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low rated
MarkoH01: wannabe lawyers
toma85: I think this is directed at me. *g*

I am not angry.

I actually don't care.

I don't care whether you or anyone here is breaking the law. If the police starts an investigation against someone here because they have an initial suspicion that this certain person owns child or rape porn then it won't be my problem. Why should I be angry about this?

The whole discussion amuses me because people here are trying really hard to relativize and justify fictional rape and child porn. Probably, there is a prize to win here. I mean just think about this for a minute.

Reality check:

There was something in the EU about this stuff years ago, especially the depiction of child porn in chats, fiction, Hentai,etc. I can't find it at the moment because it was probably 10 years ago or so. It would be interesting whether Poland changed the laws here in the past years too. If this game above includes the depiction of rape then it might be indictable in Poland as well. Probably, a Polish user should check this. Or at least CDPR lawyers should answer this question. The main reason for these changes are supporting the work of the police. Now, they can go against chat groups, forums, etc. where people share "fictional" child porn. Usually, these forums, chat groups, etc. are run by pedophiles who have more material than just the "fictional" stuff. That is the reasoning behind this change of the laws. There is also a case where the police is using fictional child porn like a 3D-simulation to get access to these groups. In this case they need permission by public prosecutors to use it.

If you don't believe this or don't accept it then it won't be my problem.
We can agree to disagree, what you are peddling is the mainstream cool aid.
And that is also not my problem, German laws clearly distinguish.
Van der Leyen Fan ?

"The whole discussion amuses me because people here are trying really hard to relativize and justify fictional rape and child porn."
You are pretty obviously caring otherwise you wouldn't post and I would assume your mild amusement is offense.
And the fact you are offended is doubly clear since you nudge a poland person to try to incriminate GoG for harmless fiction.
But hey I'm sure you don't care.

The actual discussion by now here is if fictional work can influence reality, which I deny so eh.
low rated
richlind33: So you're just like all the other shmucks that blame everything on somebody else, and have no compunction against making sweeping generalizations about people who are different.

Me, I just want GOG to be honest about what it's peddling.
Reaper9988: Adult Games ?
What do you have against calling rape porn, rape porn? Do you really think it's indistinguishable from adult content that doesn't depict rape?
low rated
bombardier: So you think that you will persuade people against me by mentioning that I don't find full anal penetration of prepubescent teen butt by a huge cock while she is thanking me acceptable in my video games?
Considering that countless games involve killing people by the hundreds is acceptable...It is hypocrisy to claim to be a moral person, when you willfully turn a blind eye to normalized killing.

All acts of fictional sex or violence should be permissible, as it would be strange to support the latter while decrying the former. Violence is an inherently evil act, and sex only becomes evil if forced.

Also, I should note: No one wants you to play perverse games. Play whatever it is you enjoy, and leave the lurid games to those who enjoy them. Puerile gamers have no interest in barring the content that you prefer, only asking to not be harassed.
low rated
bombardier: So you think that you will persuade people against me by mentioning that I don't find full anal penetration of prepubescent teen butt by a huge cock while she is thanking me acceptable in my video games?
Sabin_Stargem: Considering that countless games involve killing people by the hundreds is acceptable...[b]It is hypocrisy to claim to be a moral person, when you willfully turn a blind eye to normalized killing.

All acts of fictional sex or violence should be permissible, as it would be strange to support the latter while decrying the former. Violence is an inherently evil act, and sex only becomes evil if forced.

Also, I should note: No one wants you to play perverse games. Play whatever it is you enjoy, and leave the lurid games to those who enjoy them. Puerile gamers have no interest in barring the content that you prefer, only asking to not be harassed.
Wouldn't it be somewhat hypocritical for an amoralist to make that claim?
low rated
LootHunter: I will claim that difference is negligible. Both games have sex scenes and in both those scenes are just a small part of the player experience (at least that's my impression from the Detective Girl game page).

Btw, I was unable launch the smutr video - so I judge only by title picture.
richlind33: You're wrong, they're worlds apart. I'm amazed that anyone would have the audacity to publicly defend this
Defend what? Sex scenes or rape specifically? Are you sure that this scene in Detective Girl isn't "a bad ending"? If it wasn't rape, would you be okay with it?
low rated
Reaper9988: Wow that is Esotheric, we're getting way off topic here.
And I'll stick to evidence and numbers thanks, you can by the way easily convince me by getting supporting believable evidence to your claims.
Esotherics never do that, so eh I'ma go ahead and dismiss.

