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Experiment and have fun in the ultimate playground as Agent 47 to become the master assassin. HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition is now available on GOG.COM with an astounding 70% discount that will last until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC.

Get ready for even more challenges! All games from the Hitman series available on GOG.COM receive 75% discounts lasting also until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC:

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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
high rated
Screamshield: What i don't agree is with some of the troll and toxic posters here who don't seem to want the game fixed and just want to see this place burn.
I haven't seen anyone who is opposed to the game being fixed. On the contrary. Can you point me to any such post?
high rated
Screamshield: They are to blame for not doing more extensive research but IO Interactive are the one who made the game this way.
You did not get what I said at all, did you? Who made the game this way is irrelevant. The game being what it is is not the issue. It being here is the issue. The problem is not Hitman existing in this form. The problem is Hitman in this form being allowed here. And that is only and entirely on GOG. Unless GOG is forced to act and uphold its own principles, then the actual, true problem will not be solved, even if the game is fixed through someone else's actions. It's dealing with the symptom, and not the disease.
Post edited September 26, 2021 by Breja
low rated
Linko64: Scream, I don't think you really understand the problem here mate.

But by your logic, we will go with this...they're charging full price (upon sales end) for about 25% of the content. However way you spin it this is a bad look.
Screamshield: I am not spinning, i simply like to be rational, factual and have a productive conversation that would lead to the game being fixed. It is a bad look and i agree that the game in it's current state doesn't deserve to be sold at full price. What i don't agree is with some of the troll and toxic posters here who don't seem to want the game fixed and just want to see this place burn.
LiefLayer: Why it is still on sale?
Screamshield: No idea. I have no idea about the contracts that GOG makes with companies in order to sell their games. It is quite possible that for GOG to take down the game they might have to pay IO Interactive a certain sum as damages. That is why i keep telling people to go after IO Interactive but nobody listens to me. Drag IOI trough the mud, make them squirm and they could easily provide a fix on their end. The question is do you want the game fixed or do you just want to run a hate train on GOG.
I agree with you. I am seeing a lot of paranoia and hostility towards GOG that I think is unwarranted.

We have no idea what sort of arrangement exists between GOG and IOI. I think neither of them were expecting this sort of negative reaction.

I do think GOG and IOI will eventually address this, but given how integrated the online-only progression system is to the game, a proper fix may take some time, and they are probably unwilling to speak until they feel confident that whatever solution they have in the works will actually work.

At this point people need to tone down the histrionics and be patient.

At the end of the day, despite all of their faults, GOG is the best place for games. I will not be so hostile to a company that does a good thing imperfectly when no one else attempts it all.
Post edited September 26, 2021 by Sheershaw
low rated
Screamshield: I am not spinning, i simply like to be rational, factual and have a productive conversation that would lead to the game being fixed. It is a bad look and i agree that the game in it's current state doesn't deserve to be sold at full price. What i don't agree is with some of the troll and toxic posters here who don't seem to want the game fixed and just want to see this place burn.

No idea. I have no idea about the contracts that GOG makes with companies in order to sell their games. It is quite possible that for GOG to take down the game they might have to pay IO Interactive a certain sum as damages. That is why i keep telling people to go after IO Interactive but nobody listens to me. Drag IOI trough the mud, make them squirm and they could easily provide a fix on their end. The question is do you want the game fixed or do you just want to run a hate train on GOG.
Sheershaw: I agree with you. I am seeing a lot of paranoia and hostility towards GOG that I think is unwarranted.

We have no idea what sort of arrangement exists between GOG and IOI. I think neither of them were expecting this sort of negative reaction.

I do think GOG and IOI will eventually address this, but given how integrated the online-only progression system is to the game, a proper fix may take some time, and they are probably unwilling to speak until they feel confident that whatever solution they have in the works will actually work.

At this point people need to tone down the histrionics and be patient.

At the end of the day, despite all of their faults, GOG is the best place for games. I will not be so hostile to a company that does a good thing imperfectly when no one else attempts it all.
They can't help but to engage in hysteria and fear mongering.
high rated
Krogan32: They can't help but to engage in hysteria and fear mongering.
Get a thesaurus already, for heaven's sake.
low rated
Krogan32: They can't help but to engage in hysteria and fear mongering.
Breja: Get a thesaurus already, for heaven's sake.
Stop trolling for heaven's sake.
high rated
Screamshield: I have a question? Has anyone here actually tried to get a response from IOI or you are all just here to do a hate train on GOG? No seriously has anyone bothered to engage IOI on their official forums? Has anyone contacted them on their twitter? Has anyone asked IOI what made them think that it was a great idea to sell their game in such a state on GOG? Can anyone show me what IOI has said on this issue? You people realize that IOI could fix this on their end, right? So why are you only here?

