Scythifuge: Do you feel better, now?
This. It is sad that these youngsters require inane dopamine rewards such as "achievements." They are the participation trophy / you can be anything you want to be generation. Humanity is SCREWED.
TheGrimLord: Screwed is an understatement. I never thought I'd be spending the latter half of my thirties enjoying the decline of the species.
Also, I just read the CDPR is punishing innocent citizens of Russia and Belarus now. Couple that with well known game breaking bugs in CP2077 despite the big 1.5 patch, not only am I done with leftists, I am done with CDPR. They are part of why humanity is screwed.
MikeMaximus: After 8 hours I have to say I'm enjoying the game the same if not more than Elex 1.
The new look of the characters and voice acting was very jarring after recently playing the first game, but it's not so bad.
However we definitely need some camera settings/fixes and performance improvements. There's some pretty heavy performance issues in some locations and the fact lowering the graphic settings does nothing to improve performance (sometimes actually making it worse) is a bit mind boggling.
I blame THQ Nordic for the various changes in the game (some changes I cannot discuss because leftists will get me banned.) I hate publishers like you can't even imagine. I fully expect their stupid decision to have a separate studio remake Gothic to be a major mistake.
Syphon72: I had no idea people cared this much about Achievements now day's. To me, they really add nothing of value but maybe I grew up in a different time of gaming.
Zergoss: I don't get it either, it makes people do things they wouldn't do just to get something that says they did that thing, if I'm doing something, it's because I want to do it, not for some pixel stickers that have no value
edit: Same with playtime, I have both turned off in Galaxy, I don't care about either of those things "oh I played this game for 1700 hours, I'm so cool"
Sometimes when I look at the number of hours I have supposedly put in, I know that they are rounding them up quite a bit, but I still feel like I should spend more time outside.