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Get ready for a JRPG set in 15th century Slovakia – Felvidek is now out on GOG, launching with a -20% discount until July 22nd, 1 PM UTC!

Embrace the role of an alcoholic knight Pavol. Meet diverse and interesting characters to help you drive out the Hussites and Ottomans who blight this land.

Now on GOG!
Cavalary: The term is also used for a genre, not location. In fact, it'd be completely useless to have a term for the location of the developer, it's entirely meaningless. The idea is games like RPGs popular in Japan when the term was coined, probably the early 90s.
I'd call the main differences that in JRPGs the PCs are pre-set, and so is character development usually, and combat is a separate mode. Otherwise, JRPGs are blobbers in the basic sense, as in the entire party is a single "blob", not individuals that are controlled separately, but that's a limiting factor (if not true, not JRPG), not a qualifying one (also true for many WRPGs, even more so around the time the term was coined).
Nice reply found on a quick search:
Yes, Randos on reddit are the authority on how games are categorized.
I support Cavalary, on this topic.
paladin181: Yes, Randos on reddit are the authority on how games are categorized.
And you are... ?
Breja: And you are... ?
Not claiming to be an authority on what makes a JRPG. I disagree with Cavalary, and he cited some rando to change my mind like that person has any standing in the discussion.
Breja: And you are... ?
paladin181: Not claiming to be an authority on what makes a JRPG. I disagree with Cavalary, and he cited some rando to change my mind like that person has any standing in the discussion.
Well, as much standing as you do, I guess. Anyway, I don't see how it matters that it's a "rando on reddit". Shouldn't it only matter if the post is sensible? I mean, it's video game genres, not hard science, it's not something you need to see the guys degree to trust the figures he's giving you are correct, no one's going to show you "evidence" or a diploma on this. It's only about what makes sense. Now, if you disagree with what the guy says and can explain why it doesn't make sense, that's great. But just going "OVERRULED, that's some Internet rando, and that makes me, another Interent rando, correct!" is kinda silly.
Post edited July 13, 2024 by Breja
Breja: Well, as much standing as you do, I guess. Anyway, I don't see how it matters that it's a "rando on reddit". Shouldn't it only matter if the post is sensible? I mean, it's video game genres, not hard science, it's not something you need to see the guys degree to trust the figures he's giving you are correct, no one's going to show you "evidence" or a diploma on this. It's only about what makes sense. Now, if you disagree with what the guy says and can explain why it doesn't make sense, that's great. But just going "OVERRULED, that's some Internet rando, and that makes me, another Interent rando, correct!" is kinda silly.
I never said it makes me correct.I said the poost doesn't matter since it is 9 years old and wasn't made in response to me. If someone wants to discuss things with me and can't take the time to formulate their own thoughts, why should I give credence to the random nearly decade-old post they pulled up from another site?
Breja: Well, as much standing as you do, I guess. Anyway, I don't see how it matters that it's a "rando on reddit". Shouldn't it only matter if the post is sensible? I mean, it's video game genres, not hard science, it's not something you need to see the guys degree to trust the figures he's giving you are correct, no one's going to show you "evidence" or a diploma on this. It's only about what makes sense. Now, if you disagree with what the guy says and can explain why it doesn't make sense, that's great. But just going "OVERRULED, that's some Internet rando, and that makes me, another Interent rando, correct!" is kinda silly.
paladin181: I never said it makes me correct.I said the poost doesn't matter since it is 9 years old and wasn't made in response to me. If someone wants to discuss things with me and can't take the time to formulate their own thoughts, why should I give credence to the random nearly decade-old post they pulled up from another site?
Why on Earth would the age of the post matter, and not it's contents? Why would it matter who was it written in response to? When looking for a solution to some technical problem do you also ignore old posts that contain the solution and demand someone write it all over again for you and only then use it?

I'm sorry, but you're being absolutely ridiculous. And a bit arrogant too. Someone went and found a clear explanation of the matter for you, and somehow that's not good enough because you're so special you need them to re-write the definition of JRPGs in their own words just for you. Come on.
Breja: Why on Earth would the age of the post matter, and not it's contents? Why would it matter who was it written in response to? When looking for a solution to some technical problem do you also ignore old posts that contain the solution and demand someone write it all over again for you and only then use it?