Adult Games ?
richlind33: So how reliable do you think human perception is? lol
At this point ? More reliable than your sanity I would think.

Frankly I don't care if you call it Rape porn, although in the thread we are in that is more than hilarious.
But then you need to call most action games Murder Simulators, it's fiction no one gets hurt in the process or while watching it willingly.
I'm just amazed how double morals work.
low rated
bombardier: So you think that you will persuade people against me by mentioning that I don't find full anal penetration of prepubescent teen butt by a huge cock while she is thanking me acceptable in my video games?
Sabin_Stargem: Considering that countless games involve killing people by the hundreds is acceptable...It is hypocrisy to claim to be a moral person, when you willfully turn a blind eye to normalized killing.

All acts of fictional sex or violence should be permissible, as it would be strange to support the latter while decrying the former. Violence is an inherently evil act, and sex only becomes evil if forced.

Also, I should note: No one wants you to play perverse games. Play whatever it is you enjoy, and leave the lurid games to those who enjoy them. Puerile gamers have no interest in barring the content that you prefer, only asking to not be harassed.
But this is not really about this now, is it?
If you haven't bothered to follow the discussion I will recap...

There are game companies that create a game that will pass the censorship barriers of the game store. Store managers are happy to let trojan horse into the store. Nothing special to see there. Just another raunchy anime game.
Later, patch is released that adds rape porn to game content. This content is not related to game. It is just gratuitous rape porn added to the game for the sake of rape porn.

This clandestine maneuvers sound more like arranged conspirancy to smuggle content that promotes rape into general store than it is publishing a porn game clearly advertised as such. The whole thing makes no sense whatsoever.

Your argument would be valid if Double Fine ever introduced a patch where you could gun down unarmed people in Psychonauts.
low rated
bombardier: So you think that you will persuade people against me by mentioning that I don't find full anal penetration of prepubescent teen butt by a huge cock while she is thanking me acceptable in my video games?
Sabin_Stargem: Considering that countless games involve killing people by the hundreds is acceptable...It is hypocrisy to claim to be a moral person, when you willfully turn a blind eye to normalized killing.

All acts of fictional sex or violence should be permissible, as it would be strange to support the latter while decrying the former. Violence is an inherently evil act, and sex only becomes evil if forced.

Also, I should note: No one wants you to play perverse games. Play whatever it is you enjoy, and leave the lurid games to those who enjoy them. Puerile gamers have no interest in barring the content that you prefer, only asking to not be harassed.
Err I like playing "perverse" games, I love Manhunt, Hatred, Postal, parts of Call of Duty, Executions in Gears, love them.
Blowing people into pulpy bits in the Soldier of Fortune series was awesome etc.
Even in streets of Rogue you can go on a wanton killing sprees for a Banana.
I'm just amazed that one or two (really harmless here) rape scenes get people on the barricades.
Humanity is weird
low rated
Sabin_Stargem: Considering that countless games involve killing people by the hundreds is acceptable...It is hypocrisy to claim to be a moral person, when you willfully turn a blind eye to normalized killing.

All acts of fictional sex or violence should be permissible, as it would be strange to support the latter while decrying the former. Violence is an inherently evil act, and sex only becomes evil if forced.

Also, I should note: No one wants you to play perverse games. Play whatever it is you enjoy, and leave the lurid games to those who enjoy them. Puerile gamers have no interest in barring the content that you prefer, only asking to not be harassed.
bombardier: But this is not really about this now, is it?
If you haven't bothered to follow the discussion I will recap...

There are game companies that create a game that will pass the censorship barriers of the game store. Store managers are happy to let trojan horse into the store. Nothing special to see there. Just another raunchy anime game.
Later, patch is released that adds rape porn to game content. This content is not related to game. It is just gratuitous rape porn added to the game for the sake of rape porn.

This clandestine maneuvers sound more like arranged conspirancy to smuggle content that promotes rape into general store than it is publishing a porn game clearly advertised as such. The whole thing makes no sense whatsoever.