Here is IO Interactive's official page:
This is their e-mail:
This is their twitter:
This is their facebook:
This is the official Hitman discord:

So how about you all go and write IOI an e-mail? Tweet at them? Write them on facebook and ask them why they think that their game deserves 60 euros for the state it is in? I've made this as easy as possible for you. If you want the DRM gone the easiest thing would be for IOI to fix it on their end. GO AND CONTACT IO Interactive!!!
Who is responsible for accepting Hitman on GOG's store? GOG or the game's publisher?
IOI doesn't sell games DRM Free. GOG supposedly does.
If GOG told them that we are not going to sell your game with DRM, the game would never be allowed here.
That doesn't mean that IOI would change the game to be DRM-Free, but that would be up to IOI.

GOG is responsible for what games are allowed to be sold on GOG.

It's quite perplexing why anyone would not be able to see this.
my name is supyreor catte: There are a few English equivalents which are pretty weird too. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." is the first to spring to mind.
BanditKeith2: The one you mention is not wierd as it makes sense given when wheels was squeaky in the past grease was usually the fix from there would be a lack of grease in the part of the wheel that allowed it to move
I never said it didn't make sense, I was just suggesting something as comparably weird to what samuraigaiden said. Both sayings make sense, they're just weird idioms.
high rated
Screamshield: I am not spinning, i simply like to be rational, factual and have a productive conversation that would lead to the game being fixed. It is a bad look and i agree that the game in it's current state doesn't deserve to be sold at full price. What i don't agree is with some of the troll and toxic posters here who don't seem to want the game fixed and just want to see this place burn.
Most people I know here don't want GOG to "burn to the ground". There are however a lot of people who've been turned very cynical over the lack of fixing of similar issues over the past 12 months. Take for example, Saints Row 3 Remastered that was reported to have broken settings in the offline installers and required "optional" Galaxy to work. This was reported back in May and the thread ended with "We'll investigate". It sounds like something that should be 100x easier to fix than Hitman 'Diablo 3' Edition, and yet next week it will be October and here we are with no fix, no follow up. Nothing of the "investigation". Then there's Divinity Original Sin where in 7 days time, it'll be exactly 2 years waiting for GOG to get around to making available a non-buggy offline installer. Hopefully all these game will eventually be fixed, but for those complaining about why people here have become more cynical over "we'll investigate", that didn't spring into existence in a vacuum for no reason...
Post edited September 26, 2021 by AB2012
high rated
You know, when GOG did the whole FCK DRM thing, I didn't think it was all about making sweet love to it and then proposing to marry it.
I just saw an article about this on a mainstream tech website...
People on this forum might write a million billion well-written well-argumented posts ---- what do they write about? The review bombing!

There's a point here... want to make a difference? GOG to really notice you? Write your opinion in 5 words on a banner, set your hair on fire and go hop around naked on some famous person's front lawn!
low rated
KentGAllard: You know, when GOG did the whole FCK DRM thing, I didn't think it was all about making sweet love to it and then proposing to marry it.
Neither did I. On the other hand...

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
Post edited September 26, 2021 by richlind33
high rated
Heard about this elsewhere from the review bombing. Considering that is one of the few methods consumers have to push back on things like this, they are fully justified.

At this point you may as well just sell a steam key. That would go against the original principals of the store, but its not like this doesn't do so already. Plus then people will know what they are getting instead of dressing up a game that will be largely non-functional one day once the servers go down as "DRM Free".
high rated
Thankfully there are still 51 pages of reviews still up! :)

I would hope come Monday we will be vindicated by an immediate response of either the game's removal from the store, or a reversal of the DRM'd modem-wall locking people out of SP content!

Either way, they will need to quit listening to their marketing dept and pave yet another road towards redemption as the double blow from both CP2k77 and this DRM'd mess has been the last straw for a lot of people here, I hope they realize this and take steps to rectify it!

As even the most ardent and loudest voices on this matter would love nothing more than to see GoG go back to its DRM-Free roots unfettered by partial DRM'd Modem-wall games such as this and absolver just to name a few, c'mon GoG, please reverse the course we want you back!
high rated
Fictionvision: Heard about this elsewhere from the review bombing.
I think it's important to note that there wasn't any "review bombing". This is what GOG, in its infinite wisdom, decided to call it. It doesn't make it so.

What really happened is simply a large number of people, many of them understandably angry, writing relevant reviews in an attempt to inform others of GOG's misleading game page information and practices.

TZODnmr2k5: As even the most ardent and loudest voices on this matter would love nothing more than to see GoG go back to its DRM-Free roots unfettered by partial DRM'd Modem-wall games such as this and absolver just to name a few, c'mon GoG, please reverse the course we want you back!
Well said!
Post edited September 27, 2021 by mrkgnao