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Join Sophie, a private investigator, as she uncovers the mysteries of Steam City.
Genre: RPG
Discount: 40% off until 11th February 2022, 2 PM UTC
low rated
LootHunter: Full of? There are 4 hentai games and 2 with waifu boobs. Only 6 in total against more than 60 on the front page. Your conception of "full of" if full of... Unless, you have more in "Games for you section", but that would bring another question.

Anyways, I haven't played DGotSC, so I can't comment on the gameplay. I can only say that art looks somewhat cheap.
there shouldnt be any , so way too many , especially when all these were dumped within a month
low rated
marcob: I get distinct "hasty-made mobile game" vibes from this wave of games.
They all look too similar, they have a very '90-ish, stereotypical early consumer anime plot that seem a kind of pretext to me (they're the same plots from early arcade games and actual j-porn, they mimic classic genres in a very hi-concept, meme-style way and/or they do the impossible to justify bedding scenes. I find they actuallywork best if they're outright comedic..)
But the two points that reall piss me off are a) hypocritical presentation: ok, "hypocritical" is a bit too harsh, implicit, half-censored? If you're proud to be ecchi, then say it out loud, and do not only leave "legalese banners" alone to hint at that, plus some underwear pics to imply more. It's some seller's middleground that is so bland and boring in its unlikely mix of correctness and attempted attractiveness...
What if the first Mortal Kombat presented itself as a 2D version of Soul Calibur, with only a small drop of blood in a corner?
and then
b) which is somewhat the other side of a): description that borders clickbaiting (buybaiting) or misleading: it does not only fail to state its raunchy nature (which could be a great plus, if it's not something they seem to be ashamed of,
suggesting it could be somewhat not well integrated with the rest or just using the rest as a mere I too suspicious?
It's because I'm tired of seeing this pattern, like if someone who wanted something could enjoy something else if you're pretending you have what he wants instead. (S)he'll be unsatisfied, of course. And not even because there's some ban or moral taboo, just because the customer/viewer (I believe it was a trend born in ads, then tv, then youtube) looked for something and had expectations that were built upon and then disappointed.
Short: if I want sex scenes, clearly offer them (as clearly as it can be done on a non.-porn site) and then state that in description; if I'm in the mood, I'll give it a try and I'll watch it knowing what it is. Probably I'll like it (if it's not too absurd or distasteful, and it does not have to be a depiction of realism and lawful goodness, since it's both fantasy and fiction, come on: nobody tried to outlaw gangster movies for having cursing and robbing, nobody refused to sell horror flicks because of killings, since that's consistent with their theme, and not actually encouraging to do those things in real life!) If I'm not searching for that kind of content, I will not like it even if it were well filmed/programmed, because it was kinda pushed unto me. And if something its both soft-porn and something else (Leisure suit Larry, maybe?) there are ways to tell it too, and you should have balance.

Nothing is more disappointing than trying to make something look like a different product. It means you can't/ don't manage/are not confident to offer your art/style/product/plot and decide to go half-assed and/or ambiguous.

Compare: The Witcher (both R content and much more non-R content) ; Summertime Saga (R, comedic, some shortcomings, but it says it from the start); anime fanservice or manga games fanservice (e.g. Diebuster, Jojo, Fumoffu, SNK babes, etc. that promise sexy-but-not-porn and deliver just that)
TheGrimLord: No. These are indie games made in the RPG Maker platform. They don't even run on phones for the most part. Japan has different games for the phone. And no, the games are not pretending to be something else. There are serious attempts to combine both styles. Having played a lot of these, there is legitimate gameplay in them. Yep, you can die and it doesn't end well. The battles are pretty serious as well as the platforming and other mechanics. They just happen to have sex scenes. Japan certainly has a number of straight up fuck simulators. That's not what these are. Sexual things can happen, but they don't have to. And to be perfectly fair, there is probably a great deal of sex in many commercial JRPG's that developers never were allowed to show. Think about all the games where you have made camp with a party. People on very long journeys like that definitely get horny every once in a while and unless they're banging some monster, there is definitely sex happening in those camp scenes. The ero-JRPG's are just upfront about it. Maybe players just don't want to know that their characters are having sex? Weird, because people do it all the time. It's even weird to think they wouldn't have sex - feels awful puritanical to be honest. It's not reality, and in reality, people who are attracted to each other tend to get busy and in turn, create more people.
"No" As an introduction to a reply. No because no. And your argument is "this is valid because this is valid", "This is serious because this is serious". And you're saying to me I'm a self-referential / rally-under-the-flag type?!

