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This is how a new age of epic fantasy RPGs was spawned.

<span class="bold">Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition</span>, which marked the triumphant resurgence of epic party-based RPGs, is available now, DRM-free on, with a 60% launch discount.

Some RPG enthusiasts enjoy customizing their character and carefully picking their travelling companions based on both their personalities and combat skills. Some enjoy dark, engaging narratives with branching elements and dozens of side-quests. Others just want to hack at giant dragons and demonic hordes. Dragon Age: Origins walked the extra mile, also letting players shape their legendary Grey Warden by playing through their unique backstory. The whirlwind of wild magic, gruesome battles, complex politics, tough moral choices, and dramatic moments that ensued helped cement this epic adventure as one of the most influential ones in recent memory. And that was even before that night when Morrigan approached you with a certain offer...

Gather your party of memorable NPCs and venture against the tides of darkness in <span class="bold">Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition</span>, DRM-free on
The 60% launch discount will last until July 21, 12:59 PM UTC.
Post edited July 14, 2016 by maladr0Id
thelostdunmer: Add DA2 and we'll party even more!!!
I think most people here that played that didn't like it so I don't know about that but I was one of those that only played the demo at release, didn't like it so I didn't bother with it but I played it through last year and had a great time, I wished I had avoided more random encounters though but still, overall it was great. Dealing with your family was an interesting and good concept than saving the world yet again.

FearfulSymmetry: Or, you know, install the Skip the Fade mod. I never play without that turned on, vanilla fade drives me crazy.
I never understood why so few liked that part, I never had a problem with it and it seemed like an interesting concept, mostly lore wise but it fit in within the context of the gameplay too. Good with mods though for people that didn't like it.
Cavenagh: I own DAO on origins, great game

Now if GOG could get DA2 with all DLC *wink* that would be even better.

Have a great weekend
Still waiting for EA to put the Signature Edition items and soundtrack on Origin. For now, EA finally fixed the problem with the Blood Armor DLC not being awarded in DA2 if you had bought DA:O previously and offered Ser Isaac Armor DLC....

Not sure if DA:I GOTY has all the promotional items (AMD, Logitech, Razer, Prima cross-promotions)
Nirth: I never understood why so few liked that part, I never had a problem with it and it seemed like an interesting concept, mostly lore wise but it fit in within the context of the gameplay too. Good with mods though for people that didn't like it.
The first three times were all right. But on the subsequent ten playthroughs I really couldn't stomach going through it again. The colours give me a headache and I hate the labyrinthine feel of it.
wolfsrain: Not sure if DA:I GOTY has all the promotional items (AMD, Logitech, Razer, Prima cross-promotions)
No... This items are not included.

Ok, I am really tempted. I bought the game as retail and all DLC and rebought the Ultimate Edition because of the huge problems with the DLC "authentication" and would rebuy the game a third time for a complete DRM free version. So I would like to join the "how is it" crowd? Is everything related to "authenticating" DLC removed or just circumcised?
FearfulSymmetry: The first three times were all right. But on the subsequent ten playthroughs I really couldn't stomach going through it again. The colours give me a headache and I hate the labyrinthine feel of it.
10 playthroughs?! I managed 2 and the second one was entirely because I wanted to step up the difficulty - I played on Hard and yet, my first playthrough was more challenging because, as I said earlier, I was new to cRPGs back then. I can see many aspects gets old if you play that many times. As for the labyrinth feel, I liked it but I have always liked labyrinths, they are a symbol of the fact that no one has a compass of where to go on in life all the time - to accept you're lost, may help you find your way.

Bah.. I kind of want to replay the game again but I've to give Pillars of Eternity another try to see if I really want to play it now.
wolfsrain: Not sure if DA:I GOTY has all the promotional items (AMD, Logitech, Razer, Prima cross-promotions)
Rincewind81: No... This items are not included.

