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The horror continues.

<span class="bold">F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin + Reborn</span>, an action-horror FPS continuation, is available now for Windows, DRM-free on with a 60% launch discount.

Where the original F.E.A.R. succeeded in offering a terrifying, refined first person game - <span class="bold">F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin</span> succeeds even more so. The sequel is more open and varied with less linear environments, new gameplay mechanics like movable cover, and even drivable combat mechs. Still, the basic formula remains unchanged - the slo-mo, refined gunplay, effective AI, and a thick horror atmosphere are back in all their gory. <span class="bold">F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin + Reborn</span> which can still impress graphically and gameplay-wise, is arguably the best in the series. A high-quality shooter even today.

This pack includes the Reborn expansion pack with four new levels, a twisted story, and a brand new perspective from behind the mask of replica soldier Foxtrot 813.

Prepare for your second encounter assault in F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin + Reborn, available DRM-free on! The launch discount will last for one week, until Tuesday, March 24, at 10:59 AM GMT.
Nice release! It sure is Monolith week. Now we only need [...]. :-)
Impaler26: Really? That sucks! It's even available here in the german Steam store.
wolfsrain: Yeah. For some idiotic reason, Steam decided that Romania should not get the DLC. And Dark Souls it's still not available for my country either (solved the problem by buying a retail copy and registered that on Steam, with no problems, but still...)
I was about to ask if it was because you have a censorship board too. But if you can buy it retail, then it is just some odd steam thing.
iangold: Nice release! It sure is Monolith week. Now we only need [...]. :-)
You mean Shadow of Mordor, right? :P
Post edited March 17, 2015 by ElTerprise
Was this Steamworks integrated? If so, I always believed the myth that Steamworks was un-integrate able once it was in. Well, that's what a developer told me once anyway : /
Nice, will take a closer look after work.... :)
Between the 2 sequals FEAR 2 is obviously the stronger of the sequals.
Wow you guys really pick some cool screenshots. It makes the game look a lot more interesting then it really is. (not saying it;s a bad game, shooter fans should like it, nothing special though)
wolfsrain: Yeah. For some idiotic reason, Steam decided that Romania should not get the DLC. And Dark Souls it's still not available for my country either (solved the problem by buying a retail copy and registered that on Steam, with no problems, but still...)
deonast: I was about to ask if it was because you have a censorship board too. But if you can buy it retail, then it is just some odd steam thing.
Censorship?!! We have no such thing for games. We have a council for "audiovisual", which regulates movies and TV's programmes, but for gaming, no such things. As long they have the ratings displayed, no one cares. And i've seen plenty of kids buying games that weren't meant for them without problems. I expected at least the shop to react and tell them to bring a parent, but no. The shop clerks just handed them the games and took the money. You can sell wahtever you want to whomever you want, just Steam doesn't seem to be aware of that fact....
Never played this, FEAR 1 was a good shooter but it was an exhausting game just due to the amount of filler in it, it strings you along with the promise of this interesting story yet barely anything happens until the end when basically everything happens at once. I actually thought that the game was going to have heaps of different missions in different locations - but nope you spend practically all of the game in the Armacam building. It almost becomes ridiculous because of the hundreds of soldiers you need to fight, I mean yeah Fettel has clone troopers under his command but seriously this many? It reminded me of Max Payne 2 in the construction district with all those cleaners, really gangsters have an entire army of these men? It's when the need to have 40 hours or gameplay actually starts damaging the plot. I mean it's OK in Doom because it's hell man, you expect endless hordes.

Can't believe I just spent a paragraph complaining about filler in FPS.

EDIT: Also not enough unique enemies, apart from the ninja guys everything is shooty and basically the same except with more armor as the game goes on. Those invisible spirit things in the expansion were cool though.
Post edited March 17, 2015 by Crosmando
wolfsrain: Yeah. For some idiotic reason, Steam decided that Romania should not get the DLC. And Dark Souls it's still not available for my country either (solved the problem by buying a retail copy and registered that on Steam, with no problems, but still...)
Dark Souls is available in Romania for a month now (I wait till it comes on GOG too). I think it was related to a Games for Windows Live problem.
They finally removed the restriction?!

After buying in november my retail copy, did not bother to check if they made it available.

But again, they took their sweet time with Rage, Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City and many others.
Post edited March 17, 2015 by wolfsrain
Crosmando: ...
FEAR 2 actually did some great work towards solving issues with repetitiveness of the original. And in the process fucked up the gunplay a bit. Oh well.
Very nice addition to GOG catalogue, thank you GOG team & WB, wishlisted for now. :)
I'm glad I didn't get the fear bundle on bundlestars. Now I can get them here on gog, as soon as I save up some money of course.
Anyway, it's DRM free, it's complete, what else would you want.