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Experiment and have fun in the ultimate playground as Agent 47 to become the master assassin. HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition is now available on GOG.COM with an astounding 70% discount that will last until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC.

Get ready for even more challenges! All games from the Hitman series available on GOG.COM receive 75% discounts lasting also until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC:

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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
high rated
Jigowatts121: Having looked at the Hitman GOTY trailer on the GOG YouTube Channel I can see that the comments section has been disabled, See here

Yet all other videos have there comments enabled which you can pick from here

This really doesn't put GOG in a better light!
Wow, they even disabled the Likes/Dislikes so we can't see what the ratio is.

I'm pretty sure other companies that have tried this have had it backfire on them but I can't think of example right at the moment.
Jigowatts121: Having looked at the Hitman GOTY trailer on the GOG YouTube Channel I can see that the comments section has been disabled, See here

Yet all other videos have there comments enabled which you can pick from here

This really doesn't put GOG in a better light!
We could report that video to YouTube for false advertisement ;)
low rated
BrianSim: At this stage though, you guys have basically turned into trolls in extreme denial on the subject.
Sad fact is, some would rather point fingers at their fellow goggers for "being trolls complaining and whining about GOG" than at GOG.
(that said, it is sadly true that not as many of the overall gaming userbase care about DRM as some of us)


Jigowatts121: Having looked at the Hitman GOTY trailer on the GOG YouTube Channel I can see that the comments section has been disabled, See here
So they're taking the Ol Joe route, then?
Post edited September 26, 2021 by GamezRanker
low rated
Krogan32: Vocal minority =/= "90% of the people angry".
BrianSim: Meanwhile back in the real world, observable reality is what it is:-

Most Helpful Review : "This game has online DRM. You can play though the game with the basic options, but many features, such as unlocking weapons, items, outfits, starting locations and more are locked behind an online requirement."

Feedback : 1202 of 1259 users found this helpful

Since when is 95% a "minority"?
Thanks for proving that you don't understand statistics. Just because people are going full bore mass hysteria doesn't mean they are actually representative at all. The game is selling like hotcakes, which means you are all the very hysterically vocal minority.
high rated
Jigowatts121: Having looked at the Hitman GOTY trailer on the GOG YouTube Channel I can see that the comments section has been disabled, See here

Yet all other videos have there comments enabled which you can pick from here

This really doesn't put GOG in a better light!
The numbers of the thumbs up and down are also hidden on the Hitman GOTY trailer page Yet the feature is activated on their other videos on the channel.
Post edited September 26, 2021 by Arundir
octalot: I think this is going to have an effect on other games whose Gog pages have anything ambiguous on them. If I'm wondering about buying a game, but there's something unclear about it working offline, then my response now is going to be to see if it's already been asked in the forums, and if it hasn't to post a question myself. That's a major speed-bump in the purchasing process.

Take "Victor Vran", which is currently on sale at a price cheap enough for an impulse purchase. A bit of research suggests that everything does work offline, but by the time I felt happy with that I'd already noticed that it has some long-standing bugs, and also that all the screenshots show a lack of variety in enemies. The speed-bump lost them the sale, because after doing the research and checking out a Let's Play, I'm no longer interested in playing it myself.
Victor Vran also has a design problem where you go to every area from the main hub and you have to go through areas you already cleared. But since the game is designed as a huge grinder you have to fight through explored areas again and again in order to get to your next mission. This is what killed the game for a lot of people.
low rated
Time4Tea: I agree with all of your points here. DRM-free is GOG's chosen niche - that is what they have. It is all they are going to have. If they abandon that, they will have nothing. Zip. NADA. They will no longer have a reason to exist and I suspect their slope downwards towards the cliff edge will only steepen.

GOG's managers have been living in fantasy land for too long and they need a serious wake-up call.
paladin181: Exactly why I choose to protest by buying on other storefronts. If GOG wants to sell DRM, I may as well buy my DRM on a superior store. The ONLY reason to shop in this inferior, buggy, out-of-date store is DRM free games.
Yet you are still posting on GoG's forums. Thanks for proving that you are a hypocritical moocher.
high rated
Lukin86: In the end, only the indies will remain gog. Apart from the peculiarity of gog in addition to games without drm it is proposed big games. Except if he only offers indies his certainly does not interest me with a lot of people because there are stores for his like itch. If I wanted indies I would go there.
Well, if you'd want DRM you'd also go elsewhere or not?