Ok, I am really tempted. I bought the game as retail and all DLC and rebought the Ultimate Edition because of the huge problems with the DLC "authentication" and would rebuy the game a third time for a complete DRM free version. So I would like to join the "how is it" crowd? Is everything related to "authenticating" DLC removed or just circumcised?
Just read the game forum here at GOG. The same cuestion is asked again and again.

Short answer: game AND ALL DLCs are absolutely completely thoroughly fully DRM free. Clear enough?
Post edited July 15, 2016 by Lobuno
Awesome. Great achievement for GOG. Instant buy. Now go for Mass Effect!
Rincewind81: No... This items are not included.

Ok, I am really tempted. I bought the game as retail and all DLC and rebought the Ultimate Edition because of the huge problems with the DLC "authentication" and would rebuy the game a third time for a complete DRM free version. So I would like to join the "how is it" crowd? Is everything related to "authenticating" DLC removed or just circumcised?
Lobuno: Just read the game forum here at GOG. The same cuestion is asked again and again.

Short answer: game AND ALL DLCs are absolutely completely thoroughly fully DRM free. Clear enough?
Read my posts, pretty please. And reply to the person that is asking the question.

Also, the asked question is about some other items that are not included in the Ultimate Edition:


Check the link.

Also, on that site you can see EXACTLY the content of various editions (Ultimate, Deluxe, Collector and Standard).

The question is about the promo/collector/deluxe edition items. Some of that content required authorization, some didn't. The question is valid.

Scroll down the page and check which content was DRMed and which wasn't. Does that content still require authorization?

Summary following:

Promo items requiring authorization: Memory Band, Feral Wolf Charm, Guildmaster's Belt, Band of Fire, Dalish Promise Ring, Collector's Edition itmes (Bergen's Honor, Grimoire of the Frozen Wastes, Final Reason).

Rewards that needed authorization (complete Leliana's Song, Golem's of Amgarrak and Witch Hunt and you get the items, but they will be checked via authorization): Blightblood (for Origins and Awakening), Golem's Might (for Origins and Awakening) and Witchcraft (for Origins and Awakening)

So, yeah. I get why people are interested in the answer. And maybe GOG will add at least the promo items on the game's card in the library. Those are given for free (and frag if i know why EA kept the authorization process for some of them and others are DRM-free - probably they were just lazy to do it themseleves, as that would have required a modicum of resources).

We already know that the Collector's/Deluxe Edition items are not included and the chances to be included are slim. But maybe GOG can actually have a chat with EA and offer a complete edition, one that wouldn't require to install the additional promo/collector content manually, one that would included the whole content (the promo items are partly on the old Bioware Social site and partly in the Origin client, while the Collector's/Deluxe content requires to buy the Deluxe Edition on Origin)

EA spread the content all over and, despite its name, DA:O Ultimate Edition does not includes everything.
OMG. The answer is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Not a single DLC has DRM, included or NOT in the GOG's release. You can download and install every single piece of missing DLC over the GOG's release without any kind of login/DRM/name-it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so happy this is here! Though I won't buy it again atm because I have it on disk already and can't really afford to spend money on it...but I'll keep it in mind. Looks like it's selling well anyway, so hurray! Makes EA hopefully entertain the though of selling Mass Effect here as well! =)

anothername: Even my original DA:O disk back from when the game was released is DRM free. Was one of the last batch games in the era of EA offline retail singleplayer games**. Right after the Spore desaster and before they went to however it is now with online registering.

**unless you wanted the working patched version and the goodies added with printend keys in the game box. Then you had to register online... yeay... :/
This is what I was wondering about disk version seems to be DRM free, though I really don't remember if I really had to log in. Probably I had to because of the goodies? Not sure anymore.

Anyway, here's hoping for a "reclaim" action (for disc owners) and a "connect" action (for STEAM owners).