I'm sorry, but you're being absolutely ridiculous. And a bit arrogant too. Someone went and found a clear explanation of the matter for you, and somehow that's not good enough because you're so special you need them to re-write the definition of JRPGs in their own words just for you. Come on.
No. If he wants to argue or discuss something, doing a drive by "check this reddit post, kthx bye!" is not having the discussion. Its referring me to a link with a wall of text. Why should I give someone the consideration of reading their random link when they didn't give me the consideration of making their own points? It's like in a court of law. Hearsay is comprised of possible facts that are brought in by reference to a third party. It is generally inadmissable because you can't cross examine a third party statement; it is simply made as is. I can't ask the 9 year old OP about their take, or discuss it with them because they are not present in this dicussion, and likely don't even remember having posted it. So I'm not acknowledging someone making points by saying "This other guy refutes a similar discussion to yours" since I can't discuss the points with the person who made them.

At least you are actively participating in your own discussion.
Post edited July 13, 2024 by paladin181
paladin181: No.
>Vorlon jukebox noises< Yes.

paladin181: At least you are actively participating in your own discussion.
I was, but at this point it's clear there's no getting through to you, and I don't want to derail the thread any further.
Post edited July 13, 2024 by Breja
paladin181: No. If he wants to argue or discuss something, doing a drive by "check this reddit post, kthx bye!" is not having the discussion. Its referring me to a link with a wall of text. Why should I give someone the consideration of reading their random link when they didn't give me the consideration of making their own points?
You know, there were several sentences in my reply before that link, and those actually were "in my own words", briefly explaining what I see as the correct definition of JRPG, and then I did a quick search and pointed you to a post by someone who went more in depth and seemed reasonable. Now if the part that's "in my own words" was apparently too little for you to even notice and the linked post was a "wall of words", care to specify the minimum and maximum word count the reply should have had for it to "register"? Thanks.
Cavalary: You know, there were several sentences in my reply before that link, and those actually were "in my own words", briefly explaining what I see as the correct definition of JRPG, and then I did a quick search and pointed you to a post by someone who went more in depth and seemed reasonable. Now if the part that's "in my own words" was apparently too little for you to even notice and the linked post was a "wall of words", care to specify the minimum and maximum word count the reply should have had for it to "register"? Thanks.
Breja: ....
Not really. Arbitrary limits are more fun to play with. No, you're good my friend. And Breja, too. I really enjoy that discussion, especially with people on r/jrpg, because people will argue that any Japanese RPG game is a JRPG (even going so far as to argue that Bloodborne is their favorite) and I'd get trampled for saying that it wasn't really a JRPG. My point was really that this game doesn't resemble a JRPG in any regard, and whoever tried to classify it as such really has NO clue what characteristics typically make a JRPG. It kind of got away from me when Breja wanted to sweep in and be the board's hero, but it was still fun. The game looks fun, but JRPG? I can't fathom anyone putting this in the same genre as Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Xenoblade, or Tales of _____.

I hope you both have a great day.
paladin181: Not really. Arbitrary limits are more fun to play with. No, you're good my friend. And Breja, too. I really enjoy that discussion, especially with people on r/jrpg, because people will argue that any Japanese RPG game is a JRPG (even going so far as to argue that Bloodborne is their favorite) and I'd get trampled for saying that it wasn't really a JRPG. My point was really that this game doesn't resemble a JRPG in any regard, and whoever tried to classify it as such really has NO clue what characteristics typically make a JRPG. It kind of got away from me when Breja wanted to sweep in and be the board's hero, but it was still fun. The game looks fun, but JRPG? I can't fathom anyone putting this in the same genre as Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Xenoblade, or Tales of _____.

I hope you both have a great day.
Well, the combat definitely fits, it seems as classic JRPG as it gets, separate screen, turn based, select all actions before the round from a menu, party's a blob, the characters are pre-set, not customizable, don't know about character development, but if that's also fixed it'd tick all the boxes.
Interesting art style, wishlisted.
So Glad Felvidek turned out here.
Instabuy. I am just reading a book from that time period, this will fits right in :)
Post edited July 16, 2024 by Tarhiel
Tarhiel: So Glad Felvidek turned out here.
Instabuy. I am just reading a book from that time period, this will fits right in :)
Which book?