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Jump into the fast and fluid 2D action-platformer packed with legendary loot and stunning pixel art. Foregone is now available on GOG.COM with a 20% discount that will end on 8th March 2021, 8 PM UTC.

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Is Foregone a Metroidvania? Or does it randomize the levels?
dtgreene: Still want an answer to my question about the save system and the handling of death.
On death you get back to a warp gate where you can get back half of the ressources lost.
Post edited March 02, 2021 by Godfather101
dtgreene: Still want an answer to my question about the save system and the handling of death.
Godfather101: On death you get back to a warp gate where you can get back half of the ressources lost.
How does saving work?

In particular, does this forcibly overwrite your save, or can you choose to reload (losing everything since the last save) instead of losing half your resources?
IronArcturus: Is Foregone a Metroidvania? Or does it randomize the levels?
Came here to ask the same question.

Is it a metroidvania? Does it have abilities / backtracking to previously inaccessible areas / interconnected world map?

The trailer does not answer any of the above. Also, that "Souls-Like" quote instantly reduced my interest to below 5%.
This is some impressive animations. I'll wait for reviews to see if the gameplay would suit me. :)
I suppose it was a foregone conclusion it'd come here.
TomNuke: Damn... that trailer had me totally sold until "souls-like" flashed on the screen.
Breja: Probably my favorite among marketing "buzz-phrases" that only work as deterrents for me. Really, I thought we were done with that particular bandwagon. Why aren't there any "uncharted-likes" or "KOTOR-likes"?
Maybe one of these:
dtgreene: How does saving work?

In particular, does this forcibly overwrite your save, or can you choose to reload (losing everything since the last save) instead of losing half your resources?
As far as i see you can't load by yourself. There is one savepoint which gets overwritten when you go back to the hub or walk over a
save point.
As far as in know you can't save manually or there are more then one save point.
dtgreene: How does saving work?

In particular, does this forcibly overwrite your save, or can you choose to reload (losing everything since the last save) instead of losing half your resources?
Godfather101: As far as i see you can't load by yourself. There is one savepoint which gets overwritten when you go back to the hub or walk over a
save point.
As far as in know you can't save manually or there are more then one save point.
So, combined with the death handling, I'm going to say this game is a pass for now.

(I really wish games wouldn't muck with the ability to reload saves as one chooses, and to choose not to save. That was the one thing (other than occasional blind falls) I didn't like about Hollow Knight.)
Breja: Probably my favorite among marketing "buzz-phrases" that only work as deterrents for me. Really, I thought we were done with that particular bandwagon. Why aren't there any "uncharted-likes" or "KOTOR-likes"?
viperfdl: Maybe one of these:
I actually do use the term "Wizardry-like" a lot myself. In fact, I may have used it in the Saviors of Sapphire Wings coming soon thread, and I wish there were more such games (though the handling of saves and death from Wizardry 1-3 and 5 can die in a fire).

Also, another term I like is "SaGa-like", but unfortunately there aren't enough games like this. I did last year play a nice zero cost indie game called Rxcovery that would qualify if you're looking for an unconventional RPG. (30 minute time limit, and New Game + available after time runs out, in addition to SaGa style leveling.)
Post edited March 02, 2021 by dtgreene
viperfdl: Maybe one of these:
dtgreene: I actually do use the term "Wizardry-like" a lot myself. In fact, I may have used it in the Saviors of Sapphire Wings coming soon thread, and I wish there were more such games (though the handling of saves and death from Wizardry 1-3 and 5 can die in a fire).
Never played the first five parts myself so I can't comment on them. But 6,7 and 8 have a character system I like.

dtgreene: Also, another term I like is "SaGa-like", but unfortunately there aren't enough games like this. I did last year play a nice zero cost indie game called Rxcovery that would qualify if you're looking for an unconventional RPG. (30 minute time limit, and New Game + available after time runs out, in addition to SaGa style leveling.)
SaGa is totally unknown to me.
dtgreene: Also, another term I like is "SaGa-like", but unfortunately there aren't enough games like this. I did last year play a nice zero cost indie game called Rxcovery that would qualify if you're looking for an unconventional RPG. (30 minute time limit, and New Game + available after time runs out, in addition to SaGa style leveling.)
viperfdl: SaGa is totally unknown to me.
The SaGa games are a series of Japan-developed RPGs that are rather unconventional. For example:
* No levels or experience points. Instead, character growth uses different rules, usually based on the actions performed during battle. (SaGa 1 is an exception, though it still lacks XP and levels. SaGa 3 (original) has XP and levels, and I actually don't consider that game a SaGa-like.)
* Some of them have weapon durability.
* The Romancing SaGa games are non-linear, to the point where it feels like they straddle the JRPG/WRPG line. You do get some strange mechanics, like how in RS1 events will pass as you fight battles, which can result in quests opening and closing.
* SaGa Frontier 1 is also its own thing, bringing back the different races from the early SaGas, each with different growth rules.
* SaGa Frontier 2 is, I would say, where the games start getting even more unusual.

The one SaGa-like on GOG that I'm aware of is The Alliance Alive HD Remaster. This game's growth system is typical SaGa, though the game's structure is more typical of what you'd expect from a JRPG.

The one hard requirement for me to count a game as a SaGa-like, other than the game being an RPG of some sort, is that the game must not use XP based leveling.
low rated
Literally half the posts in every single thread on this website is dtgreene
Gameplay that I've seen in video, very looks like gameplay in Dead Cells, but with better main character control.
Swissy88: Literally half the posts in every single thread on this website is dtgreene
Not true.

There are plenty of topics I've never posted in, and there are topics where my posts do not make up the majority. In fact, it's a relatively small number of topics I actually post in.
Anyone played it can comment on it?