@TinyE: Man, I feel for you =/
Can't you just have a monthly drive to a (relatively) near InternetCafe where you could download bigger games? Or wouldn't that be feasible? Have no idea what the prices are over there (or here for the matter, but anyway :D).
The game's worth it though, IMO.
Post edited July 15, 2016 by Reever
Cavalary: See what's the top review now. If that's to be believed, "Its only missing the 3 items from Collector's Edition : Grimoire of the Frozen Wastes , Bergen's Honor and Final Reason."
blotunga: What a bummer. I would've instarebought it if it had those. But as it stands, I'll wait for a steep sale. I wonder why EA doesn't includes those too :(
inb4 Collectors Edition DLC with the full soundtrack and these three items.
blotunga: What a bummer. I would've instarebought it if it had those. But as it stands, I'll wait for a steep sale. I wonder why EA doesn't includes those too :(
Projectsonic: inb4 Collectors Edition DLC with the full soundtrack and these three items.
There's a post on the GOG Dragon Age forums on how to download and the Collector's Edition DLC from Bioware for free. With that it should be the complete game without anything missing.
Reever: I'm so happy this is here! Though I won't buy it again atm because I have it on disk already and can't really afford to spend money on it...but I'll keep it in mind. Looks like it's selling well anyway, so hurray! Makes EA hopefully entertain the though of selling Mass Effect here as well! =)

anothername: Even my original DA:O disk back from when the game was released is DRM free. Was one of the last batch games in the era of EA offline retail singleplayer games**. Right after the Spore desaster and before they went to however it is now with online registering.

**unless you wanted the working patched version and the goodies added with printend keys in the game box. Then you had to register online... yeay... :/
Reever: This is what I was wondering about disk version seems to be DRM free, though I really don't remember if I really had to log in. Probably I had to because of the goodies? Not sure anymore.

Anyway, here's hoping for a "reclaim" action (for disc owners) and a "connect" action (for STEAM owners).

@TinyE: Man, I feel for you =/
Can't you just have a monthly drive to a (relatively) near InternetCafe where you could download bigger games? Or wouldn't that be feasible? Have no idea what the prices are over there (or here for the matter, but anyway :D).
The game's worth it though, IMO.
It totally is. EA swore on the bible and their mother and fathers and forefathers that they would be completely abandon the online DRM madness and to prove they retroactively released a patch that removed the draconic 3 strikes from Mass Effect 1 and released ME2 & Dragon Age (had a roughly close release date) without any form of online DRM. I honored that by having had an expensive month back then with buying these 3 titles.

And then spuckte gift & galle (sorry, don't know an English version of that saying) as I had to register for any patch delivered and any code and cross code (ME2 box had DA goodies & vice versa; even DA itself had codes in the box for DA only to unlock by online complete a nasty expiring date) used. Oh boy, as awesome as they games itself where; that was the most unpleasant gamebuy experience completely unrelated to the games itself; cursed like a sailor all night long :D

... Now that I think about it that was the last time I bought disk games (excluding 2nd hand beat'em up games for my xbox).

If I had DA not I would totally buy it now; even without release discount. But since I played it quite extensively back then and I guess the disk still works I'll wait for either some kind of double dipping deep sale or my urge to replay it (paired with my natural laziness a sure sale for gog :P ).
gogtrial34987: Wow.

I have very little interest in modern day games. DA:O was one of the few games which managed to get beyond that and pique my interest, at least until I read about its DRM, which killed my interest instantly. I've since switched fulltime to Linux, so I'll want to wait for some early reports on how well this works under wine, but I'm moderately hopeful about this going on my wishlist in very short order!
Well, according to WineHQ DA:O has a Platinum rating. Which means it should run fine. But the install fails at ~80% with an runtime error.

Did anyone have more luck?

BTW: Can someone post me checksums for the files? Would like to verify them. As GOG has pushed up an update as my Download was at ~50%. Want to make sure that none of the files has been corrupted that way.

Post edited July 15, 2016 by Woolytoes
Woolytoes: Well, according to WineHQ DA:O has a Platinum rating. Which means it should run fine. But the install fails at ~80% with an runtime error.
Stop using an old, decrepit version of Wine. It's a Wine bug that's been fixed (most likely). Also, adamhm has at least an hour of playtime with the GOG version.

File hashes. I would use a current Staging version of Wine personally.
Post edited July 16, 2016 by Gydion