw their principles over the board and change company policy. Older gog users do still remember how gog threw all their principles away but drm free for single player content. I guess we got to the point where that is gone too. As such you might as well buy on Steam.
low rated
Breja: I'm sorry, but that's bullshit. At this point I was just talking about altering the game's description to an accurate one. The absolute bare minimum of what they should do, regardless of what their actual DRM policy is now. Is that also something that takes weeks? I know GOG's website is a mess, but come on. It's something that could be fixed in two minutes.

Right now they are misleading customers, have been for five days, and they know it. And they just keep doing it.
Agreed....they should change it to be more accurate/etc.

That said, as I said earlier ITT: GOG (sadly) doesn't have much control over the store page text/pics/etc....the IP holders GOG would need IOI's approval/ok to do so first.
(well, unless they were ok with risking a possible call from IOI's legal dept)


mrkgnao: The same way that they are bound by contracts with IOI, they are bound by EU and Polish laws not to false advertise, which they are knowingly doing now.
All I can say is: must suck to be gog's legal dept right now
Post edited September 27, 2021 by GamezRanker
Gamez, GOG does not need IOI's "approval" to update the store page. Please don't say false nonsense like this.

GOG could easily update the store page right now.
GamezRanker: That said, as I said earlier ITT: GOG (sadly) doesn't have much control over the store page text/pics/etc....the IP holders GOG would need IOI's approval/ok to do so first.
Assuming for a moment that's correct, which I very much doubt it, does IOI control what GOG can put on its home page too? Because they can put a big banner there instead, warning their customers.
Regardless of who can update the store page, someone should do it.

On the game card "Internet connection is required to access Escalation missions, Elusive Targets or user-created Contracts" and "No activation or online connection required to play" are written right next to each other.

Anyone can see that both "Internet connection is required" and "No activation or online connection required" simply can't both be true at the same time. One of them has to be false information.
PixelBoy: Regardless of who can update the store page, someone should do it.

On the game card "Internet connection is required to access Escalation missions, Elusive Targets or user-created Contracts" and "No activation or online connection required to play" are written right next to each other.

Anyone can see that both "Internet connection is required" and "No activation or online connection required" simply can't both be true at the same time. One of them has to be false information.
Unfortunately, at the moment, both of them are wrong.
dick1982: MOST STEAM USERS ASSUMED that Valve would make all their games DRM free if they ever closed down...
Neurus_Ex: lmao, I still find people on reddit repeating that bs, I keep repeating the same reply that its physically and legally impossible and that there's nothing on the eula that would force them to do it and people keeps downvoting me.

It's silly people take for granted everything.
Yeah, the SSA actually says you're a subscriber and not a game-owner. So, pretty much - Valve's already got the legalese covered, pretty case they don't do so.

Valve's just a distributor of games digitally. While they might do it for their own games and maybe de-activate say any Steamworks running in the background needs - that's still a big assumption. Until it actually happens - yep, it's all GUESSING game here. There's no guarantees, until it actually happens - and well, it certainly has NOT happened yet.

Also, who knows if they'll actually do so. Why would they need to, as long as they're in business? [shrug]

Also, who knows if someone like say EA or Microsoft say buys Valve and Steam out and...well, the parent company just doesn't do anything about this or doesn't allow Valve to remove the DRM-check?

It's likely going to take dev's themselves and publishers to decide what to do on Steam for their games - to free the EXE from needing Steamworks; to make sure DLC's/Expansions/Extra stuff work without Steamworks running; not rely on any servers for the game and all its single player portions to work; to allow for LAN support for MP skirmish modes so those work; etc etc.

There's some older games (like DOSBOX games), some Indies, some AA's, and some AAA's (likely older) that ain't protected - and will work without Steam. We need more that happening not just on Steam, but other services (like Origin, UPlay, etc) too.
Post edited September 27, 2021 by MysterD
low rated
(Preface: not disputing mod actions with this post, i'm merely stating what happened/what I read in PM[which I can of course share as it was in my PM box])


mrkgnao: Assuming for a moment that's correct, which I very much doubt it, does IOI control what GOG can put on its home page too? Because they can put a big banner there instead, warning their customers.
I don't know, but I do know one thing: GOG staff apparently have enough free time to warn me for "advertising", re: my linking to the Postal 1/2 bundle on ZP in post 1313.
(the same sort of thing, btw, that is done in the gaming deals thread all the time)
Post edited September 27, 2021 by GamezRanker
high rated
GamezRanker: (Preface: not disputing mod actions with this post, i'm merely stating what happened/what I read in PM[which I can of course share as it was in my PM box])


mrkgnao: Assuming for a moment that's correct, which I very much doubt it, does IOI control what GOG can put on its home page too? Because they can put a big banner there instead, warning their customers.
GamezRanker: I don't know, but I do know one thing: GOG staff apparently have enough free time to warn me for "advertising", re: my linking to the Postal 1/2 bundle on ZP in post 1313.
(the same sort of thing, btw, that is done in the gaming deals thread all the time)
low rated
(Preface: again, not disputing mod actions with this post)

mrkgnao: Unbelievable.
I know, and it left me all sorts of confused......I mean the forums literally has a thread called GAMING DEALS with such posts, which has been going on for years.

As to what was cut: the list of all the bundle's content(including some GOG's version doesn't have, btw)

Back Ontopic

I guess GOG must have the Hitman GOTY issues well in hand, then, given they have time to reply to me and delete reviews ;)
Post edited September 27, 2021 by GamezRanker
GamezRanker: (Preface: not disputing mod actions with this post, i'm merely stating what happened/what I read in PM[which I can of course share as it was in my PM box])


I don't know, but I do know one thing: GOG staff apparently have enough free time to warn me for "advertising", re: my linking to the Postal 1/2 bundle on ZP in post 1313.
(the same sort of thing, btw, that is done in the gaming deals thread all the time)
mrkgnao: Unbelievable.
Like a chicken that has it's head cut off, GOG has no idea it is dead and soon to be forgotten. ;p

Dysfunctionality is the norm in this world, but CDP/GOG is becoming the gold standard.
high rated

And three more from Poland
low rated
Neurus_Ex: lmao, I still find people on reddit repeating that bs, I keep repeating the same reply that its physically and legally impossible and that there's nothing on the eula that would force them to do it and people keeps downvoting me.

It's silly people take for granted everything.
MysterD: Yeah, the SSA actually says you're a subscriber and not a game-owner. So, pretty much - Valve's already got the legalese covered, pretty case they don't do so.
I find it funny when people think that Steam is so much different then when it comes to game ownership. All you own on according to their User Agreement is the license to download and use the game. You do not own any game on Its not that much different then Steam Subscriber Agreement but it does give you a drm-free license for the games. The gog User Agreement is also only valid until termination same as the Steam Subscriber agreement just the wording is a bit different.