Hello everyone I've been a EDOTMW player for a very long time. Before Gameranger days, back in its Gamespy online days.
You can STILL play this game ONLINE. Its not easy, but it is simple. And if you'd like to know how please follow my tutorial below.
Step1: Purchase EDOTMW through GOG (or Obtain a copy of the game in any other means necessary)
Step 2: Install EDOTMW
Step 3: Change your CD Key.
If you purchased through GOG. GOG only has 1 CD Key for ALL copies that are purchased on their site. This means if you, and others both try to play each other online using a GOG Game Copy, It will fail because you will 'share a CD Key' with another player in the online game. Thus not allowing you to play.
To change your CD key. You must first find your EDOTMW Game Registry location.
My EDOTMW Game Registry Location is set to:
To Access your Computers REGISTRY, you must type "reggedit" into your Search bar of your Windows Computer. This will bring up "Registry Editor" app/program. Select this and navigate to your EDOTMW Game Registry location - it should be similar to the registry location I just provided above.
Once at this location. Be sure to ONLY highlight the folder in the left toolbar of Reggedit which reads: "Empires". Do this and a long list of registry items will appear in your main program window. Navigate to a registry item which is labeled: "GameSpy CD Key" in this list.
Select the "GameSpy CD Key" registry item and open it, by double clicking. Once inside this registry item you'll realize its all a bunch of nonsense characters that strand on for a very long time. DO NOT DELETE/OR CHANGE this 'field' of characters, besides the next instruction. Tampering with this incorrectly can ruin your game from launching and create the need to uninstall and reinstall.
Navigate to the beginning character of this text box field. Simple highlight the ONE - SINGLE - BEGINNING - CHARACTER - ONLY. And delete. Press Okay and exit.
Hit the Internet
Step 4: Inputting a New CD Key
Before you launch your game. Go online and find yourself a nice pretty EDOTMW Game Spy CD Key. One thats been posted in a forum online. You can accomplish this easily by searching through Online Forums after Google Searching: "Empires Dawn of the Modern World Game CD Key".
Find a CD Key. Highlight and Copy.
Now, Launch your game.
Your Game will now launch. And once the opening videos have passed and your at the Main title Screen. The first thing that should happen is a Game Window will pop up, stating you have an incorrect CD Key, and it will ASK YOU to INPUT A DIFFERENT CD KEY.
This is where you shine champ. Take your copied Game CD Key. Place your text cursor into this Game Window and hit Ctrl + V to Paste. Boom. Your new key is there. Hit Okay to close and input the new key.
Step 5: Obtain GameRanger
Since the GameSpy Online Servers are no more. The only other alternative server provider for EDOTMW is GameRanger. Simply navigate to GameRanger.com and download, install, create an account, and get ready to play EDOTMW Online.
If EDOTMW does not appear in your GameRanger when you have "My Games" selected in the lobby search window. Go to Edit > Options > 'Game' Tab > Find EDOTMW > Go to "Browse" under Location. Find the actual EDOTMW.exe file in your EDOTMW Game Folder. Press Okay. Exit out of that "Options" window. Now EDOTMW is connected to GameRanger. You're ready to play. You're ready to continue forward the legacy that is EDOTMW.
This Instructional Guide is the accumulation of hard work and troubleshooting my die hard EDOTMW Fans. IF you want to find us on GameRanger, my name is -{MRC}-_Shiny
If you are having trouble in this guide. Email me at epitomeproduction@gmail.com
I will try to lend a hand if you can speak clear english and are competent.
hey there Ive been trying to locate: "EDOTMW Game Registry Location" but i cannot find it. can you help me?