RPG-Maker was a great amateur engine in late 90s (it was very niche and had some harsh limits, it was more limited than Final Fantasy V). It's not indie, it's amateur quality. And sticking to a commercial, frankly outdated third-party tool doen not speak of indipendence and diy spontaneity (I hate to say it, I loved that sw , but it was way back, when polygons were so few you had box-shaped arms in FPSs and PS1 was good in graphics despite being less then 640x480 and a classless JRPG was considered innovative, etc.)
It was never fully meant to be a tool for commercial games. These games are not something technically great, not feature top-class artwork (not even top class erotic artwork) and have not really original gameplay as far as I can see. They're not free to play and they're not programmed from scratch (which is a plus for originality and effort).

When I think of "indie" I think of Undertale (mediocre graphic, good narrative mechanics, innovative battle system, at least for westerners who are not in the niche that Touhou is in) Spirit Engine 2 (fully hand-drawn pixel art, complex story with variable chara interaction and a full ride in jrpg tributes with plot twists, hard and unusual battle system)
Wadjet Eye games (retro gfx, revival of point-and-click, a ton of love and detail put into it, great aesthetics despite of low-res) Wesnoth (age-long development, varied, rooted in japanese console tradition, a great and ever-improving code and mechanics). Even Project Red was indie and resorted to the objectionable tactic of "insert boobs and get more public" but it had something substantial to add to the scene and to please fans for more than 10 hours.

GoG is losing its focus and identity, just like society in general, and is trying to expand but in an unruly way, including everyone and everything without enough effort to harmonize communities and audiences that have conflicting value sets or just opposite desires when buying a product (a customer is a customer, seems to be the rule, and even from a commercial/brand identity pov is short-lived due to expectation bias and even exploitation of that bias as I said earlier). At least developers/distributors should not make the "youtube promotion trick" and clearly state what they're aiming to be and what gamer are they aiming to, and Gog should try to differentiate and present new releases in a frank, review-like fashion, not just waiving off and implicitly stating "here's the whole lot, sort it yourself"
Post edited February 06, 2022 by marcob
low rated
TheGrimLord: No. These are indie games made in the RPG Maker platform. They don't even run on phones for the most part. Japan has different games for the phone. And no, the games are not pretending to be something else. There are serious attempts to combine both styles. Having played a lot of these, there is legitimate gameplay in them. Yep, you can die and it doesn't end well. The battles are pretty serious as well as the platforming and other mechanics. They just happen to have sex scenes. Japan certainly has a number of straight up fuck simulators. That's not what these are. Sexual things can happen, but they don't have to. And to be perfectly fair, there is probably a great deal of sex in many commercial JRPG's that developers never were allowed to show. Think about all the games where you have made camp with a party. People on very long journeys like that definitely get horny every once in a while and unless they're banging some monster, there is definitely sex happening in those camp scenes. The ero-JRPG's are just upfront about it. Maybe players just don't want to know that their characters are having sex? Weird, because people do it all the time. It's even weird to think they wouldn't have sex - feels awful puritanical to be honest. It's not reality, and in reality, people who are attracted to each other tend to get busy and in turn, create more people.
marcob: "No" As an introduction to a reply. No because no. And your argument is "this is valid because this is valid", "This is serious because this is serious". And you're saying to me I'm a self-referential / rally-under-the-flag type?!