Your argument would be valid if Double Fine ever introduced a patch where you could gun down unarmed people in Psychonauts.
You can piss on people and shoot unarmed people in Postal 2. You can also beat them to death and we sell that here.
low rated
richlind33: You're wrong, they're worlds apart. I'm amazed that anyone would have the audacity to publicly defend this
LootHunter: Defend what? Sex scenes or rape specifically? Are you sure that this scene in Detective Girl isn't "a bad ending"? If it wasn't rape, would you be okay with it?
Depictions of rape. They may be optional, but I don't care. There's numerous scenes, and the girl is portrayed as learning to like it and appreciate the power in it, which is also depraved, perhaps more so.

I think at minimum GOG must state on the store pages for these types of games that they include depictions of rape.
Sabin_Stargem: Considering that countless games involve killing people by the hundreds is acceptable...It is hypocrisy to claim to be a moral person, when you willfully turn a blind eye to normalized killing.

All acts of fictional sex or violence should be permissible, as it would be strange to support the latter while decrying the former. Violence is an inherently evil act, and sex only becomes evil if forced.

Also, I should note: No one wants you to play perverse games. Play whatever it is you enjoy, and leave the lurid games to those who enjoy them. Puerile gamers have no interest in barring the content that you prefer, only asking to not be harassed.
Reaper9988: Err I like playing "perverse" games, I love Manhunt, Hatred, Postal, parts of Call of Duty, Executions in Gears, love them.
Blowing people into pulpy bits in the Soldier of Fortune series was awesome etc.
Even in streets of Rogue you can go on a wanton killing sprees for a Banana.
I'm just amazed that one or two (really harmless here) rape scenes get people on the barricades.
Humanity is weird
If they are as harmless as you insist they are then GOG would have no problem with stating that they include depictions of rape. Nor would you.
richlind33: So how reliable do you think human perception is? lol
Reaper9988: At this point ? More reliable than your sanity I would think.

Frankly I don't care if you call it Rape porn, although in the thread we are in that is more than hilarious.
But then you need to call most action games Murder Simulators, it's fiction no one gets hurt in the process or while watching it willingly.
I'm just amazed how double morals work.
The dialog clearly states that the girl is being raped. How is that "hilarious"?
Post edited February 08, 2022 by richlind33
low rated
Reaper9988: We can agree to disagree, what you are peddling is the mainstream cool aid.
And that is also not my problem, German laws clearly distinguish.
Van der Leyen Fan ?

"The whole discussion amuses me because people here are trying really hard to relativize and justify fictional rape and child porn."
You are pretty obviously caring otherwise you wouldn't post and I would assume your mild amusement is offense.
And the fact you are offended is doubly clear since you nudge a poland person to try to incriminate GoG for harmless fiction.
But hey I'm sure you don't care.

The actual discussion by now here is if fictional work can influence reality, which I deny so eh.
I know exactly what you are trying to do here. Save your ad hominem arguments.

This thread is constantly getting bumped and has 10+ pages. Before I read this thread I looked at the game page and then I was wondering what is going on here. LOL.

Reaper9988: And that is also not my problem, German laws clearly distinguish.
This is not true. German laws don't distinguish between fictional and non-fictional rape and child porn. You also seem not to understand the current laws in Germany. I tried to find something which explains it better for you.

It is in German. In short: the German laws are very similar to the laws in Switzerland which I linked earlier in the thread.

"Ob es sich bei der Darstellung um ein Kind bzw. um Pornografie handelt, entscheidet sich danach, wie es auf einen objektiven Betrachter wirkt. Ist die Person z. B. in Wirklichkeit älter als 14, wirkt aber wie ein Kind, ist es dennoch strafbare Kinderpornographie.

Wichtig: Auch fiktive Darstellungen von Kindern genügen, wenn diese verbreitet werden; Es muss sich also noch nicht einmal um ein tatsächliches Geschehen handeln. Wer sich also einfach Kinderpornographie zeichnet oder seine Phantasien lediglich schriftlich zu Papier bringt macht sich ebenfalls strafbar."

