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We know them, we love them, and they’re about the get better than ever – DOOM + DOOM II, now available in one, neat pack, is out on GOG!

Developed by id Software, and originally released in 1993, DOOM pioneered and popularized the first-person shooter, setting a standard for all FPS games. The critically acclaimed sequel, DOOM II, followed in 1994. Now the definitive, newly enhanced versions of DOOM and DOOM II are available as a combined product.

Buying DOOM + DOOM II you’ll get access to a variety of content, expansion packs, as well as a series of notable improvements.

Now on GOG!

Worth noting: If you owned DOOM (1993) and/or DOOM II, you’ll receive DOOM + DOOM II for free.
PookaMustard: Okay, I took the plunge. I only played The Ultimate Doom before this, with GZDoom because why would you force yourself to deal with DosBox when you can play a native and feature-packed source port?

Yes, you have the wads for nearly everything included as part of this Doom + Doom II compilation.
- doom.wad
- doom2.wad
- plutonia.wad
- id1.wad
- iddm1.wad
- id1-res.wad
- id24res.wad
- masterlevels.wad
- nerve.wad
- tnt.wad
- sigil.wad
- plutonia.wad
- extras.wad

extras.wad is half the reason why the whole package is 1GB. I dunno what's inside it. In total the wads come to about 750MBs. The biggest non-WAD file is Common.kpf at 200MBs.

The game itself runs on my old laptop from late 2013/early 2014, with 6GBs of RAM, an old generation of i7 and some Nvidia, a GTX840m card with Optimus, 1080p60fps on E1M1 if I shut down firefox because of course it'd affect heh performance... oh I forgot to mention that it also booted with Wine Staging 9.14 on Debian Linux 12, so that's a good sign - just open the game executable and it just works. The specs I mentioned are far below what's listed for the minimum requirements. Not to mention there's no DX12 renderer; there's just Vulkan, D3D11, and Software (WARP).

You can start up the singleplayer mode without an account. LAN and local multiplayer works fine. Online multiplayer seems to need an account, unsure if that's the Galaxy or the Bethesda one. Yes, as for why you need online connectivity... it's for the multiplayer (probably) and mods. I didn't figure out how to register my favorite Doom II mod, Shadow of the Wool Ball, without using a Bethesda account. (I have one that I used to own Morrowind on, I'll check it out later).

As for the features, well. We're looking at a remixed soundtrack by Andrew Holshult (if I didn't ruin his name) and I believe that's the guy who did the work for Rise of the Triad's remake? That soundtrack is pretty good, I think it's in the metal genre and really blows even more life to Doom's already great soundtrack. There's also FM soundtrack and some sort of MIDI (I'm not too versed with Doom's MIDI versions, sorry). The gameplay is what you expect, except there's no mouse look (bummer) or jump. As someone else said, this port was made with WASD+Mouse in mind, so don't expect to play tank controls like in the 90s.

Oh, there's also new languages, and I think everything except some messages have been localized. このバーションでは日本語でもやれます。
But some languages like Japanese don't jive well with the classic interface, so you will have to stick with the Modern one in those cases, which I think kinda reminds me of Skyrim, but doomed. Oh, and you do have achievements IN-GAME too, so if you don't use Galaxy, you don't end up missing that content.

When hearing about the port I initially thought I should hate Bethesda again, but I can say it's actually a great package because it gives you all the wads, some extras, and at least on GOG you get all other versions of Doom/II except for the 3BFG ones. And if you owned only Doom or Doom II, you got the other game with all its versions free. Some devs don't even give you the improved/remastered/rebundled/rewhatevered version of a game you already own for free - I never got the one for Bloodrayne Betrayal for example. Bethesda could have just went "lol no, buy them again", but it's nice to see they gave me the "expanded and enhanced" edition of Doom and gave me all Doom II versions for free. So, thanks for that.

