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Studying the anatomy of space demons.

<span class="bold">Doom 3: BFG Edition</span> is now available, DRM-free on, with a 75% launch discount.
Back to reclaim its FPS throne, Doom 3 adds a strong dose of claustrophobic horror into the series' timeless cocktail of explosive action, horrific enemies, and ultra-violent massacre.

The BFG Edition is the game's remastered version, containing DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM 3, and DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil, as well as The Lost Mission.

Feeling nostalgic or just awfully trigger-happy? Check out our <span class="bold">Bethesda shooters</span> sale.
The 75% discount will last until August 28, 1 PM UTC.
Gaerzi: No. They completely changed the way the game data is packaged. As a result, Doom 3 BFG cannot even read a Doom 3 mod, and vice-versa. To use a clumsy analogy, it'd like trying to insert a floppy disk in a CD reader: it just won't even attempt to work.
Spectre: That sucks. is there a new SDK kit to make your own mods and maps?
The BFG Edition's entire source code(minus Steam bits and few minor other things) was released under the GPLv3 (+ some additional terms allowed by that license) a very short time after the games release:
Post edited August 27, 2017 by Kristian
sanscript: And who needs support for multilang anyway? If you can't read and/or understand English then you better take some responsibility for your own laziness and start learning! :-D
tfishell: That's kind of offensive imo. If the person isn't moving to an English-speaking country, they might not have the time and energy to prioritize learning a whole new language.
Offensive? Look, I'm sure GOG can accommodate you if you need a "safe space" :-p
Ingsoc85: Despite what it say on its page, the game doesn't have GOG achievements.
For whatever it's worth, it does have Galaxy achievements (see attached pic), although getting 100% of them is not (naturally) possible since some of them require multi-player, which is not enabled in this version.
pic.png (298 Kb)
Need to post this ;) "Doom 3 Sounds - Betruger's Laughs"

tfishell: That's kind of offensive imo. If the person isn't moving to an English-speaking country, they might not have the time and energy to prioritize learning a whole new language.
sanscript: Offensive? Look, I'm sure GOG can accommodate you if you need a "safe space" :-p
Epic comeback bro, no need to even have a discussion with that gem.
Have You tried with RBDOOM-3-BFG for to make the native Linux executable?
Digital_CHE: Have You tried with RBDOOM-3-BFG for to make the native Linux executable?
That's how I'm playing it. rbdoom3bfg is even in the Debian repository, so it's really easy to use for me as I don't have to compile it myself.
HenitoKisou: You might think about classic wads from BFG edition as censored or butchered but for doom fan they provide collector's value being slightly different experience from common versions, also having No Rest for The Living episode. Also since on same sale, Doom2+Final Doom has fixed TNT and Plutonia iwads from rare alternate version of anthology, Depths of Doom so no further patches needed.
Just out of curiosity, what was censored out of the games, other than the Nazi imagery in Doom 2 (and I believe the removal of a secret level)? And was Doom 3 itself edited in any way, other than additional enemies? I've played both versions of D3 all the way through (PC version of classic and PS3 version of BFG), and didn't notice anything different aside from enemy placement and population.
RawSteelUT: Just out of curiosity, what was censored out of the games, other than the Nazi imagery in Doom 2 (and I believe the removal of a secret level)? And was Doom 3 itself edited in any way, other than additional enemies? I've played both versions of D3 all the way through (PC version of classic and PS3 version of BFG), and didn't notice anything different aside from enemy placement and population.
I played some weeks ago doom 2 within the bfg edition. All 32 levels are there, only the nazi theme is gone from the secret levels.

I personally don't have any problem with this censorship. Yes, its bad. But I own the original doom 2 anyway on steam. I bought the BFG edition only for No Rest For The Living and for The Lost Missions.

I cannot tell you if something was changed in doom 3. This user claims, that some part of the doom 3 addon was skipped:

I cannot confirm this yet, because I haven't played the doom 3 addon within the BFG edition.
RawSteelUT: Just out of curiosity, what was censored out of the games, other than the Nazi imagery in Doom 2 (and I believe the removal of a secret level)? And was Doom 3 itself edited in any way, other than additional enemies? I've played both versions of D3 all the way through (PC version of classic and PS3 version of BFG), and didn't notice anything different aside from enemy placement and population.
Doom 2
-In the two secret levels the SS enemies are replaced with zombiemen and all Wolfenstein wall textures are replaced.
-Medical kits are replaced with a heart instead of a cross. While I dislike this change I can understand it and it doesn't bother me as much as other acts of censorship. Basically the Red Cross is angry at the use of crosses in violent games... despite 'health kits' in games being a good thing for the player. Despite the stupidity of their complaint they do good things in the world and if they threaten legal action... well what can you do.

