Loger13: You gain Brouzouf
You gain Brouzouf
You gain Brouzouf
My legs are OK
You gain Brouzouf
The version of the game sold on GOG is a single-player only edition – it means online and LAN modes are not accessible.
Loger13: Has anyone who bought one here actually checked - is the LAN really cut out?
Type in the console
sv_lan 0 // <-- also make sense to try sv_lan 1
changelevel divine_cybermancy
connect <IP> // <-- IP of created server
Because it is clear why cut out multiplayer through Steam, but why cut the LAN - not very clear.
fronzelneekburm: Nice to see it here! Too bad about the missing multiplayer, but I appreciate that they try to remedy that by making the base price roughly 2 bucks cheaper than the Steam version.
To anyone in the know: How crucial is multiplayer to the overall experience? Is it a main selling point, is it a nice-to-have feature or is it just superfluous fluff that nobody ever used anyway?
Loger13: The game is fully playable from start to finish in SP mode and no content is lost. However!, you lose the PvP modes (obviously) and the ability to play the campaign in co-op up to 4 players (the campaign is the same as in single player mode). Here is the latter is a pity to lose.
About the PvP - this is why games with skirmish-style competitive modes over maps should have offline support for maps and bots/AI.
The PvP stuff and content just wouldn't go entirely to waste, if this stuff was actually made to work also offline and also had real LAN/TP-ICP support.
Just let the player decide if they want to play online w/ others or offline with bots - you know, like Q3A does. It's a shame when games like say the COD's that come out every year later go to the graveyard b/c the new game's out and nobody's playing the old stuff. It's why we need more TP-ICP support added later for skirmish modes and also offline skirmish mode support, for when a game's MP goes dead - as players can still enjoy that content even w/ bots if nobody else is playing it online.
I'd love to have seen say BioShock 2 get that competitive MP mode made to work offline with bots.