I went on for long enough, I'll stop here unless I find anything else.
If you want a better version of Dosbox, try out Dosbox-Staging:
high rated
Looks like Doom 1&2 appears seven times in my GOG library :D
• Doom + Doom II
• Doom II Enhanced
• Final Doom
• Doom II + Master Levels
• Doom 64
• Final Doom
• Doom I Enhanced
• The Ultimate Doom

Awaiting some more! ;)
sl8code: Manjaro Linux, installed using Lutris. When trying to log in to Bethesda - when using proper password game hangs and I have to press Alt+F4.
That's also happening with me. Welp :D
mikejezz: Anyone getting the "you must be signed in to bethesda" when trying to access mods?
I haven't checked yet, but I am guessing it is the same annoying scenario we had with Quake Enhanced.

DOOM + DOOM II (More Enhanced)

I'm DOOMed I tell you .... all DOOMed out!

And there I was, thinking I was done with DOOM ... silly me.
doom.png (291 Kb)
Post edited August 09, 2024 by Timboli
Cant log in, it freezes and I get stuck staring at a small cacodemon ass
PookaMustard: (...)
Thank you for giving us all these details. I appreciate the effort.

In another thread, I posted something like "noooo, leave the classics alone!"
Well, they kinda did. The old versions remain available and the upgrade is free. Can't really complain anymore about that.
MarkoH01: If I would like to archive every part of DOOM I + II in the best possible version which DOOMs would I have to archive? Is the "Enhaced DOOM I" and "Enhamced DOOM II" included?
That's the Unity3d port done by Nerve software.
CoolTailsy: Just downloaded the offline installer as I do with all my GOG games. Is there any reason why this is called Osiris 2.0?
In my Start Menu and on the offline installer, it says Osiris 2.0.
g2222: The strange "Osiris" nonsense seems to have been fixed.
The offline installer got replaced. The new one has some binary differences, so people might want to re-download.

925.885.560 Bytes
md5 = 8BB3A7DCB07C1A23B934433951EA92FD
Thanks. Just grabbed it and installed it. The game still says Osiris.2.0 in the start menu. Just going to post this to provide feedback to GOG. I know I can make a shortcut and rename it, still I think I'll just leave this here in hopes GOG sees and fixes it.
MarkoH01: If I would like to archive every part of DOOM I + II in the best possible version which DOOMs would I have to archive? Is the "Enhaced DOOM I" and "Enhamced DOOM II" included?
mk47at: That's the Unity3d port done by Nerve software.
I guess that's a clear "no" to the question if that one is included as well, right?
MarkoH01: I guess that's a clear "no" to the question if that one is included as well, right?
It depends.

The current re-release is supposedly based on that with the Unity parts replaced by Kex parts.
Both require a Bethesda account for parts of the functionality. The current release contains more wads out of the box that were locked behind account and ingame download in the ‘enhanced’ version.

The current re-release also contains a museum part that shows unused sprites and other development memorabilia. That's probably the reason for the big extras.wad mentioned in PookaMustard's post.

I don't have the ‘enhanced’ version in my backups.
Thanks for the free update!
MarkoH01: I guess that's a clear "no" to the question if that one is included as well, right?
mk47at: It depends.

The current re-release is supposedly based on that with the Unity parts replaced by Kex parts.
Both require a Bethesda account for parts of the functionality. The current release contains more wads out of the box that were locked behind account and ingame download in the ‘enhanced’ version.

The current re-release also contains a museum part that shows unused sprites and other development memorabilia. That's probably the reason for the big extras.wad mentioned in PookaMustard's post.

I don't have the ‘enhanced’ version in my backups.
Just tested the "enhanced" version for the first time. The guy who created the German key rebind menu should get fired immediately ... but I assume the guy is called "google translate" so no harm done. Probably the worst menu translation I ever saw.
MarkoH01: but I assume the guy is called "google translate" so no harm done. Probably the worst menu translation I ever saw.
You can't expect Microsoft to be able to pay for a good translation.
After a bit of testing I would definitely give this new version two thumbs up. Especially since you have so many customization options that you even could play the way the original played if you should prefer to do so. Thie new version includes the Master Doom Levels and the Final Doom levels as well so this is probably the version I will play in the end anyway :)

Thanks for this great "update".
Nightdive? Kex?
GOG you can take back this turd, thanks.