"Handhabung in der Rechtspraxis

Besitzt eine Darstellung offenkundige Merkmale professionellen BDSM-Bild- oder Schrifttums, das mitunter sogar unter Umständen in den Grenzbereich zur erotischen Kunst fallen kann, so wird in der Rechtspraxis eine Einvernehmlichkeit der beteiligten Personen angenommen. Somit handelt es sich zwar eventuell um „harte Pornographie“, jedoch nicht um strafrechtlich relevantes Material, wie es etwa bei Kinderpornographie der Fall wäre. Ist diese Voraussetzung nicht gegeben, wird es äußerst schwierig werden, eine Einvernehmlichkeit nachzuweisen. Handelt es sich bei dem vorliegenden Material etwa um fiktive Literatur, und beschriebene Handlungen erfolgen nicht explizit einvernehmlich, liegt, auch wenn (da alle handelnden Figuren frei erfunden sind) niemand zu Schaden gekommen ist, um Gewaltpornographie."

Now, read again about the reasoning why these laws were changed in the past years. It has something to do with the work of the police against pedophiles using forums to share their thoughts and material.
Post edited February 08, 2022 by toma85
low rated
LootHunter: Defend what? Sex scenes or rape specifically? Are you sure that this scene in Detective Girl isn't "a bad ending"? If it wasn't rape, would you be okay with it?
richlind33: Depictions of rape. They may be optional, but I don't care. There's numerous scenes, and the girl is portrayed as learning to like it and appreciate the power in it, which is also depraved, perhaps more so.

I think at minimum GOG must state on the store pages for these types of games that they include depictions of rape.
Okay, I agree with the last part. Some heads-up about anti-straight bigotry in Dreamfall: Chapters would also be nice.

Still, you haven't answer the question - if sex scenes in Detective Girl diddn't include rape, would you still claim that it's a porn game, unlike Witcher, even for both games sex scenes are a small part of content and gameplay?
low rated
richlind33: Depictions of rape. They may be optional, but I don't care. There's numerous scenes, and the girl is portrayed as learning to like it and appreciate the power in it, which is also depraved, perhaps more so.

I think at minimum GOG must state on the store pages for these types of games that they include depictions of rape.
LootHunter: Okay, I agree with the last part. Some heads-up about anti-straight bigotry in Dreamfall: Chapters would also be nice.

Still, you haven't answer the question - if sex scenes in Detective Girl diddn't include rape, would you still claim that it's a porn game, unlike Witcher, even for both games sex scenes are a small part of content and gameplay?
He will never reply to that. Just like he has been avoiding any discussion regarding violence in videogames.
In the end what i see here is 1-2 ppl (and one persistant troll) who are delusional and thus incapable of distinguishing real persons from fictional and want to enforce their distorted worldview on others in the form of harassment.
low rated
richlind33: Depictions of rape. They may be optional, but I don't care. There's numerous scenes, and the girl is portrayed as learning to like it and appreciate the power in it, which is also depraved, perhaps more so.

I think at minimum GOG must state on the store pages for these types of games that they include depictions of rape.
LootHunter: Okay, I agree with the last part. Some heads-up about anti-straight bigotry in Dreamfall: Chapters would also be nice.

Still, you haven't answer the question - if sex scenes in Detective Girl diddn't include rape, would you still claim that it's a porn game, unlike Witcher, even for both games sex scenes are a small part of content and gameplay?
Porn in general has already been mainstreamed. I have mixed feelings about it but I'm not opposed to GOG selling it here if they're upfront about it. Witcher doesn't show actual sex, anything that does I would consider porn.
low rated
TheGrimLord: You can piss on people and shoot unarmed people in Postal 2. You can also beat them to death and we sell that here.
Postal is that from the start and is advertised as such. It didn't start as a Stardew Valley and got clandestinely patched to become Postal.

To tell you truth, now that I know the real story behind these games they are even more terrifying. Not in the state that games are terrifying, but in what kind of decisions humans need to make to come to the point where they need to lie about their product to get them to the store and later change it to something like this.

I work in security and I am really fascinated with such devious plans.
What I appreciate even more is that they managed to gather an army of followers that will see nothing problematic in such behavior and will do their bidding when covering for them.

Kind of like cult behavior. :)