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Studying the anatomy of space demons.

<span class="bold">Doom 3: BFG Edition</span> is now available, DRM-free on, with a 75% launch discount.
Back to reclaim its FPS throne, Doom 3 adds a strong dose of claustrophobic horror into the series' timeless cocktail of explosive action, horrific enemies, and ultra-violent massacre.

The BFG Edition is the game's remastered version, containing DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM 3, and DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil, as well as The Lost Mission.

Feeling nostalgic or just awfully trigger-happy? Check out our <span class="bold">Bethesda shooters</span> sale.
The 75% discount will last until August 28, 1 PM UTC.
I thought Metro 2033 Redux brought some changes to the difficulty. Some people complained that in the original, sneaking is really hard. In Redux, it seems surprisingly easy to stab everyone with a knife or something.

I think they made the AI somewhat more stealth friendly, basically.

The graphics changes seem to make the game more colourful.
clarry: I thought Metro 2033 Redux brought some changes to the difficulty. Some people complained that in the original, sneaking is really hard. In Redux, it seems surprisingly easy to stab everyone with a knife or something.

I think they made the AI somewhat more stealth friendly, basically.

The graphics changes seem to make the game more colourful.
Now that you mention it. Yes, they made the stealth work better but regarding the exploring out in the open possibility they did not change much since you are not supposed to stay long out in the open because of radioactivity and the earth being doomed and such ;)
GalacticKnight: Regardless of the positives and negatives between the two versions (that is, the BFG Edition versus the original Doom 3 plus Resurrection of Evil expansion), there's enough of a difference that warrants having the originals available for people to play, whether because they prefer it or want to see what the differences are.

In my mind, the only way to truly complete one's collection of Doom (at least up to the BFG Edition) would be to have the original releases AND the BFG Edition on top of that. Not solely the BFG Edition alone, with its altered and at times censored material (not specifically referring to just Doom 3, but to the prior Doom games that had some edits alongside some additions).
The orginal doom 3 and resurrection of evil (roe) is all we really needed because with the original game modded it is the BFG version plus more, including the new flashling mechanic and better graphics. Having the bfg version is okay if people don't want bother taking an hour to download the mods and install them which takes a little effort but is well worth it as the modded original is mind blowingly good graphics.

Crysis is another game that once modded, wow it looks way better, its so awesome to have these original games with mods, they look way better with upgraded textures, Parallax occlusion mapping (POM) to make the textures pop out and look like they are 3d, better lighting, better weapons, better special effects etc.
Post edited August 26, 2017 by jrich3500
GalacticKnight: Regardless of the positives and negatives between the two versions (that is, the BFG Edition versus the original Doom 3 plus Resurrection of Evil expansion), there's enough of a difference that warrants having the originals available for people to play, whether because they prefer it or want to see what the differences are.

In my mind, the only way to truly complete one's collection of Doom (at least up to the BFG Edition) would be to have the original releases AND the BFG Edition on top of that. Not solely the BFG Edition alone, with its altered and at times censored material (not specifically referring to just Doom 3, but to the prior Doom games that had some edits alongside some additions).
jrich3500: The orginal doom 3 and resurrection of evil (roe) is all we really needed because with the original game modded it is the BFG version plus more, ....
Are you sure? And what about this? And then there still is the the multi language support absent from original DOOM games.
Post edited August 26, 2017 by MarkoH01
At only $3 I took a chance and while I can't run it at max res, I still got it looking pretty good.

I think I may have been to hasty in my earlier criticism and this too could revert too. :P

The flashlight isn't as big if a deal as I thought and it was actually nice to start finding all sorts of hidden stuff I had missed before. The lessening of jump scares is okay with me too because honestly I thought the original had too many monsters jumping in out of nowhere as is. I understand one of the soldiers doing this, but what does a fucking zombie know about laying in wait and jumping out at just the right time? :P

The increased light complaint throws me. I'm not seeing it. I have the original and the BFG both installed and, not counting being able to use the flashlight more, the overall atmospheric lighting doesn't seem any brighter or more forgiving. It seems just as dark as ever.

My only concern now is bigger areas. She is running great with four or five beasties in the room but I'm worried if I go up against 20 or so my FPS is going to drop like a rock. Keep my fingers crossed because I'm going to remove my disc version right now. My harddrive space is too precious to keep both copies installed and this one is easier to maintain, and remove, and reinstall.
nightcraw1er.488: Similar engine. Doom 2 introduced a new weapon, the double barreled shotgun. Also if memory serves the beasties were slightly changed or added to. Nothing major. Although like you, it was years since I played either.
Not merely similar, actually the exact same! Starting from v1.666, you could play Doom II with the Doom 1 executable, or Doom 1 with the Doom II executable -- they were the same file. The game just looks for the first IWAD it finds and then sets a few different behaviors depending on which one it is. On the top of my head, the conditional differences are:
- different list of animations and switches. This is required because the game errors out if it doesn't find all the required textures for the list it's loading.
- different level progression, including the associated level metadata (name, music, sky, par time, intermission, etc.)
- during map initialization, preventing spawning of the new Doom II monsters in Doom 1 mode (you can cheat around this with modding tools though, by changing their editor numbers)
- cannot switch to the super shotgun in Doom 1 mode
- cannot pick up the megasphere in Doom 1 mode
- different noclip cheat code (in Doom 1 it's idspispopd; in Doom II it's the much simpler idclip)

Everything else behave identically. That's also why every single source port that can play Doom can play both Doom and Doom II without problem (and some do away with the restriction on Doom II content, as long as you provide the required resources).
Post edited August 26, 2017 by Gaerzi
finkleroy: This is completely off topic, but I'd love to know what's different about the Metro series, aside from what's been mentioned. I bought and played the original Metro 2033 when it was first released, and I enjoyed it, but I disliked the fact that I couldn't explore, due to the limited amount of ammo and gas mask canisters. This is why I never bothered with Metro Last Light, but as soon as I found out about the Redux versions of both games, and then found out that they were both released here, I bought them both the first time I saw them on sale. I have yet to play them, as my backlog is extremely mammoth at best, and I've also kind of been queuing my playthrough of both to coincide with the release of Metro Exodus.
Metro 2033 Redux is pretty much a remake in the version of the engine used in Metro Last Light. I haven't played the original version, but I've seen plenty of videos on YouTube -- the most obvious difference is in the UI, including the player character model (e.g. his watch, etc.); there are also differences in some character models, textures, and so on.