RPG-Maker was a great amateur engine in late 90s (it was very niche and had some harsh limits, it was more limited than Final Fantasy V). It's not indie, it's amateur quality. And sticking to a commercial, frankly outdated third-party tool doen not speak of indipendence and diy spontaneity (I hate to say it, I loved that sw , but it was way back, when polygons were so few you had box-shaped arms in FPSs and PS1 was good in graphics despite being less then 640x480 and a classless JRPG was considered innovative, etc.)
It was never fully meant to be a tool for commercial games. These games are not something technically great, not feature top-class artwork (not even top class erotic artwork) and have not really original gameplay as far as I can see. They're not free to play and they're not programmed from scratch (which is a plus for originality and effort).

When I think of "indie" I think of Undertale (mediocre graphic, good narrative mechanics, innovative battle system, at least for westerners who are not in the niche that Touhou is in) Spirit Engine 2 (fully hand-drawn pixel art, complex story with variable chara interaction and a full ride in jrpg tributes with plot twists, hard and unusual battle system)
Wadjet Eye games (retro gfx, revival of point-and-click, a ton of love and detail put into it, great aesthetics despite of low-res) Wesnoth (age-long development, varied, rooted in japanese console tradition, a great and ever-improving code and mechanics). Even Project Red was indie and resorted to the objectionable tactic of "insert boobs and get more public" but it had something substantial to add to the scene and to please fans for more than 10 hours.

GoG is losing its focus and identity, just like society in general, and is trying to expand but in an unruly way, including everyone and everything without enough effort to harmonize communities and audiences that have conflicting value sets or just opposite desires when buying a product (a customer is a customer, seems to be the rule, and even from a commercial/brand identity pov is short-lived due to expectation bias and even exploitation of that bias as I said earlier). At least developers/distributors should not make the "youtube promotion trick" and clearly state what they're aiming to be and what gamer are they aiming to, and Gog should try to differentiate and present new releases in a frank, review-like fashion, not just waiving off and implicitly stating "here's the whole lot, sort it yourself"
Huge walls of text, but worth reading. Thank you, marcob.
low rated
richlind33: Huge walls of text, but worth reading. Thank you, marcob.
Thanks. I know it actually, but the twisting in some concepts I see recently probably require to be verbose. I tend to be verbose myself, coming from good old forum-centered internet when social media speediness wasn't a thing. Briefness sometimes brings habits of jumping to stereotyped binary thinking
Post edited February 06, 2022 by marcob
high rated
LootHunter: Full of? There are 4 hentai games and 2 with waifu boobs. Only 6 in total against more than 60 on the front page. Your conception of "full of" if full of... Unless, you have more in "Games for you section", but that would bring another question.

Anyways, I haven't played DGotSC, so I can't comment on the gameplay. I can only say that art looks somewhat cheap.
Orkhepaj: there shouldnt be any , so way too many , especially when all these were dumped within a month
Same with your hateful troll postings. Just too many each day and mostly in threads for games you dislike ... all you want to do is spead hate for something others like because you personally dislike it, as if your word is the law. You are pathetic and I pity you.
low rated
Orkhepaj: there shouldnt be any , so way too many , especially when all these were dumped within a month
MarkoH01: Same with your hateful troll postings. Just too many each day and mostly in threads for games you dislike ... all you want to do is spead hate for something others like because you personally dislike it, as if your word is the law. You are pathetic and I pity you.
says the dvoter

most of my posts are not even negative , this just shows how you cant tolerate different opinions and gets personally offended when someone calls a few of your games garbage's a detective game. Adding porn doesn't even make sense here! (starts crying)
Post edited February 06, 2022 by pferreira1983
MarkoH01: Same with your hateful troll postings. Just too many each day and mostly in threads for games you dislike ... all you want to do is spead hate for something others like because you personally dislike it, as if your word is the law. You are pathetic and I pity you.
Orkhepaj: says the dvoter

