MadalinStroe: Speaking of, Heretic, Hexen, Hexen 2 I'm so tempted by the actually great deal on STEAM for the collection. But seeing this recent release here, maybe I should wait. I'm also eager to try Commander Keen, seeing how many people praise it.
Checking out Bethesda's catalogue, I also noticed Hunted: The Demon's Forge, which was developed by inXile so I will check it out, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, and finally Rage, the other bastard child of id Software. I'd hope for them to end up on GOG, but seeing the low ratings makes me think GOG would reject them, so maybe I'll end up getting them on STEAM... yuck.
Actually Rage has mostly positive reviews, and seeing that it uses the same engine as Doom 3 BFG, I'm confident it will eventually be released here.
I wish Bethesda would allow me to buy Heretic, Hexen and Hexen 2. As far as I know they are and always were fine to buy in Germany, but apparantly they are playing it safe by trying to avoid doing business with German customers whenever possible, no matter whether there are any issues or not. :(
Rage isn't bad at all, it's just a bit odd, in that it's half shooter, half racing game, and it doesn't really excel in either, but it's still fun. IIRC, the levels are often a bit corridor-like, but you also have some limited options to play with the environment, like setting fire to puddles of oil while enemies stand in them or something like that (like in Bioshock). What's not so good about it is that the levels are often recycled, e.g. you go through the same level twice, just the other way around and with different enemy placement. And the ending is next to non-existent, the most anti-climactic I've ever seen in a game, it's almost as if the game just stops. But you don't really play this for the story anyway. The setting is a bit similar to Borderlands and Mad Max.
Hunted is a mediocre corridor shooter / Gears of War clone with simple gameplay and a bit ugly grey-brownish washed-out graphics, but I actually enjoyed it as a casual distraction. If you don't expect it to be anything better than it is, it can still be fun. (Also, it has the voice of Laura Bailey in it. In an interview Brian Fargo complained that they had no say in the casting of the voiceactors, but I actually thought the voice-acting was the best part of the game.)
I'm tempted by Call of Cthulhu, but it seems that it's very prone to game-breaking crashes on modern systems, and some claim that the Steam version is less compatible with unofficial patches than the retail version due to some kind of protection on it. No idea if that's true.