Doom 3
-Doom 3 does NOT have additional enemies. I'd actually like that to make up for their other changes.
-Game is brightened up a bit. Hurts atmosphere.
-The flashlight is no longer a separate 'weapon' that you switch to and is instead a suit light. The flashlight was an important GAMEPLAY MECHANIC. It was a constant mental decision throughout the game... improve your ability to see at the cost of extremely limited defense and a time to switch back to a better weapon vs. keeping a weapon out but having trouble seeing the enemies.
-The player moves faster. Doom 3 is supposed to be a slower atmospheric horror experience.
-Ammunition pick ups give drastically more ammo. Playing through the original versions you could actually run out of ammo with certain weapons and need to change. Short of standing around wasting ammo you will never run out for any of the guns. If they actually had added more enemies to the campaign it might have made up for this mess.

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
Most of the issues above in Doom 3 weren't really 'censorship'. Now with RoE we get into real censorship.
-RoE added many new arcade machines to the game. I believe about 3 of them, from a game where you pop a balloon with a shotgun, a pong like game and another where you shoot asteroids. ALL of them were removed and replaced with Super Turbo Turkey Puncher. I have no idea why. Maybe they were worried about a lawsuit as all of the arcade games I mentioned were takes on classic arcade games.
-There is a section later in the game where you acquire a hazmat suit and must navigate a toxic sewer. This was an obvious throwback to the Hazmat suit of the classics. The section was a bit challenging as you had an oxygen meter you have to refill with canisters, similar to when you go on the surface of mars. The hazmat suit is now completely removed and you just go through the section normally.

There are other changes in the games that escape me at the moment, as these were the ones that bugged me the most.

Random fact: The original XBOX version of Resurrection of Evil also changed the flashlight mechanic. Instead of the flashlight being a separate 'weapon' it instead is attached to the pistol. This still meant the player was trading superior firepower for visibility. So in the various releases of Doom 3 and expansion the series has had THREE separate takes on the flashlight: infinite battery carryable weapon, infinite battery attached to pistol and attached to suit but with a battery that runs out and charges once turned off.
Post edited August 27, 2017 by GreasyDogMeat
This is one of those games that I'd love to see become eligible for a GOG reclaim. I have Doom 1, 2, 3, and Resurrection of Evil all on disc, plus their original boxes.
GreasyDogMeat: Medical kits are replaced with a heart instead of a cross. [..] Basically the Red Cross is angry at the use of crosses in violent games... despite 'health kits' in games being a good thing for the player. Despite the stupidity of their complaint they do good things in the world and if they threaten legal action... well what can you do.
Interesting and kind of weird! Thanks for sharing, I was't aware of this. +1

I finished the original Doom3 years ago and I don't plan on replaying it any time soon, but I'd love to add a digital copy to my GOG library. Too bad they only offer the BFG version :-/
While i have nothing against BFG, i too would like to see the original version here.

C´mon, GOG, make it happen.
Post edited August 27, 2017 by pacciulli
They are pills, not hearts, Doom2 has new kickass intermission screen, Map31 has these super-zombiemen. Also there's that Betray level. Many source ports including Doom Retro will detect and play BFG Edition wads just fine.

With Doom3 all these changes aren't forced but optional, you don't need use flashlight or ammo (not that I noticed, never found too much of it). I think there's more enemies in some levels, lighting feels more dynamic unlike original game. No hazmat or arcades is minor thing that didn't added a lot to gameplay. Performance is a lot better, I remember need to disable bump mapping and a lot of options down to just play retail without stuttering or lag, here it plays fine on shitty integrated graphics, except that porting to new engine raised RAM requirement to 3GB instead of 2GB because megatextures ragestyle, but it's still playable if you manually fiddle with settings and reduce that LOD.
betray.png (143 Kb)
Post edited August 27, 2017 by HenitoKisou
I have the original D3, and thought the BFG version was simply the same thing + some DLC. I guess there must a be real difference after reading a couple pages of liking the original better.
Digital_CHE: Have You tried with RBDOOM-3-BFG for to make the native Linux executable?
nulljdq: That's how I'm playing it. rbdoom3bfg is even in the Debian repository, so it's really easy to use for me as I don't have to compile it myself.
I wonder if it is possible to do a similar thing with Quake 4.