most of my posts are not even negative , this just shows how you cant tolerate different opinions and gets personally offended when someone calls a few of your games garbage
That is way too ironic're killing me.
pferreira1983:'s a detective game. Adding porn doesn't even make sense here! (starts crying)
You mean cave exploration be the better candidate of game ?
Full of ? You can count to 10 yes ?
Post edited February 06, 2022 by Reaper9988
high rated
Orkhepaj: says the dvoter

most of my posts are not even negative , this just shows how you cant tolerate different opinions and gets personally offended when someone calls a few of your games garbage
1) Take a look at my nick and what is says about downvoters. That being said, I never downvoted anybody who wasn't insulting others BECAUSE I tolerate different opinions even if I won't share them.

2) There's a difference between saying "I dislike the game" (which is an opinion) and "GOG should never sell those games even to those who like them" (which is a request to opress all different opinions but their own).

3) "A few of your games"? You never ever said anything positive about any AO game ... that's not "a few", that is "all". And because you dislike them nobody should be able to buy them here. You simply could say so and move on but instead you keep on hating. What happened to you that you became so negative and intolerant?
pferreira1983:'s a detective game. Adding porn doesn't even make sense here! (starts crying)
You sure about that?
I mean, I could imagine certain "porn-related" interrogation cirumstances, in which a female detective could get (male) suspects pretty talkative...

low rated
Orkhepaj: says the dvoter

most of my posts are not even negative , this just shows how you cant tolerate different opinions and gets personally offended when someone calls a few of your games garbage
MarkoH01: 1) Take a look at my nick and what is says about downvoters. That being said, I never downvoted anybody who wasn't insulting others BECAUSE I tolerate different opinions even if I won't share them.

2) There's a difference between saying "I dislike the game" (which is an opinion) and "GOG should never sell those games even to those who like them" (which is a request to opress all different opinions but their own).

3) "A few of your games"? You never ever said anything positive about any AO game ... that's not "a few", that is "all". And because you dislike them nobody should be able to buy them here. You simply could say so and move on but instead you keep on hating. What happened to you that you became so negative and intolerant?
1, that can be fake

2, yes difference , and?

3, do you only have low quality porn games?

and yup he dvotes
Post edited February 06, 2022 by Orkhepaj
BreOl72: You sure about that?
I mean, I could imagine certain "porn-related" interrogation cirumstances, in which a female detective could get (male) suspects pretty talkative...

They've gone there? Awww man.
BreOl72: You sure about that?
I mean, I could imagine certain "porn-related" interrogation cirumstances, in which a female detective could get (male) suspects pretty talkative...

pferreira1983: They've gone there? Awww man.
I have no clue. I wrote "I could imagine..."
high rated
Orkhepaj: most of my posts are not even negative , this just shows how you cant tolerate different opinions and gets personally offended when someone calls a few of your games garbage
Considering that you have commented negatively on all hentai games that have (and haven't) appeared on GOG, I think your definition of "few" really means "all".

Your word cannot be trusted, because you have abused it.
low rated
bombardier: Without patch they are just shit games.
Sabin_Stargem: Objection.

There is a series of hentai games whose form of gameplay is almost exactly like an vanilla game available on GOG - and more importantly, is actually better because they allow for quicker backtracking. Should you claim those games to be shit, then by extension DROD RPG is tripe. Which is dumb, because DROD RPG is a good time for people who like optimizing numbers.


Hentai games are simply games that happen to have aesthetics and themes that are sexual. This doesn't impact the quality of gameplay, beyond ludonarrative issues - a problem which plagues vanilla games too.

The puritan bias is preventing you from being a fair judge.
Maybe Caravel Games could make a patch where Beethro hangs dong.
It would probably sell better now that gog attracted the pornhub crowd. :)