v1989: I think the problem is that randomess is too much. Making weapons random seems fun at the beginning, but later especially during boss fights is annoying. The game would be much better if :
1)the player has to choose from 3 weapons at the beginning of floor or/and several half-floors(the road to the boss could be longer and player would have more chances to change weapon).
2)there is a visible time limit of weapon, so the player would know when the exchange of weapon would happen.
3)Assign weapons to the combo numbers, so if the player achieve that number he would get a different weapon.
Good ideas.
Another one is that they could simply make the guns change according to tiers, which are affected by level \ skill \ luck items \ etc.
So for example in the last levels you'd mostly have good-great weapons only.
EDIT: ops, I see that there's already something like that, but it feels a bit harsh.. only avoiding any damage improves the quality and getting hit resets it.