One frustrating aspect of the GOG release of the Redux Metro games, though, is that the Linux versions aren't included. This most likely isn't their fault; it's probably Valve who must be doing something to keep those ports exclusive to Steam -- but still, it's frustrating.
The BFG edition was mainly a port to the consoles with the PC version being just a side product and a cash in for new IP owner Bethesda. I consider it technical inferior to the original, especially in terms of sound. They cut the EAX support completely which I consider a major flaw as the sound in original Doom 3 was (and still is) absolutely amazing.
Great! Had to go to humble store to get the original Doom 3 + RoE. Only 3.03 Euro... missed that one GOG!

Overall the BFG is not worth a penny. While I don't mind the dual flashlight+one hand weapon option without a mod (seriously, even police officers uses a flashlight in one hand and a pistol in the other when they need to, so why even complain about the game being too easy because of that!?!), it's tripped down, censored (shame on you Bethesda!) and with no support for mods there is nada reasons to buy it. The original + a gfx mod would make it look better than the BFG edition.

And who needs support for multilang anyway? If you can't read and/or understand English then you better take some responsibility for your own laziness and start learning! :-D

btw: GOG, thanks for bringing ID games here!
Post edited August 26, 2017 by sanscript
sanscript: And who needs support for multilang anyway? If you can't read and/or understand English then you better take some responsibility for your own laziness and start learning! :-D
That's easy for you to say. I know English but there are simply several people out there who are too old or just not able to learn it (yes people who are having a hard time learning or understanding different languages still do exist). You being norwegian have grown up afaik speaking at least Norwegian and English. However there are countrys in which you basically only hear your native language if you are not in school. Germany is an example for this. As you might know nearly everything is dubbed here so it's no wonder that especially older people don't have much experience with other languages. Anyway: I never meant that the point of BFG being multi language was essential but I would not be surprised if this also was considered by GOG when they decided to sell it here.
sanscript: And who needs support for multilang anyway? If you can't read and/or understand English then you better take some responsibility for your own laziness and start learning! :-D
MarkoH01: That's easy for you to say. I know English but there are simply several people out there who are too old or just not able to learn it (yes people who are having a hard time learning or understanding different languages still do exist). You being norwegian have grown up afaik speaking at least Norwegian and English. However there are countrys in which you basically only hear your native language if you are not in school. Germany is an example for this. As you might know nearly everything is dubbed here so it's no wonder that especially older people don't have much experience with other languages. Anyway: I never meant that the point of BFG being multi language was essential but I would not be surprised if this also was considered by GOG when they decided to sell it here.
Sure, it might be easy for me to state this as we (at least in the Scandinavia) learn English from 1-3 grade, but I was really directing my frustration against some "old and slow" (yes, every country has too many of them) gray-eyed politicians out here which still refuses to remove a politic that is borderline protectionism.

France, Germany and Russia are among those that I would count as few of the worst. Countries like Hungary f.ex. I can understand as many lacks proper education. Most don't even understand more than "hello" and "thanks". Was there this summer and I had to point or draw what I asked for in stores and other places. Asking for direction is like.... well, you get the picture.

And honestly, I really understand that Germans are a proud people - but to speak English in Germany is almost like spewing out profanities. Not that I know much about the education system in Poland, but even they seem to be quite proficient in English and wouldn't look at you as if you were a troll just for using English to communicate. :-D
Post edited August 26, 2017 by sanscript
sanscript: And honestly, I really understand that Germans are a proud people
Haha, that was a very good one!

sanscript: Not that I know much about the education system in Poland, but even they seem to be quite proficient in English and wouldn't look at you as if you were a troll just for using English to communicate. :-D
Don't forget the difference between cities and rural areas, also the fact that there is no homogeneous Germany like some may believe but it's still a mixed bag of several cultures.
In my town English is spoken more than German since it's a melting pot, btw.
sanscript: And honestly, I really understand that Germans are a proud people
Klumpen0815: Haha, that was a very good one!

sanscript: Not that I know much about the education system in Poland, but even they seem to be quite proficient in English and wouldn't look at you as if you were a troll just for using English to communicate. :-D
Klumpen0815: Don't forget the difference between cities and rural areas, also the fact that there is no homogeneous Germany like some may believe but it's still a mixed bag of several cultures.
In my town English is spoken more than German since it's a melting pot, btw.
Well, big events in the past tend to shape us ;-)

You're right, there are vast differences depending on where you are in a country.
Are there any mods to replace what was lost and changed from the original in the BFG version? Do original doom 3 mods work with the BFG version on gog?
Spectre: Are there any mods to replace what was lost and changed from the original in the BFG version?
I haven't seen such a thing, and I don't suppose there'd be much reason to complain about the non-release of the original version, if such a mod existed.

Do original doom 3 mods work with the BFG version on gog?
Post edited August 26, 2017 by clarry