GOG started (as we all know) by focusing on classics and then they added indies. If you get a AAA game on GOG in most cases it is rather old so it always was and probably always will be unlikeley for GOG to focus on new AAA games. They are a bonus but not the core. If it would be important for me to get the newest AAA games as soon as possible GOG would not be my store of choice.
paladin181: Exactly why I choose to protest by buying on other storefronts. If GOG wants to sell DRM, I may as well buy my DRM on a superior store. The ONLY reason to shop in this inferior, buggy, out-of-date store is DRM free games.
Krogan32: Yet you are still posting on GoG's forums. Thanks for proving that you are a hypocritical moocher.
Why do we always have to call people names?
Is there any reason to not use a forum and talk to the community anmore because you decided to not use the store anymore?
Post edited September 26, 2021 by MarkoH01
high rated
Krogan32: Thanks for proving that you don't understand statistics. Just because people are going full bore mass hysteria doesn't mean they are actually representative at all. The game is selling like hotcakes, which means you are all the very hysterically vocal minority.
It might sell - but you don't know if people are happy after realizing the online problematic. You also don't know how many have or will refund afterwards. Since DRM-Free is the main selling point on GOG (I guess we can at least agree on this) the majority of GOGs customer base cares for DRM-Free ... so why should so many people who don't post here be happy with what happened?
high rated
wolfsite: Wow, they even disabled the Likes/Dislikes so we can't see what the ratio is.

I'm pretty sure other companies that have tried this have had it backfire on them but I can't think of example right at the moment.
I remember it working wonders for the Ghostbusters reboot :D
high rated
I wonder where gog is going with this kind of policy in the future. Its probably slowly turning in to Steam. I mean this transformation started longtime ago. And when that process finishes there is not going to be a point to buy on gog anymore.
Post edited September 26, 2021 by Matruchus
wolfsite: Wow, they even disabled the Likes/Dislikes so we can't see what the ratio is.

I'm pretty sure other companies that have tried this have had it backfire on them but I can't think of example right at the moment.
Breja: I remember it working wonders for the Ghostbusters reboot :D
I forgot about that completely..... not sure if I appreciate being reminded of that train wreck again :)
low rated
MarkoH01: Why do we always have to call people names?
Because they're likely either trolling, blindly loyal to GOG, or both.....either way, they seem to be mainly posting to bait for reactions.

Best advice: people should ignore such posts/posters
(of course, if others want to reply to them anyways, that's up to them)


wolfsite: I forgot about that completely..... not sure if I appreciate being reminded of that train wreck again :)
Remember when the stars/film company used a hospitalized person as a photo op to get good publicity?
Post edited September 26, 2021 by GamezRanker
high rated
Red Fury: The last "GOG core pricnicple" was murdered by the world's greatest assassin, lol.
Not true.

The last "GOG core pricnicple" committed suicide.

Linko64: it took nearly 3 days for a statement, only for the statement to include no admission of the problem being of their causing (or indeed choosing) and instead pointed at consumer for 'review bombing' (I assume they was done to try and levy some level sort of finger-pointing t angry users as the bad guy or a complete disconnection from your users and the modern market).
That's been their MO for a while now: Short statement that puts the blame on their customers, then radio silence.

Epic Store integration in Galaxy => People asked for this feature
Devotion kicked off the storefront => We received many messages from gamers
Hitman gets a 1.4 user score for being a DRMed mess => Y U review bomb?!? :(

It's become such a predictable pattern that I'm starting to wonder whether this is company policy.
high rated
Krogan32: Thanks for proving that you don't understand statistics. Just because people are going full bore mass hysteria doesn't mean they are actually representative at all. The game is selling like hotcakes, which means you are all the very hysterically vocal minority.
MarkoH01: It might sell - but you don't know if people are happy after realizing the online problematic. You also don't know how many have or will refund afterwards. Since DRM-Free is the main selling point on GOG (I guess we can at least agree on this) the majority of GOGs customer base cares for DRM-Free ... so why should so many people who don't post here be happy with what happened?
Don't bother. He thrives on attention. If you want a good laugh, look at his comments on the boycott thread.