Here is some food for your thought so you don't have to take only my word on it: (read especially the part "Last but not least, it takes the responsibility away from the designer...")
Maybe also this: eric5h5: Magic Carpet is known for having game-breaking bugs, and you can find various pages on the web with work-arounds. e.g. I encountered them myself. Overall, even without bugs, it's not really a good example of a well-balanced game.
Two completely different things. I was talking about the game difficulty, not game bugs. The bug described behind your link has nothing to do with the game's difficulty level, but that the game seems to have some kind of limit how many objects there can be in the level (or in the vicinity, not sure which). I encountered that bug as well at least once, I recall in the sequel Magic Carpet 2.
So like the thread says, you just need to try to keep the number of objects in the level low enough, including enemies, mana balls you gather etc. I had to replay the level and make sure I am more efficient killing enemies and gathering mana balls. Not that hard when you realized the workaround.
As it happens, the original Dune 2 game had a similar bug, ie. if there were too many units in the game area, neither your nor enemy's troops could even fire their guns anymore. Max limit of objects reached, and gun shots would be additional objects... The fix in Dune 2 was similar, try to keep the number of units (both yours, but especially enemy's) low enough.
I still say that the difficulty was quite well designed in Magic Carpet, mainly for two reasons:
- The hardest parts of levels were usually near the start of the level, so if you failed the whole level, not so much replay was needed. The longer you survived, the easier the levels usually became.
- If you felt overwhelmed in some situation, you could usually fly away, escape the situation. So if there is a hard situation you can't handle, you don't necessarily have to change the game difficulty, but change the way you play the game. And THAT is what I mean by good game design regarding the game difficulty. Give players of different skills different ways to approach in the game (carefully, head-on guns blazing, go to some peaceful place to gather more resources and then try again...), rather than having to "cheat" by making the enemies weaker and yourself more powerful, by changing the difficulty level.
Forsaken is the exact opposite of that. At least during the first level, it tends to just lock you in the same room with a bunch of enemies, and you either shoot them fast (and accurately) enough, or die. No fleeing, no trying to avoid them altogether, not trying to approach them from a different direction and take them out one by one... No, it gives you only one option to play. Bad game design, especially when they slap a Game Over timer on top of it..
eric5h5: Difficulty levels aren't "lazy development", in fact quite the opposite, because now you have to do more testing and development, not less.
Unless they slap difficulty levels in the game without testing them, which I am pretty sure is the case with Forsaken.
Designing a game so that people can play it in different ways (depending on their different skill levels, or merely how they like to play their games) without having to touch some arbitrary difficulty levels takes much more effort to develop, than slapping different difficulty levels where more difficulty usually just means the enemies are more powerful and you are weaker, and in the case of Forsaken, the higher the difficulty, the less time you have for finishing the level. A trained monkey could add such difficulty levels to a game.
eric5h5: You've already acknowledged this yourself by your inability to play Forsaken on the hardest difficulty. Someone who is better than you are at the game may want more of a challenge.
I've tried to find a Youtube video of someone playing (and finishing) the game in the hardest difficulty, didn't find one at least before. That, and my own experiences with the game, lead me to believe that maybe the higher (or highest) difficulty level is virtually impossible, for anyone.
If you can find such proof of someone finishing the game in the hardest difficulty level, then yes I am ready to admit that apparently I just am not good enough for it. Otherwise, I consider it bad game design and sloppy (or non-existing) game testing.
eric5h5: Also, like I said, some people just like the idea of an "impossible" challenge.
Sorry but now you are trying to have the cake and eat it too, saying that "Forsaken is not too hard, you are just not good enough", and right after that implying that ok it might be impossible, but hey some people like impossible games.
You can't have it both ways.
That said, I have seen some examples of good difficulty level setting designs, and for some reason two prime examples come from the same development team:
Thief Gold: The harder difficulty settings gave you more objectives to finish in the level, and some additional restrictions like you can't kill civilians or even enemy soldiers (but you can still knock them out to get rid of them) etc.
However, at the same time I also feel Thief didn't really need the different difficulty levels. Anyone who can finish the game with the easiest difficulty level, should be able to finish it also with the hardest one. It just takes some more time and "effort" to complete the levels in the higher difficulties (like having to find 1500 coins in the mansion instead of 900, just have to search rooms more carefully), not really requiring some extra skills (like reaction times or whatever) from the player.
System Shock: This was pretty good design because it gave you several options to define the difficulty, and elaborated very clearly what each difficulty level meant. I chose to lower one of the four difficulty settings by one notch, in order to get rid of the in-game time limit to finish the game (as I prefer to examine levels in my own time, not being in a constant hurry).
Similarly, if some games have some kind of "ironman mode" where you can't save the game and/or dying in the game means having to restart the whole game, I avoid such difficulty settings. So no, it isn't like I feel I am obliged to choose the highest possible difficulty setting, no matter what.