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Some quality time with your lovebird.

<span class="bold">Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star</span>, the festive sequel to the beloved bird-dating simulator, is available now DRM-free on for Windows, Mac and Linux with a 15% launch discount.

Ah, love. It hits you when you least expect it, carries you up on its tender wings and lets you soar above the mundanities of life, giving you a bird's-eye view of pedestrian struggles. But finding the perfect mate can be tricky, especially while studying away from your nest. At a University where everyone else but you is a bird.

Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star is a unique experience that you would be hard-pressed to pigeonhole under any specific label. As in all things related to the mystical dance called "falling in love", there is adventure to be found here but also reflective thinking and careful observation of human---er bird behavior. This holiday-themed sequel brings new feathered characters to interact with, new stories and an even crispier HD presentation to make your avian-courting a true visual pleasure.

But if you want to hit multiple birds with one stone, be sure to also pluck the <span class="bold">Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star - Collector's Pack</span> DLC which offers the full digital soundtrack, a Holiday Star Dossier digital booklet, The King's Story Book, and a sweet collection of festive wallpapers. Access to this DLC requires Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star.

Romance your avian nest-mate and find your <span class="bold">Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star</span>, now DRM-free on The launch discount will last until December 22 4:59 PM GMT.
CarrionCrow: a large man in a leather gimp mask who whispers holiday songs in my ear during.
David Cage? Well, if Fahrenheit Remastered ever comes here...
Kardwill: And while the screenshots and the concept look horrendous, many people around these forums that actually played the first game apparently liked it. So I must say I'm intrigued ;)
Like I said, you can't really describe what makes it interesting without spoiling it except to say that you think it's telling one joke when it turns out to be telling a completely different one.

It's really unfortunate, because the game is actually made exactly for the people who see the premise and go "what the hell is this nonsense" but, just by the nature of the joke, you can't really sell it on that. It's almost something you have to subject a person to until the rug pull moment.

FWIW, I played the original because I heard the big twist and had to see if it was actually true.
Post edited December 15, 2015 by sethsez
Grargar: Crow, where are you? :D
CarrionCrow: Oh, I'm around.

Already saw this one coming. Also, fairly sure I'd rather pay to be strapped to a table and pounded in the sphincter with a meat mallet by a large man in a leather gimp mask who whispers holiday songs in my ear during.
Hahaha, now I suddenly can't get Marsellus Wallace out of my head! ;-)
Grargar: David Cage? Well, if Fahrenheit Remastered ever comes here...
David Cage wouldn't sing godsawful holiday songs. He'd just go on and on about how great his games are until you're ready to shoot yourself to make the pain stop.
avatar ... for Windows, Max and Lunix ...
Max? Lunix? Am I missing a joke here, or are those just typos?
CarrionCrow: David Cage wouldn't sing godsawful holiday songs. He'd just go on and on about how great his games are until you're ready to shoot yourself to make the pain stop.
Couldn't he make a holiday song about how great his game is?

Oh Fahrenheit, oh Fahrenheit...
CarrionCrow: Oh, I'm around.

Already saw this one coming. Also, fairly sure I'd rather pay to be strapped to a table and pounded in the sphincter with a meat mallet by a large man in a leather gimp mask who whispers holiday songs in my ear during.
Well, who wouldn't?
Grargar: Couldn't he make a holiday song about how great his game is?

Oh Fahrenheit, oh Fahrenheit...
Would need to work on lyrics. Have to get the whole meaningless zombie sex scene in there somehow.
Marioface5: I have no problem with this releasing here, but GOG, you seriously need to stop telling developers that their game was rejected for being "too niche" when you're willing to sell a game like this. Please.

After seen this release on main page, just logged to post exactly this!!!!
avatar snip
It seems like an alright game, GOG. I've even enjoyed what I've seen of it. But it's too niche for me so I'm going to have to decline it. It seems more like a game that belongs on Steam and really doesn't suit the GOG crowd which probably wouldn't buy it.

Thank you for considering GOG though and feel free to submit your other products to our arbitrary rejection panel in the future.
high rated
Sometimes I think there's a lot of naysaying just for the sake of naysaying. Seriously guys, it was ONE fucking game that you wanted to play. Thank god for the 1000s of crap games they ALSO rejected.

But no matter my thoughts, the wallets do speak. After a full sale day, this release is sitting at a whopping #73 on the popular list. :)
Damnit , they are back >.<

What will be next ? Bears & Squirrels dating simulators.....
The Fall Of The Dungeon Guardians was too much of a niche game for GOG's store.
homepage blog at
I wold select that Dungeon crawler over a bird-dating simulator any time.

The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians is an RPG Dungeon Crawler game, in First Person View, inspired by classics like Dungeon Master and Might & Magic, but featuring a modern combat system based on the triptych “tank/damage dealer/healer” mechanism.

So a game in the style of legend of Grinrock is to niche while bird love sims is not :P

you can vote for it if you like GOG to get it
